Well-Known Member
Irrelevant....besides age is just a number.Diesel, do you mind if I ask how old you are? No agenda, just curious. If you would rather not say, I understand.

Diesel youre just mad because you know this pick will put the GOP a good possibility of winning, theres no other reason for it.
Wishful thinking.....not mad at all....but feel sorry for Sarah Palin, who's name and family unfortunately will be drag thru the dirt such as Obama and family has.

this ticket hasnt played the religion card or the moral high ground card.Because thats not what this election is about
Please....since day one, attacking Obama's character, wife, family, race, religion was all this election was about, and still is...in soundbytes

D, conservative people dont own the moral high ground. Libs use this excuse because they have no boundaries. Whatever anyone wants is ok as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else right? Well some set standards and those standards dont always get met.... welcome to the human race. We all make mistakes. That's easy for some to see, but secularists use it to call others hypocritical.
Without getting into my religious beliefs Tourists, who are you or I to judge what the standards are, and who's to say "secularist" don't have standards as well? The religious right? The standards of yesteryear don't always apply to today. How about when they told Elvis he's not allowed to shake his hips, or you can't play rock-n-roll.
And it wouldn't be such a big deal except when you run on the platform that Republican/conservatives own the moral highground
Oh...did I mention her husband's DUI conviction in 1986.
Was that the same year George W got a DUI and the same year Clinton didn't inhale? No the same year Clinton didn't have sexual relations with that woman Flowers and Jones?
Glad you feel that way.....maybe you can write to your RNC and the Evangelical wing and tone down the moral highground rhetoric. The Dem's, Independents and Libertarians don't push those claims or judgements onto others.

I think the reaction, by libs, to the naming of Palin is very telling. They know McCain hit a home run and their panic is evident. I have never seen such a concerted effort to discredit someone who (they would like us to believe) is no threat to them. If McCain blew it, move on. Forget about her. Plan your inaguration. He he he, but you know, and I know, that ain't the case.![]()
You have every right to feel that way, it's just you portray it as fact when you know it's an opinon. They are many opinions formed on all sides. I just didn't realize you spoke for the entire "Libs" population. My reaction to McCain's VP chioce only strenghten my confidence in a Obama victory come Nov. I would have been more concerned if John picked Romney or Guliani truthfully....but that's just IMO

Excellent! It's hard to fall short of your standard when you have no standard.
Great....do you think we should invade countries with lower standards than us

my my diesels posts are so angry lately.Diesel are you ok. We expect love and understanding from the liberals. this new mean side just does not fit you.
I didn't realize anger spewed from my replies Tie, thx for keeping me in check...BTW..Notice the smiley faces on my recent replies