Local 2727 UPDATE

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His repairs on the 747s are overseen by the FAA, I am sure the repairs and sign offs are all correct. There is a whole department on paperwork and another whole department on FAA oversight. You forget we are all certified by the FAA to repair each and every aircraft owned and opereated by UPS. Now the overseas workers are the ones I am scared of, you should read some of their sign offs. As for the documents on the aircraft, we have a GMM that covers shortcuts in wording and terms (like texting sort of) . I do not see very many post on BC that are speel ckeededed and I do not care, what we understand is that in 2013 you will be asked to take a paycut and pay 162 a month for health care. No matter how you spell it, it is a PAYCUT. You laugh at us with a 4 year expired contract and take the company's side but wait till 2013 and you will see how it feels to bust you :censored2: and make service and money, then are asked to continue to work more and then pay UPS for you commitment to service. I will not ridicule you in 2013 but WE WILL stand by you again on the strike lines around the USA.
Until I read your 'edit' post I wasn't sure who you were talking to. I do now.

First off, 747 asked so I told him. It had nothing to do with you. I have had the opportunity recently to learn a little about the airline side of OUR business. It has been very interesting to say the least.

Second, I have NEVER EVER laughed at your lack of a contract. I have posted very few times in this thread. If I have laughed at your lack of a contract, I'm sure you will have no problem finding it. As far as our contract, nothing is written in stone. The odds are good but, "it ain't over til it's over".

Third, if my local tells me we are striking then that is exactly what I will do. I have no issue with supporting my brothers and sisters. No matter what their job title is or their level of education.
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Well-Known Member
Thank Dilligaf for your support. Remember this fight has more to do with UPS setting the stage to gut your contract in 2013. Has DOL's gone into hiding after his 705red beatdown?


Thank Dilligaf for your support. Remember this fight has more to do with UPS setting the stage to gut your contract in 2013. Has DOL's gone into hiding after his 705red beatdown?

What DOL is doing is for DOL to discuss. Not me!


Well-Known Member

Just for the record, from the front page, it looks like Scott's raise in 2009 was 6.2%. That was about 6.2% more than I got but quite a bit less than the 675% you were demanding us to deny.

Last edited by airbusfxr; 10-09-2009 at 09:33 PM. Reason: Does any managers question the 675% raise? Heck do any low level sups question the 675% raise?



Well-Known Member
PEmgr, you cannot be that much of an idiot to not know his 2006-7-8 compensation package. I dont care what he makes, I bet you do because you took a pay cut to make sure he and the grade 20s got theirs. Go back to your PE forum and try to stir up some other group, you are barking up the wrong tree on the airline board.


Well-Known Member
Company going to come back to table and offer us a 3 percent pay raise and retro but we need to pay health care. then they can go after the healthcare from our teamster brothers and sisters. not saying gonna happen next week, when we go back to table, or next month. will be before peak. warden wasn't happy with last november. next year it will be september, october, november. not december we dont want to lose customers. and hate to say it but will probably get the 51% their looking for. warden can brag he gave us a cost of living raise and money we already made but he got the health care. Hope i'm wrong but just my opinion...ps everyone read that letter from retired ups manager he sent to scott davis? wow.


Well-Known Member
Are you serious? That sounds like the same offer they already were trying to bamboozle us with?

Which letter are you talking about?


Well-Known Member
sorry. let me clarify. 3% in 2006, 3% in 2007, 3% in 2008, 3% in 2009. 20 grand retro check and were making 8 grand more a year right now. they want 2 grand a year in health care. were still up 6 grand a year. that's what will pass by 51%. hope not.


Well-Known Member
Dear Scott.

My name is Tom ***. and I'm a management retiree from the old North New England District. I started my career as a driver in the old Massachusetts District and went into management in 1979 as a supervisor and retired as a Division Manager in 2005.

There were three things that I really admired UPS for while I worked there; the first being it was a company that had integrity, second was that we promoted from within and thirdly the partnership concept it operated under. Today two of those concepts or values no longer exist. Jim Casey would roll over in his grave seeing how the company has changed since the IPO in 1999. The partnership concept has vanished and the integrity of the company is in doubt, if not gone. In 1999 we had a sham, (I say sham because the company held the controlling shares)
to see if the share holders wanted to go public. At that time I voted against it because I felt it would change the company and it has. As you know the stock opened at $65 and has done very little in ten plus years. Fedex has far out performed us in that time frame. I was lucky and sold most of my shares when the stock was in the 80's.

Since I've been retired I still keep in touch with friends that I had in management and I'm sorry to say that not one of them is happy with the direction of the company. They feel there is no partnership concept, nor loyalty. They feel over worked and under paid and the saddest thing of all is that they feel threatened every day. Call it management by intimidation. Each and every one of my former colleagues all said they would leave this company if they could find a job that would support their families. I can assure you that that did not exist before the
IPO. UPS is definitely a different company than Jim Casey in-visioned, or wanted.

It appears to be all about money now! Mike left the company making about $1.5 Million and since you've become CEO and Chairman how much has your salary grown in your short tenure? I think you know the answer to that question. You gave yourself a pay raise as well as raises to Grade 20 and higher in a time that you froze salaries and contributions to the 401K. The folks that make the company productive with their hard work and sweat despise you for that. Let me say that again, despise you. You are so out of touch with reality in the lower ranks of management. As they say, you're an outsider that only wants to line your pockets with Brown's Gold. You're off to a great start and your compensation certainly supports that.

