McCain and Palin


Well-Known Member
the pregnacies would have overlapped by a month, so yea good job trying to grasp for straws crazy liberal :peaceful:

so is she really 5 months pregnant or only 3 1/2?

We'll all have to watch the calender won't we.

I feel bad for the father. All he wanted was some poon, and now because of the media attention he's going to be pressured into a shotgun wedding!


so is she really 5 months pregnant or only 3 1/2?

We'll all have to watch the calender won't we.

I feel bad for the father. All he wanted was some poon, and now because of the media attention he's going to be pressured into a shotgun wedding!

True I feel it a bit of a stretch to lie about a pregnancy, because eventually youll find out when they gave birth.....

very true, i mean 17 for the daughter we dont know how old the father is but all the same not an ideal or good situation


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
True it is not ideal.
Many women who have children when they are too young, and have family support, make wonderful parents. Yes they grow up fast.
The mistake was having sex when not ready. Not having the child they conceived. Abortion is not my one issue. I just say that since it happened, she is doing what is right, having the child. Its right for her. I cant condemn that.
The rest if true, is totally another deal. Knowing when she took the nomination, and McCain knowing it too, well it just goes to show in my opinion that a real person is running. With all her flaws, or her families if you look at it that way for all to see.
I have never had a daughter. But my parents did. And family support is everything.
For anyone who has ever been 17, and knew it all, did you do everything your parents taught you? Or listen to all they told you not to do?


Well-Known Member
I am curious to know how old the father of the baby is. I am sure as this unfolds more, we will get his name and age. My only concern is if he is 18 or older statutory rape has beeen committed and that is a whole other can of worms.
If she were my daughter and I am pro-choice, she would have the baby and put up for adoption. Why would anyone want their 17 year old daughter married?


I am curious to know how old the father of the baby is. I am sure as this unfolds more, we will get his name and age. My only concern is if he is 18 or older statutory rape has beeen committed and that is a whole other can of worms.
If she were my daughter and I am pro-choice, she would have the baby and put up for adoption. Why would anyone want their 17 year old daughter married?

In AK the age of consent is 16, and 3 years. so the father would have to be 21+ for it to be statutory....and if he is older, Palin had her brother in law investigated for threatening to kill her sister, imagine what shed do to the man that seeded her daughters field


golden ticket member
You know, who in your own or extended family, has not dealt with teen pregnancy??

I really think it's a private family matter and that kids of candidates are off limits.

Can you even imagine how a teenage girl feels having this problem aired globally??

Shame on anyone who makes this a campaign issue.:sad-little:


Well-Known Member
I do believe the congress and senate have been in democratic control for the last 3 years. The ineffectiveness is on both sides of the aisle,
Agree, evil monkey in Chris's closet

but while Mrs. Palin and Mr. McCain have been serving their constiquecy, and atleast governing,

("constiquecy"), Are you trying to say "constituency".
Has John McCain ever Governed?
Mrs Palin, a year and a half on a national gold fish is older than

the golden boy of the democrats Mr. Obama has been trying to play president for the last 18 months... Imagine how much change he could have done if he had been doing his job and served his constiquecy?

Aren't all the canidates "playing president" by campaigning for the last year and a half. Or are you just jealous that Obama is getting the most receptive attention here and abroad.

Obamas plans and thoughts are designed to dazel, not a whole lot of substance just designed to AH just like his speaches,

Go to his website and read....plenty of substance , you may just disagree like most riecht(rt) wingers

the dems say Palin doesn't have the expierence, does Obama? As a govenor you deal with about 90% of the things president does, health care, taxes, budgets, public programs, dealing with the house and senate, appointing cabinet positions and commissionsers. When Palin took office she got rid of everyone that had worked for the prior administration, and started anew. Since then the state is doing great, people are happy, life is good.

Don't you think within the whole GOP there are more qualified canidates...even within the ranks of more experienced GOP women. You must not think highly within your own ranks.
Also, your logic suggests that only Governers are the only candidates qualified to be president. No less, governers who haven't even completed a full
And maybe you should take into account the miniscule population base of Mrs Palin extensive career long experience, not to mentioned her extent of foreign experience was to hunt moose in Canada... hay.

