Local 25 Teamsters borderline criminal act?

How do you feel about this situation?

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Well-Known Member

If you guys watch this video. Sheila shows her checks. She shows multiple weeks of her paying $32 week for the initiation fee. She shows the paperwork that she signed to agree to the payment plan. Then she shows her last check with a $490 deduction. It lines up exactly with what the OP said and all the others that posted saying they got fleeced. But hey screw her right? She's probably a supervisor in disguise!


Well-Known Member
That heavy handedness would never have happened in a RTW state..........Both ups and the teamster are parts of the same hypocrisy......ups should never have let this happen.....very very poor management on both ups and teamsters.....80/20 concept with ups 80% at fault

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
That heavy handedness would never have happened in a RTW state..........Both ups and the teamster are parts of the same hypocrisy......ups should never have let this happen.....very very poor management on both ups and teamsters.....80/20 concept with ups 80% at fault
How many temp seasonal employees would volunteer to join a Union for a minimum wage job with no benefits? The Union sets the initiation cost. UPS just follows the contract for withholding Union money from paychecks. 100% Local 25 at fault.


Retired 23 years
How many temp seasonal employees would volunteer to join a Union for a minimum wage job with no benefits? The Union sets the initiation cost. UPS just follows the contract for withholding Union money from paychecks. 100% Local 25 at fault.
I actually agree with you (there is a first time for everything). :-)


Well-Known Member
I see your point...I dont see why people are taken advantage of because they have no voice...thats bullying......collectively the union and ups have to step up and apologize ...I am surprised the union has language in their rules that allowed this to happen...was their ever an official communication from the union addressing this situation ?......perhaps a statement ?.......


Well-Known Member
The only joke is.... UPS laughing all the way to the bank.... at your expense.

Maybe the members will wake up some day.

I'm still hopeful.
Now there is something we can agree on. Unfortunately- it's never going to happen. The union does its best to keep the members out of things and the majority gladly oblige. Oh well. Also- UPS sends a bunch of money to my bank each week. I hope they laugh when it gets deposited. I certainly smile. Lol.


Well-Known Member
I see your point...I dont see why people are taken advantage of because they have no voice...thats bullying......collectively the union and ups have to step up and apologize ...I am surprised the union has language in their rules that allowed this to happen...was their ever an official communication from the union addressing this situation ?......perhaps a statement ?.......

The local's statement was, "No comment."

The company did screw up. My tone has only changed because we are still talking about something from 2 years ago.

People are still talking about this because how unbelievably outrageous it was. This is the kind of scam that gets talked about for decades. The lack of remorse, empathy and basic human compassion displayed by some in this thread is just insane.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha. You people want our union to fail? Vote Sean and Fred in to International. If you do vote them in all I ask is after they are I for a year come back and read mine and several others warnings. Buyer beware


Well-Known Member
I've read through this entire thread. Can someone clear this up?

According to a few members of local 25. The company shafted the new hires and seasonals.

If that is correct how come local 25 didn't file grievances for the new hires? If the company really shafted them grievances should have been filed. Penalty pay should have been awarded. How come this wasn't done?

NLRB charges were filed against local 25. NLRB charges weren't filed against UPS? How come the charges were filed against 25?

Dozens of new hires walked off the job that day. But local 25 made zero effort to return the money to those people? WHY Not? Its their money. They earned it? Shouldn't they receive it?

That single mother that was crying on the local news. Is local 25's official stance that she's a liar? Did she lie about the local refusing to help her? If her story is inaccurate can someone from 25 clear it up? How come the local thought it was okay to shaft her?

Can someone explain this to me? Because I have never seen a local behave like this before. It truly it's shocking.

These are extremely simple questions that have been asked repeatedly in this thread. Nobody has been willing to answer them. Why not?

Still waiting....