McCain and Palin


Well-Known Member
If obama would have asked palin to be his vp he could have invested our social security in to the diaper industry. I see a new growing trend and these knocked up high scholl drop out teenage girls will have what to look forward to in life?

Whos got more seniotity at the local dennys waiting tables?

This is kind of interesting. On one hand you are correct if you do not have a child before you are married, and you do not get married before you are 25, and you finish high school , you have a much greater chance for success in life. On the other hand there are many people who think it is not moral to kill their own baby. In the end we all must live with the choices we make. In the end I do not think the daughter of a Governor or possible VP will be working at Denny's.

So we have B. Hussein who wants his little girls to be able to legally kill their babies and on the other hand we have Palin who is proud of her daughter for wanting to protect the life of her baby. I wonder which middle America will see as the better parent.


golden ticket member
705 can teach values to your kids 'til you're blue in the face and all it takes is a little peer pressure and (God forbid) you're little girl is pregnant or trying drugs. Don't say "never". Experience talking here!!


Browncafe Steward
Your all right and you might vote for me if i was running to run the teamsters. But if i had a knocked up 17 year old un wed still in high school you probably would not vote for me because of the message this sends.

You would vote for me for teamster office because of my experience and dedication to my feelow upsers.

When you deal with politics there is no right or wrong answers. Thats why i keep out of it for the most part. Everyone has a canididate or party they prefer. We all do the same jobs here in this community and this is the perfect example. All drivers make the same yearly gross within reason. Yet in my case my wife doesnt work so this lowers my yearly income.

Yet i own a very big house with higher property tax than average, while my best friend lives on the east side of the same burb and his taxes are a third of mine.

We all vote on how we feel the candidate will suit or best interests. I know alot of real ggod ups teamsters that voted for bush over kerry. Why because of his hunting, fishing and gun stances.

This is why i say you can never win a political argument, to each their own!


Well-Known Member
705 can teach values to your kids 'til you're blue in the face and all it takes is a little peer pressure and (God forbid) you're little girl is pregnant or trying drugs. Don't say "never". Experience talking here!!

So true. I remember many times holding our breath when ours boys were at a crossroads.You have to hope the values instilled in them hold up. The one big advantage dems have is, if their daughter does blow it, they just kill the baby and move on. Problem solved.


Well-Known Member
Shame on anyone who makes this a campaign issue.:sad-little:

The Republicans announced this not the Dem's

McCain's campaign said the announcement was made in order to knock down rumors that Bristol was actually the mother of Palin's fifth child, who was born in April.

Why do suppose felt they had to announce this if the first rumor is false?
It would be very easy to prove or disprove that rumor without involving her daughter's current situation.

Doesn't pass the smell test.


Mccain had to pick her knowing that the only way to keep the troops supplied for this iraq war was for someone to promote teen pregnancy.

These are values i cant wait to teach my 2 year old daughter.

May you never have to deal with the issue so you can remain as smug as you are now.:happy-very:


May you never have to deal with the issue so you can remain as smug as you are now.:happy-very:

Lets just hope in 16 yrs youre not the dad tie! wouldnt that be something.....the baby wouldn't know whether to boss grand dad around or stand in a picket line with him :)

red please dont take it seriously, I hope youre daughter is a virgin till shes 25 and married, just as i wish to all the fathers of daughters


Well-Known Member
After being gone from the state of Illinois for over 15 years, no one that I have spoken have anything good to say about Barack Obama. He's been in the senate for a limited amount of time, and thinks he can run the country.

Here you have a female, who was a mayor of a small town in her 30's, worked her way up to Governor by her mid 40's. That to me is a natural progression through the political arena, which I am sure is challenging for anyone, much less a female, who was faced with the "good ole boy" challenge.

And the fact that her daughter is pregant, big deal, happens all over the country, not the best situation for anyone who has to deal with the emotions and support. But the bottom line is: family is family and you do what you have to do.

I am a McCain fan, and think his strategy to pick a successful female candiate is right on, and in your face, Barack Obama. Female vote, I think so!!!


