Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Heard today that they are not scheduling any campaign stuff for Romney for the next week because he will be preparing for the debate next week. Wow, I guess everything is riding on the debates?? I guess they feel that people might change their minds rehearing the two sides repeat their respective talking points?? I dont see it happening unless Obama implodes on stage. Its so ironic how a race that started out being sold as a referendum on Obama (by repubs) has turned into a referendum on whether Romney cares about people in the bottom 90%. And after that 47% speech, he will be lucky if he gets 47% in nov!!


Staff member
It was a joke and you libs are obviously not very good at determining that....Pundits punk'd by satirical claims Ryan dissed Romney Read more: Pundits punk'd by satirical claims Ryan dissed Romney | Fox News ------ In fact liberal pundit, Paul Krugman and the entire liberal media GOT PUNKED--- into believing this!!---Too bad that the liberal media is soooooo out there that they think Ryan is that stupid.....The "Stench" of liberalism got what it deserved today!!
Maybe he should leave the jokes to Clint Eastwood.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The best JOKE that EASTWOOD told was in an interview afterwards where he said and I quote:

""I was just having fun. If somebody’s dumb enough to ask me to go to a political convention and say something, they’re gonna have to take what they get.""'

THen he is asked "who asked you to speak, was it MITT?"" and he says:

"YEAH, him and a couple of others from the campaign"".

Video at the 5:40 minute mark.

Thats the best part of Clint Eastwood, he calls ROMNEY DUMB for asking him to speak!!

Hilarious stuff!!

This goes down as one of the biggest nails in MITTS campaign coffin.




Well-Known Member
I'm glad Clint made an impression!----Nice to see that Romney/Ryan are having fun on the campaign trail while Obama struggles to stay even.........Memo to the media: Clearly mark political satire, especially if it makes Republicans look bad. Otherwise, you might fool a Nobel prize-winning New York Times columnist. Columnist Paul Krugman and other commentators were apparently duped Wednesday after Politico ran a satire piece that included what -- if true -- would have been an inflammatory comment by Republican running mate Paul Ryan.--


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
The 47% was true, no matter how you slice and dice it, eat it. They will not vote for Romney, and neither will 92% of blacks.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


golden ticket member
Romney wasn't "caught in a lie" but the reporter, Eric, was a jerk to try to keep insisting on one thing when it wasn't true.
Seems Romney was frustrated with the reporter"s insistance he was telling a lie when he clearly wasn't.

Obama's been taped in an actual, real lie many times.


Well-Known Member
Romney can't be caught in a lie because he's been on all sides of all issues at any give time.

He's a "man for all seasons" but then what politician doesn't in some respect fit this mold? It's just the nature of what the voters want by sheer fact that so many of them exist in the first place. In that sez something, mostly about those who vote.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney wasn't "caught in a lie" but the reporter, Eric, was a jerk to try to keep insisting on one thing when it wasn't true.
Seems Romney was frustrated with the reporter"s insistance he was telling a lie when he clearly wasn't.

Obama's been taped in an actual, real lie many times.

Romney wasnt lying???? Really? he makes a statement saying he doesnt have lobbists running his campaign, but in reality, he has 8 lobbist as SENIOR campaign advisors and this reporter simply calls him out on it and ROMNEY loses his cool?

But, you think the reporter is an idiot?'

It was just ANOTHER ridiculous statement by ROMNEY where he says something that WASNT true. You cant have 8 lobbists as senior advisors for the campaign, then turn around and say you dont have lobbists running the campaign.

The reporter was RIGHT ON. taking romney on head on. This video shows how WEAK Romney is. Once the heat is turned up, he falls apart.

Romneys senior campaign adivsior ERIC FERNSTROM was standing there, and once this question was asked and ROMNEY fell apart, ERIC shuts down the press conference, but ROMNEY still pissed that he was "CALLED OUT" gets angry and confronts the reporter, and the reporter tells him again that he has LOBBISTS running his campaign and Romney gets STUPID.

The reporter doesnt back down, and ROMNEY asks for a private meeting and the reporter says "SURE, lets talk"....

Romney showed what a major :censored2:bag he really is.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
If you want to see what a real lier looks like, look no further than the president. He sent Susan Rice out on the Sunday talk show circuit to coverup what really happened in Libya.

"Mr. President", did you really think that Americans would ever believe that an attack on our consulate on September 11th would EVER be pursued as anything but a pre-meditated attack?

We lost an Ambassador and all the president wants to do is coverup the truth to the American people to win an election.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If you want to see what a real lier looks like, look no further than the president. He sent Susan Rice out on the Sunday talk show circuit to coverup what really happened in Libya.

"Mr. President", did you really think that Americans would ever believe that an attack on our consulate on September 11th would EVER be pursued as anything but a pre-meditated attack?

We lost an Ambassador and all the president wants to do is coverup the truth to the American people to win an election.

Why are only FOX SPEWS watchers repeating this line of diatribe??




The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The better question is....this was happening and why weren't the MSM reporting this????
Who are they hiding it from or who are they protecting??

ONLY FOX SPEWS is trying to make this an issue to effect the election. The problem is, AMERICANS dont buy the crap that fox is selling.

Everyone knows it was a terror attack, nobody likes it, but those with a brain knows, nothing could have been done about it. The Ambassador felt safe in the country, if he didnt, he would have asked to be REMOVED from country, but he thought he could work it out.

The responsibility falls upon the ambassador to protect himself.

IT was a temporary consulate, and not the typical fortified embassy. If the ambassador had any intelligence that something was going to happen on 9/11 he would have communicated that to the state department and he would have been removed.

He NEVER said such a thing.

Just like FAST AND FURIOUS, the GOP is making a mountain out of a moehill.

ONLY FOX wants to cover this story as they have been running it all day for 4 days now and yet the POLLS keep going against ROMNEY.

Only people like you would bite down on this story, because you are told to.

