What you are describing has nothing to do with dishonesty, article 12, or gps. It just makes it easier to have another driver do a bunch of your route.
Your WOR will show the stops you delivered and the miles you drove, it won't care what was delivered by someone else, so it won't effect your numbers.
As soon as they sent a driver with your route downloaded to his board to take work off you management abandoned any chance to hold you accountable for any of those packages as they cannot substantiate who wound up with them. Score for you from an accountability standpoint.
Likewise, telematics and ORION will most likely be confused by the situation and provide unreliable results for the day. Again, score for you.
Now, everything I just said is based on this other driver signed into his own board just with your route downloaded into it. If he was signed into a board under your employee ID, well that's a whole different thing...