After being gone from the state of Illinois for over 15 years, no one that I have spoken have anything good to say about Barack Obama. He's been in the senate for a limited amount of time, and thinks he can run the country.
Maybe you should expand your friends and associates across the board, not just conservatives.
Here you have a female, who was a mayor of a small town in her 30's, worked her way up to Governor by her mid 40's. That to me is a natural progression through the political arena, which I am sure is challenging for anyone, much less a female, who was faced with the "good ole boy" challenge.
Small town alright, my GPS probably won't even pick it up. Let's not forget to mention she hasn't even concluded half her term as Gov. She deserves kudos as a good citizen reguarding her transformation of growing from PTA-hockey mom to mayor(of smallsville) to Jr.Gov...but VP ,a heartbeat away from President. Be realistic.
And the fact that her daughter is pregant, big deal, happens all over the country, not the best situation for anyone who has to deal with the emotions and support. But the bottom line is: family is family and you do what you have to do.
And it wouldn't be such a big deal except when you run on the platform that Republican/conservatives own the moral highground
Oh...did I mention her husband's DUI conviction in 1986.
I am a McCain fan, and think his strategy to pick a successful female candiate is right on, and in your face, Barack Obama. Female vote, I think so!!!
And I'm not a McCain fan and think his strategy is all about pandering to the female vote. And I think females are smart enough to realize this. Not only was McCain's weakness the economy and passed up much more qualified canidates but there were plenty of more seasoned female GOP takers as well. So I feel McCain is the one with egg on his face and Palin should have stayed where she was, out of the national spotlight. After McCain/Palin lose the election this Nov she might find it harder to get re-elected her next term. But have no fear, Playboy or Penthouse might come knocking on the door.