Management found a new loophole..


nowhere special
Not to add to the tangent scenario I threw into this thread, but......
When my scenario is in play the safety committee driver or shuttle driver is instructed to not input a car number into the Diad. With one name in two boards, the center would be hit with a lot of bulk head events and recording in travel/while idling. Lol.
Doesn't that already happen with helper boards? And is expected so ignored?
Not to add to the tangent scenario I threw into this thread, but......
When my scenario is in play the safety committee driver or shuttle driver is instructed to not input a car number into the Diad. With one name in two boards, the center would be hit with a lot of bulk head events and recording in travel/while idling. Lol.
It has to be scanned, not key entered to set off telematics

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
So if a supervisor told me to take home an unlabeled package containing a cellphone, and I did it your contention that I have no culpability when Loss Prevention gets wise???

Also, what happens when the second undocumented driver takes out a mailbox without reporting it, and is subsequently called in by the home owner???

In my experience ups Loss prevention would fire both the driver and supervisor if they found out about it. Assuming they could build the case. So yes you would be held responsible.

Idk what would happen to the undocumented driver. In your scenario when you merge timecards you should be able to see the pm timecards in dcs reports that would tell you who drove it according to the diad information. So the driver who was using that package car would be fired for not reporting. Then they’d get their job back cause teamsters never do anything wrong. It was an honest mistake.. boys will be boys. Let the man play!


Well-Known Member
No driver with half a brain follows that progression???

....much as a driver's customers perspective isn't that it is actually "my truck", or "my packages".

So, as much as it isn't my place to give away a TV from the back of my truck, it's still also not "your house or your TV" to give away....because at the end of the day all parties should know that it isn't right.

OK, sure???

I won't pretend to understand your management bonus systems, and from the threads in the "UPS Partners Forum", neither do you guys.

But one thing I know for sure is that all of these variables that are in play when management gets "creative" with delivery records, or out in out falsifies them (without being caught), certainly improves their position on the "Balanced Scorecard".

Distinguish yourself and/or Center Team on the "Balanced Scorecard"....and you put yourself in line for promotion, and double the MIP when you move up a level.

I understand enough to know that it isn't "your house" and combining delivery records from two different drivers into one, is dishonest and designed to further your desire to fulfill the honestly unattainable metrics, for your own personal gain.

Did you lose sight of the fact that the TV was an analogy for a few bucks if bonus pay? The money the company pays to drivers absolutely belongs to the company as the TV in my analogy belongs to the homeowner. Management is tasked with decisions every day on how to spend that money. If I take an insider with me to make service on some left in building air, then fold those stops into the drivers card whose route they should have been on and he gets a small bonus bump for it, I've made a decision to make service, keep reports as honest as I can, and adhere to the intent of the contract by not taking work from union employees. My bosses understand what I've done, so I'm not trying to hide anything. In the process, I've spent some of the company's payroll money (given away TV's as it were) as management is often talked with deciding how to do.
I have no illusions that management does not do this sometimes in dishonest efforts to hide shortcomings in their operation. My point is not every Timecard edit or merge is a dishonest act as you seem to want to believe.

Frankie's Friend

In my experience ups Loss prevention would fire both the driver and supervisor if they found out about it. Assuming they could build the case. So yes you would be held responsible.

Idk what would happen to the undocumented driver. In your scenario when you merge timecards you should be able to see the pm timecards in dcs reports that would tell you who drove it according to the diad information. So the driver who was using that package car would be fired for not reporting. Then they’d get their job back cause teamsters never do anything wrong. It was an honest mistake.. boys will be boys. Let the man play!
Unless there's an accident involving the ghost driver and the DOT/PUCO gets involved.


nowhere special
Last time I keyed entered it, it said I didn't show up on Telematics.
I think it shows up on another report if you key it in manually instead of scanning but will still link your truck to telematics. I had to enter mine manually for months when the shop couldn't print a bar code for my truck and that's what happened then.


