Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Romney Ad: Newborn Infants Now Owe $50,000 Toward National Debt


golden ticket member
UPS Lifer,

I totally agree with you(apart from the name calling, it diminishes everything else). Romney believed every word he said. His comments on China, Mexico and Israel were what clinched the deal. The 47% stuff was just pandering, and all politicians do that. It's what's inside that counts, and Romney has shown that...oh wait, he's never shown us inside anything.

If I'm going to hire a businessman to do a politician's job, I want a good businessman. I haven't seen any proof that Romney is a good businessman. He could be Bernie Madoff for all I know. I'd like to see some numbers.

10 years of tax returns could convince me to switch my vote. I just want a guy who fights for my interests.
You are just lazy! Mitt's business history can be found anywhere on the internet.......think Staples, Sports Authority, etc


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
You are just lazy! Mitt's business history can be found anywhere on the internet.......think Staples, Sports Authority, etc
I have researched Mitt's known history, I still don't know if his business dealings were that transparent. From what I know about him, I'm led to distrust him Remember, McCain thought Palin was a better choice . Romney's been running for office forever, and what we do know about him disqualifies him from ever being POTUS.

Did you know that Romney could not get security clearance if he was the VP candidate?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
UPS Lifer,

I totally agree with you(apart from the name calling, it diminishes everything else). Romney believed every word he said. His comments on China, Mexico and Israel were what clinched the deal. The 47% stuff was just pandering, and all politicians do that. It's what's inside that counts, and Romney has shown that...oh wait, he's never shown us inside anything.

If I'm going to hire a businessman to do a politician's job, I want a good businessman. I haven't seen any proof that Romney is a good businessman. He could be Bernie Madoff for all I know. I'd like to see some numbers.

10 years of tax returns could convince me to switch my vote. I just want a guy who fights for my interests.

I guess you didn't follow the 2002 Olympics did you? The Olympics were going under and when he stepped in he not only righted the boat, he made a profit and everything was transparent to the world. I followed this story before and after. I had no idea who this guy was but remembered that they brought someone in to fix the mess that happened. It wasn't until 2007 that I realized that this guy who was running for President was the same person. This country needs a businessman/woman right now. Not a great talking politician that has shown us 4 years of mediocrity.

As for the taxes.... You can be assured that Obama knows everything about Romney's taxes and if there was a problem the IRS would be up Romney's rear end. The story Obama wants to tell (and can't right now without committing a crime) is that Romney's tax rate is low..... just like a lot of folks who use money they have made to invest and live on the disbursements which are deemed capital gains. Romney will not give the Chicago campaign that advantage to smear his name. They are already doing that with what they have legally! They just want to say that for the last 10 years he has not been paying his fair share and that you pay more than him. It is all class warfare.

I think we can agree on one point.... I want the same as you. I want someone who will fight for my interest also. I believe that during my lifetime, I cannot point to a President that has not fought for ALL of America. As little as I think of Carter's skills as a national leader, I even thought he wanted what is best for ALL of America. BUT this President is only out for himself. His goal is to win at all costs and what can he do to cement a win. He will go uber-liberal after the election is over. It is guaranteed to happen.

Four years from now, it will be super obvious that he was the wrong choice for ALL of America. We will be a second class nation, who will be at the mercy of countries like China.


Engorged Member
Palin was the Republicans biggest recent mistake. Was.

Is that to say that Romney is an even bigger one? Oh, and I heard on a liberal radio station today that Mitt had gone for the spray tan in a big way when he talked to them pesky "Mexicans" who don't want to voye for him. Pure desperation, and it shows. God, it's fun watching Romney implode, and have most of his supporters walk away from him.