We do not condone name calling here.You, my friend, are still a knob.
SOCKS is much more than that.
We do not condone name calling here.You, my friend, are still a knob.
We do not condone name calling here.
SOCKS is much more than that.
wow!!! are you suggesting that your preloader get punished for not being perfect ??Supervisors shuttle packages everyday where I am at, the FT Preload Sup usually works to 3 or 4 in the afternoon moving missorts around in his personal vehicle. I don't know if they are reimbursed in any way, they should be. I usually have two missorts a day, nothing ever happens to my Preloader.
This is how a real supervisor should act...all you sups here start taking notes. Here is someone who is being a leader and teacher to his employees..thinking outside the box,trying to help someone learn other ways to get the job some. How ironic,this person trying to help someone with misloads and his superiors are telling him to write up the employee...
At what point is the training and learning complete and we as management can expect the employee not to have misloads?
The training and learning should never be complete on any job. How does this company expect employees to be perfect when they are human beings who are programmed to make mistakes? We all make mistakes doing our jobs as hourly or management employees, why are the hourlies held to a different standard than management?
By the way there a lot of employee's that have no misloads daily/weekly/monthly. Thank you for the great job you do everyday.
wow!!! are you suggesting that your preloader get punished for not being perfect ??
This is how a real supervisor should act...all you sups here start taking notes. Here is someone who is being a leader and teacher to his employees..thinking outside the box,trying to help someone learn other ways to get the job some. How ironic,this person trying to help someone with misloads and his superiors are telling him to write up the employee...
At what point is the training and learning complete and we as management can expect the employee not to have misloads?
By the way there a lot of employee's that have no misloads daily/weekly/monthly. Thank you for the great job you do everyday.
Correct Lifer, training does never end. Along with your letters home you more than likely gave out countless Thank you's, Good job, Thatta boy. Simple gestures that were once upon a time very appreciated. Sadly they have disappeared along with so much that once made this a great company to work for.Dragon the training and learning is never over. Accountability, awareness & recognition help to re-enforce the behaviors. Recognize the leaders, even if you don't have money for rewards, print out letters of recognition and give these to your employees. I used to send these on UPS letterhead (had to get approval) and had the division manager sign them and we would send them to the employee's home. I figured we would turn the table on the warning letters and use the same concept in a positive approach to recognize employees. They loved it!
Nothing grey about it. The progression of a package in any way is hourly work, if it is being done in any way by a sup it is a violation of the contract that the company agreed to.
Upstate this is for you, "FILE A GRIEVANCE"
grgrcr88 is correct, if any driver is available, they should be the ones to shuttle misloads. If no one is then the management can but they need to enter the work into a diad. All shuttle miles and hours need to be recorded. They dont record it because the numbers go into the op report . Its an integrity problem. Higher ups know this is going on and turn a blind eye to it. Fix the problem. This is what happens when we have to hire supervisors off the street bec they can't find employees that want to become supervisors. I have always been a firm believer that a person needs to have performed the job in order to train or supervise someone else. (and i dont mean to have driven for 10 days and then promoted)
I agree file the grievance, but on the managment end treat every single misload as it was your package and discipline the employees to the fullest extent. If they would do the job correctly this wouldn't be an issue. They say file, file, file. I say take their jobs from them. You will see, the stewards will be so busy in arbitration fighting to save jobs management will be able to have a free for all. "TAKE THEIR JOBS" grievances will soon cease shortly after.
i'm a part-time sup at my building and i take a completely different approach to misload than my fellow supervisors.
when i was an hourly, i was a frequent misloader myself, and i was constantly written up, disciplined, etc., none of which helped my misload numbers whatsoever.
i like to think of myself as pretty analytical, and for the vast majority of misloaders, i can tell you that is has NOTHING to do with lack of focus, or too much focus, or sheer apathy. my misload numbers were the same whether i tried, whether i didn't try, whether i was happy, whether i was pissed, etc., and the only thing progressive discipline did was agitate my workplace (and i can really get under peoples skin if they push me to that).
eventually i came up with some of my own ways for reducing misloads and they were moderately effective to the point my supervisor began teaching them to other people and eventually they became part of the methods for the building.
now, as a part-time sup, i'm constantly pressured to also take the easy way out and just progressive discipline a misloader out of the building, but i'd rather try to work with that preloader, get him/her to adopt methods that get them to double-check the PAL, and if they still persistently misload, move them around to try to find a better fitting pull for them, move them to sort or unload if possible, and only if no other recourse is available to go for a termination.
my manager disapproves of my mindset, but my numbers are just as good as anyone else's so i'm disinclined to acquiesce
i'm a part-time sup at my building and i take a completely different approach to misload than my fellow supervisors.
when i was an hourly, i was a frequent misloader myself, and i was constantly written up, disciplined, etc., none of which helped my misload numbers whatsoever.
i like to think of myself as pretty analytical, and for the vast majority of misloaders, i can tell you that is has NOTHING to do with lack of focus, or too much focus, or sheer apathy. my misload numbers were the same whether i tried, whether i didn't try, whether i was happy, whether i was pissed, etc., and the only thing progressive discipline did was agitate my workplace (and i can really get under peoples skin if they push me to that).
eventually i came up with some of my own ways for reducing misloads and they were moderately effective to the point my supervisor began teaching them to other people and eventually they became part of the methods for the building.
now, as a part-time sup, i'm constantly pressured to also take the easy way out and just progressive discipline a misloader out of the building, but i'd rather try to work with that preloader, get him/her to adopt methods that get them to double-check the PAL, and if they still persistently misload, move them around to try to find a better fitting pull for them, move them to sort or unload if possible, and only if no other recourse is available to go for a termination.
my manager disapproves of my mindset, but my numbers are just as good as anyone else's so i'm disinclined to acquiesce
I'm assuming(hoping) that they couldn't fire you due to the union so they just made you management. ty workers shouldn't get easier work, the guy who busts his ass should get the lighter workload/ better position. Lets not reward incompetence, laziness.
I have been paid on multiple ocasions for supervisors shuttling missloads. That is hourly work and should be treated as such. If your reading this and see a sup shuttling misloads file for the time(Sup working is double time).
Dragon the training and learning is never over. Accountability, awareness & recognition help to re-enforce the behaviors. Recognize the leaders, even if you don't have money for rewards, print out letters of recognition and give these to your employees. I used to send these on UPS letterhead (had to get approval) and had the division manager sign them and we would send them to the employee's home. I figured we would turn the table on the warning letters and use the same concept in a positive approach to recognize employees. They loved it!
if your logic is right then you could double the number of union jobs by having your preloaders missort every package. Your union labor was paid to load the package on the correct car. fixing your union labors mistakes to make service on a package should not generate additional requests for pay.