The real reason for my email is to tell you how sad and sickened I am about the
furloughing of three hundred pilots, one of which is my son. His blood used to be a brown as mine. That is no longer true. Furloughing pilots after stating the 4Th Qtr results and you stating that we have more cash than we know what to do with is a farce. The IPA came up with the MOU and in my opinion was a great effort on their part. Yes, they fell short, but they would have eventually come up with the rest of the cost savings through voluntary efforts and or early buyouts for the more senior crew members. In my opinion the real reason for the furlough is not money, it's about power, control and contract concessions. The company never had any intention of accepting the MOU from day one. It was a cowardly tactic to gauge the pilot group to see how unified they were and if you could pit senior against junior. There's where I have a problem, it's called integrity. You didn't bargain in good faith!!
Quite frankly I think you folks shot yourself in the foot. You are dealing with a very unified group of folks that realize your MO and will not give a dime back to the company even if it means the remaining pilots taking care of the furloughed pilots at some point down the road. The thing that is really going to suffer is SERVICE. I know you are fairly new to UPS, but that's the reason the company has survived for 102 years. YOU CAN NOT PLACE A VALUE ON SERVICE. You have now placed that in jeopardy, at least as far as the air products are concerned.

I was once as brown- blooded as you can be, but in the last ten years it has turned back to red. No, maybe a little PURPLE and I never thought I would root for the competition. I'm ashamed of the company I once knew. I personally don't think the company has a bright future. The people below you make you successful, not the ones at the top. I'm here to
tell you have a very disgruntled manage force steering this Titanic. Unhappy people do not go above and beyond, happy people do!

I wish you luck.

Thomas ****
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Well-Known Member
That is quite a revealing letter. I agree and see a lot of what he is saying. UPS acts like a bankrupt company trying to cutback and raise cash when in reality they are only trying to create more cash for stockholders and upper management. Of course they are using the bad economy as an excuse for all of this and even though we are all hurting too we are supposed to be the ones who pay for it.

It is all about greed and power. Unfortunately it is not just UPS doing this but many other companies. These top management are known as "Fat Cats" and they go from company to company send work overseas.........layoff American workers and gradually destroy the company.

This in turn gives the stockholder alittle extra money while the upper management retires with an enormous amount of cash.
So it seems like UPS is just following what a lot of companies are doing in this country. I fear for our children and their children........what will they have left?


Well-Known Member
That is quite a revealing letter. I agree and see a lot of what he is saying. UPS acts like a bankrupt company trying to cutback and raise cash when in reality they are only trying to create more cash for stockholders and upper management. Of course they are using the bad economy as an excuse for all of this and even though we are all hurting too we are supposed to be the ones who pay for it.

It is all about greed and power. Unfortunately it is not just UPS doing this but many other companies. These top management are known as "Fat Cats" and they go from company to company send work overseas.........layoff American workers and gradually destroy the company.

This in turn gives the stockholder alittle extra money while the upper management retires with an enormous amount of cash.
So it seems like UPS is just following what a lot of companies are doing in this country. I fear for our children and their children........what will they have left?

The rate it's going, they will need to start hiring soon. SDF will make a very nice FED-EX hub. From Brown to Purple, almost overnight.


Well-Known Member
UPSSUCKS, wheres your rebuttle to the letter to your BFF davis. Oh you took a pay cut to pay him, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.


Long Time Member
I've been around for a while and not posted much, but why do you feel that you are entitled to so much when there are people getting laid off and separated? I have wanted to post something here for quite a while, but this seems to be a very hostile thread. Don't jump down my throat if I ask a question, but I'm curious about your logic and why demanding so much makes sense?


Well-Known Member
Us "Quality People" are standing at the door ready to come in and work for a living. I hate to replace someone, but I need a job and I have some bills to pay. I also have a mechanic's license and can turn airplanes.

I love it when scabs come out of the woodwork and start circling! If there was any "Quality" to your being you would be working instead of waiting to scab on other peoples job!


Long Time Member
I love it when scabs come out of the woodwork and start circling! If there was any "Quality" to your being you would be working instead of waiting to scab on other peoples job!

You make my point:
. Jump down my throat
. Hostile Thread
. No answer to my question

Thanks for being so friendly!!


Well-Known Member
I stuck my 2 cents in here and I saw the response that I knew that I would see.

My very objective opinion:

You have a good POV and they do NOT present an argument other than what Scott Davis Makes as the CEO.
I got called a Scab and that's OK. I will turn flights for UPS for less than $43. I don't want to, but I will as I need a job. My Wife and Kids need an income. I'm ready to work and UPS will like my skills.

We all have families to feed, and the vast majority of "Quality" people do so honorably. You chose to feed your family at the expense of others....thats a scab. BTW if you had any real skills to offer UPS you would be working now...not trying to backdoor real working men and women.


Long Time Member
We all have families to feed, and the vast majority of "Quality" people do so honorably. You chose to feed your family at the expense of others....thats a scab. BTW if you had any real skills to offer UPS you would be working now...not trying to backdoor real working men and women.

It's me or you and at the end of the day it's going to be ME!
Call me a scab and I can call you another name, but I am better than that!
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