Local 952 Is In Big Trouble!

I respect that. We as members should speak out, but with an audience of around 15 members at every membership meeting you think that would do any good? What some people here fail to say is that our membership meetings are a joke! The only time we have a packed house is at Christmas time when the local gives out gift cards or some other gifts to all the members.
we have about 100 members at our meetings. 80 in a snow storm. I think your weather her is to good to attend a meeting.

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
Everything you post, is innuendo.

If you have actual facts.... lets see the proof.

You sound like some (ugly) chick that got dumped by her boyfriend.

Everyone talks about "proof"
What exactly do you mean by proof? You honestly think all this is made up! Why do you think LB and his buddies are trying so hard to dispel my postings? What kind of proof would i have to back up my claim that the BA was in with the company to stage a physical assault by a manager on a steward so that he could get terminated? If i had affidavits from the managers those BA's would be fired! No?
So all you have is what i am posting, You could believe it or not! But all these will come to the surface eventually.
I know for a fact the reasons they DQ some UPS'rs from full time driving spots was because of the BA's. Now there lies the "proof" dilemma.
Everyone talks about "proof"
What exactly do you mean by proof? You honestly think all this is made up! Why do you think LB and his buddies are trying so hard to dispel my postings? What kind of proof would i have to back up my claim that the BA was in with the company to stage a physical assault by a manager on a steward so that he could get terminated? If i had affidavits from the managers those BA's would be fired! No?
So all you have is what i am posting, You could believe it or not! But all these will come to the surface eventually.
I know for a fact the reasons they DQ some UPS'rs from full time driving spots was because of the BA's. Now there lies the "proof" dilemma.
What's your name? Who do you work for?


Got the T-Shirt
Everyone talks about "proof"
What exactly do you mean by proof? You honestly think all this is made up! Why do you think LB and his buddies are trying so hard to dispel my postings? What kind of proof would i have to back up my claim that the BA was in with the company to stage a physical assault by a manager on a steward so that he could get terminated? If i had affidavits from the managers those BA's would be fired! No?
So all you have is what i am posting, You could believe it or not! But all these will come to the surface eventually.
I know for a fact the reasons they DQ some UPS'rs from full time driving spots was because of the BA's. Now there lies the "proof" dilemma.

You are "full of it".

Everything you say.... is unsubstantiated nonsense.

Business agents all have local credit cards, they all over spend on what ever they want

Making statements like this....

Tells me, you have no clue.


The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
You're the one, talking smack.

The burden of proof.... is on you.

I'm posting my concerns about my local, providing proof in a public forum would put me in some sort of liability wouldn't you think?
Your trying to discredit my posting by asking for proof, you must really think this is amateur hour.

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
No that i care ?

Your posts are amateurish.

Judging by the fact.... you barely have a grasp of the english language. :biggrin:

When a respondent only has a (type-o) point out as a comeback then i know he really doesn't have much to say.
He searches my entire post in hopes of finding a missing letter or misspelled word to point out that i'm only human and humans do make typographical errors.
Thats pretty "BIG" of you -bug-


Got the T-Shirt
When a respondent only has a (type-o) point out as a comeback then i know he really doesn't have much to say.
He searches my entire post in hopes of finding a missing letter or misspelled word to point out that i'm only human and humans do make typographical errors.
Thats pretty "BIG" of you -bug-


When you can miss something, as simple as that, what else are you missing ?

Besides, a few brain cells. :biggrin:



I started this.
Staff member
So let me get this straight, because i don't want people to think i'm violating the TOS.
I can name any elected union official (i.e.) Patrick, Grant, and im not in violation right? But if they are Brown Cafe members it will not be allowed, so my question is how do i know if Patrick or Grant or any other E-Board member of my local are members of BC?
No, that's not correct. No posting of any full names unless they are well known public figures. I have no idea who the names you posted belong to, never heard of them. Since I don't recognize them I assume they are private people that would not like to have their personally identifiable information posted here, especially in the way snarky way some of you are posting.

When members register they agree to our terms and rules which say:

You are responsible for protecting your own privacy and respecting the privacy of others. This means no posting of your own or any other person's full name, photos, email addresses, work or home locations, job titles, phone numbers, addresses, Social Security numbers, or any other personally identifiable or private information. This also means your full name cannot be used as your username or posted anywhere on our site.

The Silent Bang

Well-Known Member
Oh by no means am i claiming to be a Rhodes Scholar.
I'm just a High school graduate with no degree under my belt.
And yeah those brain cell were lost during my "get high" episodes in high school.

But i'm getting the sense that you think of yourself as "educated" since your pointing out the fact that i missed the "T" in not.


Well-Known Member
Everyone talks about "proof"
What exactly do you mean by proof? You honestly think all this is made up! Why do you think LB and his buddies are trying so hard to dispel my postings? What kind of proof would i have to back up my claim that the BA was in with the company to stage a physical assault by a manager on a steward so that he could get terminated? If i had affidavits from the managers those BA's would be fired! No?
So all you have is what i am posting, You could believe it or not! But all these will come to the surface eventually.
I know for a fact the reasons they DQ some UPS'rs from full time driving spots was because of the BA's. Now there lies the "proof" dilemma.

Grant M has bragged to other BAs about settings up opponents with management. The entire JC knows about it. But this goes on at every local in the country not just JC 42.