Well-Known Member
After being gone from the state of Illinois for over 15 years, no one that I have spoken have anything good to say about Barack Obama. He's been in the senate for a limited amount of time, and thinks he can run the country.

Maybe you should expand your friends and associates across the board, not just conservatives.

Here you have a female, who was a mayor of a small town in her 30's, worked her way up to Governor by her mid 40's. That to me is a natural progression through the political arena, which I am sure is challenging for anyone, much less a female, who was faced with the "good ole boy" challenge.

Small town alright, my GPS probably won't even pick it up. Let's not forget to mention she hasn't even concluded half her term as Gov. She deserves kudos as a good citizen reguarding her transformation of growing from PTA-hockey mom to mayor(of smallsville) to Jr.Gov...but VP ,a heartbeat away from President. Be realistic.

And the fact that her daughter is pregant, big deal, happens all over the country, not the best situation for anyone who has to deal with the emotions and support. But the bottom line is: family is family and you do what you have to do.

And it wouldn't be such a big deal except when you run on the platform that Republican/conservatives own the moral highground:rofl:.
Oh...did I mention her husband's DUI conviction in 1986.

I am a McCain fan, and think his strategy to pick a successful female candiate is right on, and in your face, Barack Obama. Female vote, I think so!!!

And I'm not a McCain fan and think his strategy is all about pandering to the female vote. And I think females are smart enough to realize this. Not only was McCain's weakness the economy and passed up much more qualified canidates but there were plenty of more seasoned female GOP takers as well. So I feel McCain is the one with egg on his face and Palin should have stayed where she was, out of the national spotlight. After McCain/Palin lose the election this Nov she might find it harder to get re-elected her next term. But have no fear, Playboy or Penthouse might come knocking on the door.

Then again, maybe his daughter will look like Chelsea and pregnancy will never be an issue.

Maybe Chelsea wasn't that hot as the president's daughter in the Whitehouse..I don't know. I don't make it a habit looking at 13/14 yr olds...Furthermore, unlike Dad, Chelsea took the moral road as she got older or was just more responsible about pregnancy. But anyway, she's matured to a fine looking lady.

So true. I remember many times holding our breath when ours boys were at a crossroads.You have to hope the values instilled in them hold up. The one big advantage dems have is, if their daughter does blow it, they just kill the baby and move on. Problem solved.

Without getting into the abortion issue and telling a woman what to do with her body or whether you call it a baby, embryo, or fetus, your assuming ALL Dems are pro-choice and ALL Rep's are pro-life. Are you all about labels and sterotypes or is ignorance bliss?

This is kind of interesting. On one hand you are correct if you do not have a child before you are married, and you do not get married before you are 25, and you finish high school , you have a much greater chance for success in life. On the other hand there are many people who think it is not moral to kill their own baby. In the end we all must live with the choices we make. In the end I do not think the daughter of a Governor or possible VP will be working at Denny's.

So we have B. Hussein who wants his little girls to be able to legally kill their babies and on the other hand we have Palin who is proud of her daughter for wanting to protect the life of her baby. I wonder which middle America will see as the better parent.

Again, bring up the abortion issue to DEFLECT the real issue here, about thrusting responsibility on parents for the behavior of their children. Maybe I'm ignorant, but don't all my conservative friends talk in this manner. What is this girl doing getting pregnant at her age knowing what ramifications could happen with her Mom as Governer. Where was her guidance, her mentor, her boyfriend's condom, her birthcontrol Rx?? Mom's nuturing shouldn't cease once she reaches pinnacle stages in her life, but how does Sarah Palin raise her kids in a "hands on" manner now and on the campiagn trail, ESPECIALLY her infant.....Hello Nanny....Hello DAD, guess you got to quit your union job...Good luck, but I'd keep your union card on temporary inactive list...your gonna need it back after NOV.

Mccain had to pick her knowing that the only way to keep the troops supplied for this iraq war was for someone to promote teen pregnancy.

