misload policy?


Well-Known Member
How long is this tape gun training going to take?


As funny as that post looks, I have seen people butcher a tape job. So there are proper and improper ways of using a tape gun. How long it takes for someone to use one properly depends upon their intelligence and how much they care what the customers package looks like.
Absolutely...good point. Alot of employee's union/management are not familiar with the Weingarten rights. This your protection as an hourly employee against closed door meetings with management .They used to be in the front of the contract cover. (local 804) Did they stop that practice?

I would also add that employees be insistent on the steward of their choice per Weingarten as long as that person is in the facility. We have a long time stop steward at our hub who is notoriously in bed with management. Managers bring her to "represent" employees even when they request another steward, which is against Federal law.


Well-Known Member
Management is capable of tossing the wrong pkg in a truck, whether on purpose or ignorance. Co-workers are also capable for whatever reason.

Training, ask for training. If they don't like your work you have the right to request training. Let the pt stick to you like velcro the entire day and see what happens. :wink2:


How long is this tape gun training going to take?


I've never understood why UPS wastes it's time and money on clumsy tape guns. If I have to tape a box I can apply six lengths of tape to throughly seal two flaps together in about 15 seconds. Just hold the tape roll in one hand, apply the tape, and tear with your fingers using your fingernail to start the tear. It's simple. And, no, you don't need sharp or long fingernails. Anyone can do it. You don't need to use your teeth either.

But then I've never understood why UPS buys special window cleaner for us to squeegee the windshields. All I ever use is plain water out of a squirt bottle. It works fine and there is no expense or harm to the environment. You only need a cleaner if you are "cutting through" dirt, or "lifting it out" of fabric, like when you get grease on your uniform. Then you need brake cleaner from the automotive shop. It's like magic. It also works great to remove yellow paint from brown package cars that scraped against a yellow post while turning into the overhead doorway. Just spray it on, hold your breath, and watch the Evidence Removal Fluid do its thing.

I also don't use the soap UPS provides for washing package cars. Again, it is an unnecessary expense and just clogs the water recycling system and polutes the environment. Plain water works just fine.

Does someone in Purchasing get a kickback for buying tape guns and window cleaner and vehicle soap, or what?

Mike Hawk

Well-Known Member
I've loaded by PAS for a year and a half and in my experience most of our crappy loaders (one hit 80 misloads, thats right eighty, in a week) are crappy because our load line supe doesn’t train them. They get the initial half hour put the right box in the right truck on the right shelf, but when it comes down to crunch time at the end of the day when air and ground are coming down the belt at the same time they just can’t keep up. They end up with the twin towers behind every one of their trucks and they give up and start throwing packages in. This results in massive amounts of misloads not to mention the driver will have to sort the truck because its not remotely close to stop for stop order. The reason they can’t keep up is they don’t know how to efficiently load their trucks; simple things like stacking boxes that are the same size/shape together to use space more efficiently, dealing with irregulars like long tubes, they often put them on the shelf at the beginning of the day taking up ridiculous amounts of space, when to put large packages on the floor/when to drop bulk stops on the floor from the shelves, I could go on and on. Rather than stand there and tell them how to do their job our load line supe just loads for them.

When I wrap my 4 trucks up a few minutes after the last package comes down the belt I usually end up being sent to help some loader that is all stacked out. When I walk into those trucks I see 5000 boxes tossed under the 8000 shelf, air is strewn about on the 1000, 2000 shelf and on the floor. This loader has been loading for like 3 months and I asked him how much training he got and he said just the initial training the first day he started. Some loaders will figure it out by them selves, some will not, the ones that don’t figure it out need extra training. In the past they take those bad loaders and put them on the front end unloading/facing/splitting but there are so many now that they have run out of front end jobs for them and they have to load.

I’ve talked to the friend/T preload supe and load line supe about it but nothing gets done. Their ignorance costs the company so much money because drivers with bad loads and lots of misloads have to sort their trucks and meet shuttle drivers for misload transport etc. I just stopped caring, let management screw themselves over it’s not my problem.


Well-Known Member
Troll post? Well I guess it got the response of one.
A file full of refused to sign write ups at the panel shows an uncooperative employee who refuses to take responsibility for his / her actions. Believe it or not its a legitimate point to be made.

"Look at this stack of write ups. Management has tried to counsel this person 45 times and each time the person has refused to take any responsibility for his actions and has refused to committ to improving"

This does not prove an uncooperative employee.

I am a full time 22.3 employee and with 22 years of service, and I am a steward.

Do not sign anything. The only exception I make is for safety compliance training.

Misloads in reference to preloaders is a problem.
You have add/cuts who did them? were they completed by the end of shift? If not let a supervisor know and let them take the fall for it.

Is the preloader assigned to one set of routes or are they tossed around? This makes a difference.

Does the preloader have anyone helping them load? How can you prove who loaded the package.

Does the preloader have adequate time to accomplish the work assigned to them? Do they have excessive volume?


When I was a preloader quality was job one for me. I did not worry about production. There are no production standards in the contract.

You do need to follow the methods.

If you are being OJS'd and you pull 300 pieces an hour and then later on you don't keep to demonstrated levels that is what they will write you up for - not working at demonstrated levels. It will haunt you. Period.

If you get a warning letter - file a grievance on it. If they do not give it to you within ten calendar days from when they told you were going to get it - it is then untimely - don't accept it or file a grievance on it.

If you have other questions please ask - I'll try to help. Don't make it easy on the sups make them prove the case. If you are a steward don't let them rush you. Make sure you take notes on each and every contact no matter how insignificant you think it might be.

Take notes..... Take notes......