Romney wasn't "caught in a lie" but the reporter, Eric, was a jerk to try to keep insisting on one thing when it wasn't true.
Seems Romney was frustrated with the reporter"s insistance he was telling a lie when he clearly wasn't.
Obama's been taped in an actual, real lie many times.
Romney wasnt lying???? Really? he makes a statement saying he doesnt have lobbists running his campaign, but in reality, he has 8 lobbist as SENIOR campaign advisors and this reporter simply calls him out on it and ROMNEY loses his cool?
But, you think the reporter is an idiot?'
It was just ANOTHER ridiculous statement by ROMNEY where he says something that WASNT true. You cant have 8 lobbists as senior advisors for the campaign, then turn around and say you dont have lobbists running the campaign.
The reporter was RIGHT ON. taking romney on head on. This video shows how WEAK Romney is. Once the heat is turned up, he falls apart.
Romneys senior campaign adivsior ERIC FERNSTROM was standing there, and once this question was asked and ROMNEY fell apart, ERIC shuts down the press conference, but ROMNEY still pissed that he was "CALLED OUT" gets angry and confronts the reporter, and the reporter tells him again that he has LOBBISTS running his campaign and Romney gets STUPID.
The reporter doesnt back down, and ROMNEY asks for a private meeting and the reporter says "SURE, lets talk"....
Romney showed what a major

bag he really is.