These are values i cant wait to teach my 2 year old daughter.

That was a good one got their blood


Diesel youre just mad because you know this pick will put the GOP a good possibility of winning, theres no other reason for it.

As for transgressions in someones early 20s, im sure if i wanted to i could find hidden secrets in everyones lives. And he husband isnt the point of contention and neither is her daughter, this ticket hasnt played the religion card or the moral high ground card. Because thats not what this election is about, this election is who can get results from workable plans the McCain/Palin ticket have had results in their positions, Obama hasnt and Biden has and he was picked because of that. Come debate time, Palin will suprise you and Obama will fail you with his lack of expierence.

Or and Bill had no worries about Chelsea getting pregnant (I was in my teens at the time) because she was one fugly ass girl, you are correct tho she has turned very handsome just like mom ;)


Well-Known Member
Furthermore, unlike Dad, Chelsea took the moral road as she got older or was just more responsible about pregnancy. But anyway, she's matured to a fine looking lady.
I thought you were blind to the truth,,, I didnt know you were literally "blind". Im assuming you mean that being responsible about pregnacy is to have an abortion; maybe Im wrong

What is this girl doing getting pregnant at her age knowing what ramifications could happen with her Mom as Governer.
since when do teenagers automatically think this way?
D, conservative people dont own the moral high ground. Libs use this excuse because they have no boundaries. Whatever anyone wants is ok as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else right? Well some set standards and those standards dont always get met.... welcome to the human race. We all make mistakes. That's easy for some to see, but secularists use it to call others hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
And it wouldn't be such a big deal except when you run on the platform that Republican/conservatives own the moral highground:rofl:.
Oh...did I mention her husband's DUI conviction in 1986.

Was that the same year George W got a DUI and the same year Clinton didn't inhale? No the same year Clinton didn't have sexual relations with that woman Flowers and Jones?


Well-Known Member
I think the reaction, by libs, to the naming of Palin is very telling. They know McCain hit a home run and their panic is evident. I have never seen such a concerted effort to discredit someone who (they would like us to believe) is no threat to them. If McCain blew it, move on. Forget about her. Plan your inaguration. He he he, but you know, and I know, that ain't the case. :happy2:


Well-Known Member
D, conservative people dont own the moral high ground. Libs use this excuse because they have no boundaries. Whatever anyone wants is ok as long as it doesnt hurt anyone else right? Well some set standards and those standards dont always get met.... welcome to the human race. We all make mistakes. That's easy for some to see, but secularists use it to call others hypocritical.

Excellent! It's hard to fall short of your standard when you have no standard.


Maybe Chelsea wasn't that hot as the president's daughter in the Whitehouse..I don't know. I don't make it a habit looking at 13/14 yr olds...Furthermore, unlike Dad, Chelsea took the moral road as she got older or was just more responsible about pregnancy. But anyway, she's matured to a fine looking lady.

Without getting into the abortion issue and telling a woman what to do with her body or whether you call it a baby, embryo, or fetus, your assuming ALL Dems are pro-choice and ALL Rep's are pro-life. Are you all about labels and sterotypes or is ignorance bliss?

Again, bring up the abortion issue to DEFLECT the real issue here, about thrusting responsibility on parents for the behavior of their children. Maybe I'm ignorant, but don't all my conservative friends talk in this manner. What is this girl doing getting pregnant at her age knowing what ramifications could happen with her Mom as Governer. Where was her guidance, her mentor, her boyfriend's condom, her birthcontrol Rx?? Mom's nuturing shouldn't cease once she reaches pinnacle stages in her life, but how does Sarah Palin raise her kids in a "hands on" manner now and on the campiagn trail, ESPECIALLY her infant.....Hello Nanny....Hello DAD, guess you got to quit your union job...Good luck, but I'd keep your union card on temporary inactive list...your gonna need it back after NOV.

That was a good one got their blood

my my diesels posts are so angry lately.:happy-very: Diesel are you ok. We expect love and understanding from the liberals. this new mean side just does not fit you.:happy-very: