i'm a part-time sup at my building and i take a completely different approach to misload than my fellow supervisors.
when i was an hourly, i was a frequent misloader myself, and i was constantly written up, disciplined, etc., none of which helped my misload numbers whatsoever.
i like to think of myself as pretty analytical, and for the vast majority of misloaders, i can tell you that is has NOTHING to do with lack of focus, or too much focus, or sheer apathy. my misload numbers were the same whether i tried, whether i didn't try, whether i was happy, whether i was pissed, etc., and the only thing progressive discipline did was agitate my workplace (and i can really get under peoples skin if they push me to that).
eventually i came up with some of my own ways for reducing misloads and they were moderately effective to the point my supervisor began teaching them to other people and eventually they became part of the methods for the building.
now, as a part-time sup, i'm constantly pressured to also take the easy way out and just progressive discipline a misloader out of the building, but i'd rather try to work with that preloader, get him/her to adopt methods that get them to double-check the PAL, and if they still persistently misload, move them around to try to find a better fitting pull for them, move them to sort or unload if possible, and only if no other recourse is available to go for a termination.
my manager disapproves of my mindset, but my numbers are just as good as anyone else's so i'm disinclined to acquiesce