Hey Load!
I say go for it! I'm retired active duty USAF. Saw action in Panama, Somolia, Desert storm, and a bunch of other smile*holes. Also worked with HIANG as an active duty advisor 3 years. Lets just say I was glad I was Active! Guard and reserves get training as good and pull more than their own weight in deployments. Desert Storm wouldn't have been possible without the ANG?Reserves. They had the newer planes to move the Army equipment for the "Hail Mary" that the old worn out Active duty folks didn't. Take it from the old vets and pay no mind to the voice of insanity. If it was so good, why did he bail after 6 years? Oh, I forgot - "Don't ask:don't tell"
I say go for it! I'm retired active duty USAF. Saw action in Panama, Somolia, Desert storm, and a bunch of other smile*holes. Also worked with HIANG as an active duty advisor 3 years. Lets just say I was glad I was Active! Guard and reserves get training as good and pull more than their own weight in deployments. Desert Storm wouldn't have been possible without the ANG?Reserves. They had the newer planes to move the Army equipment for the "Hail Mary" that the old worn out Active duty folks didn't. Take it from the old vets and pay no mind to the voice of insanity. If it was so good, why did he bail after 6 years? Oh, I forgot - "Don't ask:don't tell"