McCain doesn't have executive expierence either but he has 20+ years in the military where he would deal with many of the executive issues and about 25 years as a US senator. Mr. Obama has 3 years as a non-serving US senator and I believe 8 years in the state senate of Illinios, wheres the expierence at? wheres the knowledge at? who can actually make a change and not paint a pretty, and unatainable picture?

The McCain of 2000, would not vote for the McCain of 2008. Has experience flown it's course in the last eight years, or has it crashed landed and been held captive by seriously bad judgement and falsehoods.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was impressed with Obamas view on the pregnancy issue.
3 stars, off limits.
Not enough to vote for him, but impressed.


Well-Known Member
here we go again we go again with the most qualified bit.... McCain chose who he wanted, plain and simple. Dems did the same thing when they chose Obama. You saying he's the most qualified? He was the most energetic and charismatic, but most qualified? Even his VP pick is more qualified if that is your criteria


Well-Known Member
You know McCain must have done a pretty good job of choosing a running mate, because for the most part Republicans seem to be happy and the Dems are complaining like crazy.

If this were really such a bad choice, libs would be applauding all the way.


Browncafe Steward
Mccain had to pick her knowing that the only way to keep the troops supplied for this iraq war was for someone to promote teen pregnancy.

These are values i cant wait to teach my 2 year old daughter.


Well-Known Member
Mccain had to pick her knowing that the only way to keep the troops supplied for this iraq war was for someone to promote teen pregnancy.

These are values i cant wait to teach my 2 year old daughter.

Be careful what you say Red,,, those words may come back to haunt you one day... ever heard the phrase "you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make em drink"?


A governor from Alaska, and the southwest and some in the northern part of the US would have more foreign relations expierence than a senator from IL. Alaskas governor has to routinely deal with Canadian, Japanese, Russian, and Korea gov't granted its not heads of state, and its not sitting on a foreign relations committee that is never attended but actual expierence.

Yes all the canidates have been playing president for the last 18 months but unlike Obama, McCain has kept word and served the people of Arizona.

Like I said in a previous post guaged on the traditional scales of whats qualified for president sure she doesnt fit the mold, she hasnt had extra marital affairs, had substance abuse problems, been bought of by lobbiest in Washington, and unlike Obama has kept campaign promises and with WORKABLE plans turned the state around.

Its been pointed out by others yea she may not be the most traditionally qualified in the GOP but Mr. Obama is FAR FAR from the most qualified in the dems, Kerry, Gore, Biden all have loads more expierence than Obama, so I ask you is this the best you can put forth?

Like I said, yes Obama has plans, but all they are, are dazzle. He's saying what people want to hear, his plans are far from workable, far from profitable, and far from making the country better.


Well-Known Member
In AK the age of consent is 16, and 3 years. so the father would have to be 21+ for it to be statutory....and if he is older, Palin had her brother in law investigated for threatening to kill her sister, imagine what shed do to the man that seeded her daughters field
Thank you for clearing that up for me I should have googled Alaska's consent laws before posting. I thought age 18 was a universal age across the board to enter into anything other than the legal drinking age. I stand corrected Drewed:whiteflag:
I also agree this is NOT a campaign issue but a private family issue, however the Palin family is a public family. I applaud the Obama camp for coming out and stating that any staff member of his who makes it a campaign issue will be fired.:happy2:


Mccain had to pick her knowing that the only way to keep the troops supplied for this iraq war was for someone to promote teen pregnancy.

Interesting you say that Red

I think in the debate it will be enlightening to see what her point of view will be on the war, with a son due to ship out to Iraq this fall. Thats something Biden will not be able to corner her on and I think she'll gain a lot of respect from it with military familys that are effected in a like manner.


Browncafe Steward
If obama would have asked palin to be his vp he could have invested our social security in to the diaper industry. I see a new growing trend and these knocked up high scholl drop out teenage girls will have what to look forward to in life?

Whos got more seniotity at the local dennys waiting tables?


Well-Known Member
If obama would have asked palin to be his vp he could have invested our social security in to the diaper industry. I see a new growing trend and these knocked up high scholl drop out teenage girls will have what to look forward to in life?

Whos got more seniotity at the local dennys waiting tables?
:surprised:dang Red,,, you are pretty confident in your parenting abilities. You must not have any teenage kids