I do believe the congress and senate have been in democratic control for the last 3 years. The ineffectiveness is on both sides of the aisle,
Agree, evil monkey in Chris's closet
but while Mrs. Palin and Mr. McCain have been serving their constiquecy, and atleast governing,
("constiquecy"), Are you trying to say "constituency".
Has John McCain ever Governed?
Mrs Palin, a year and a half on a national scale.....oooo..my gold fish is older than that..lol
the golden boy of the democrats Mr. Obama has been trying to play president for the last 18 months... Imagine how much change he could have done if he had been doing his job and served his constiquecy?
Aren't all the canidates "playing president" by campaigning for the last year and a half. Or are you just jealous that Obama is getting the most receptive attention here and abroad.
Obamas plans and thoughts are designed to dazel, not a whole lot of substance just designed to AH just like his speaches,
Go to his website and read....plenty of substance , you may just disagree like most riecht(rt) wingers
the dems say Palin doesn't have the expierence, does Obama? As a govenor you deal with about 90% of the things president does, health care, taxes, budgets, public programs, dealing with the house and senate, appointing cabinet positions and commissionsers. When Palin took office she got rid of everyone that had worked for the prior administration, and started anew. Since then the state is doing great, people are happy, life is good.
Don't you think within the whole GOP there are more qualified canidates...even within the ranks of more experienced GOP women. You must not think highly within your own ranks.
Also, your logic suggests that only Governers are the only candidates qualified to be president. No less, governers who haven't even completed a full term...lol
And maybe you should take into account the miniscule population base of Mrs Palin extensive career long experience, not to mentioned her extent of foreign experience was to hunt moose in Canada... hay.
McCain doesn't have executive expierence either but he has 20+ years in the military where he would deal with many of the executive issues and about 25 years as a US senator. Mr. Obama has 3 years as a non-serving US senator and I believe 8 years in the state senate of Illinios, wheres the expierence at? wheres the knowledge at? who can actually make a change and not paint a pretty, and unatainable picture?
The McCain of 2000, would not vote for the McCain of 2008. Has experience flown it's course in the last eight years, or has it crashed landed and been held captive by seriously bad judgement and falsehoods.