Well-Known Member
Last time I keyed entered it, it said I didn't show up on Telematics.

Might have changed something. I know there were times I had to type in the car# and still showed up on telematics the next day.

Maybe I just typed it in properly . :raspberry:

Point being, I would not type in the number and rely on that to stay off the telematics reports while running the route with say the bulkhead open...

RolloTony Brown Town

Well-Known Member
Unless there's an accident involving the ghost driver and the DOT/PUCO gets involved.

Then the driver gets fired, supervisor gets fired, manager may lose their MIP reward?

I think I’m just gonna start fudging numbers so people leave me alone. You delivered 150 stops todayyyyyy....

On chsp’s clock lol


Stronger, Faster, Browner
Seems like a lot of you don't understand the OP's concern. It's simple really. All the packages are set to his route, his truck. Unless he scans and Xfers the packages to the helpers board, there's no way of proving what packages are now under the helper. The helper might have a duplicate diad but thats not proof of what he has. The only verification afterwards is when the helper scans and attempts the package. Lets say that he gave 20 stops with 28 parcels to the helper. The helper delivers the 20 stops but only scanned 27 pieces. Maybe he missed a scan, maybe he lost the package off the dash going around a turn fast, maybe the guy stole it. What proof is there that original driver even gave it to the helper. Unless it's Xferd via diad to diad, it still will show all packages to the original drivers truck. It's only cleared out and registered to the helper once the helper scans the package. The OP has a legitimate concern here.


My Senior Picture
Seems like a lot of you don't understand the OP's concern. It's simple really. All the packages are set to his route, his truck. Unless he scans and Xfers the packages to the helpers board, there's no way of proving what packages are now under the helper. The helper might have a duplicate diad but thats not proof of what he has. The only verification afterwards is when the helper scans and attempts the package. Lets say that he gave 20 stops with 28 parcels to the helper. The helper delivers the 20 stops but only scanned 27 pieces. Maybe he missed a scan, maybe he lost the package off the dash going around a turn fast, maybe the guy stole it. What proof is there that original driver even gave it to the helper. Unless it's Xferd via diad to diad, it still will show all packages to the original drivers truck. It's only cleared out and registered to the helper once the helper scans the package. The OP has a legitimate concern here.
No, we understand, but as most threads do over 170 posts, they go off on tangents.

I don't blame you if you don't want to go back and catch up.

Frankie's Friend

The pkgs do not belong to ups. They belong to the shipper. Get a grip. His bid described area is his area. Seniority has to mean something today.

If I read this right (139 posts ago) the dude was wondering if there was a a pkg not sheeted and stolen, rolled, or stolen out of if it could possibly come back on him since it was still in his edd, not transferred.

Transferring and counting the pkgs transferred afterwards in this day and age is good insurance for the original driver and the second driver as well.

No one likes to be accused of dishonesty if they are honest and that's a virtue in short supply today.

I believe the concern was a rolled package being blamed on the bid driver if I understood the situation correctly.

Nothing more nothing less.

Seems like a lot of you don't understand the OP's concern. It's simple really. All the packages are set to his route, his truck. Unless he scans and Xfers the packages to the helpers board, there's no way of proving what packages are now under the helper. The helper might have a duplicate diad but thats not proof of what he has. The only verification afterwards is when the helper scans and attempts the package. Lets say that he gave 20 stops with 28 parcels to the helper. The helper delivers the 20 stops but only scanned 27 pieces. Maybe he missed a scan, maybe he lost the package off the dash going around a turn fast, maybe the guy stole it. What proof is there that original driver even gave it to the helper. Unless it's Xferd via diad to diad, it still will show all packages to the original drivers truck. It's only cleared out and registered to the helper once the helper scans the package. The OP has a legitimate concern here.
Anyone else want to jump on?

Frankie's Friend

I can't post in these threads because I can't filter out repetitive arguments nor do I want to begin blocking and ignoring my way around them.
Post what you want. There are no rules on opinions here.
I was just trying to be humorous.