Troll post? Well I guess it got the response of one.
A file full of refused to sign write ups at the panel shows an uncooperative employee who refuses to take responsibility for his / her actions. Believe it or not its a legitimate point to be made.
"Look at this stack of write ups. Management has tried to counsel this person 45 times and each time the person has refused to take any responsibility for his actions and has refused to committ to improving"
This does not prove an uncooperative employee.
I am a full time 22.3 employee and with 22 years of service, and I am a steward.
Do not sign anything. The only exception I make is for safety compliance training.
Misloads in reference to preloaders is a problem.
You have add/cuts who did them? were they completed by the end of shift? If not let a supervisor know and let them take the fall for it.
Is the preloader assigned to one set of routes or are they tossed around? This makes a difference.
Does the preloader have anyone helping them load? How can you prove who loaded the package.
Does the preloader have adequate time to accomplish the work assigned to them? Do they have excessive volume?
When I was a preloader quality was job one for me. I did not worry about production. There are no production standards in the contract.
You do need to follow the methods.
If you are being OJS'd and you pull 300 pieces an hour and then later on you don't keep to demonstrated levels that is what they will write you up for - not working at demonstrated levels. It will haunt you. Period.
If you get a warning letter - file a grievance on it. If they do not give it to you within ten calendar days from when they told you were going to get it - it is then untimely - don't accept it or file a grievance on it.
If you have other questions please ask - I'll try to help. Don't make it easy on the sups make them prove the case. If you are a steward don't let them rush you. Make sure you take notes on each and every contact no matter how insignificant you think it might be.
Take notes..... Take notes......