Mitt Romney

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Definition of "Lack of Credibility" and more importantly "Character" - left wing loons and other haters unable to admit or grasp the concept of a loss.

Quotes from Bill Maher -

The first presidential debate of 2012 took place last night, October 5. To the surprise of Conservatives and Liberals alike, ultra liberal Bill Maher took to Twitter to tell the world that he believes Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, won the debate.

“[M]y rating: Romney won the debate,” Bill Maher tweeted on October 3.
View slideshow: Barack Obama
“Obama made a lot of great points tonight,”Bill Maher tweeted. “Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” tweeted Bill Maher, “But Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.”



Engorged Member
ah, tos looks like bhos got his buttocks whipped.
but keep up the good work .

Mitt actually had one good night, and you're all whipped-up into a froth. Give him a day or two, and his mouth will undo any good he got out of the debates. My guess is that Obama's handlers told him to stay cool and not go on the offensive with Romney, lest he look like an angry black man. That was a mistake that will be rectified.


Engorged Member
Definition of "Lack of Credibility" and more importantly "Character" - left wing loons and other haters unable to admit or grasp the concept of a loss.

Quotes from Bill Maher -

The first presidential debate of 2012 took place last night, October 5. To the surprise of Conservatives and Liberals alike, ultra liberal Bill Maher took to Twitter to tell the world that he believes Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate, won the debate.

“[M]y rating: Romney won the debate,” Bill Maher tweeted on October 3.
View slideshow: Barack Obama
“Obama made a lot of great points tonight,”Bill Maher tweeted. “Unfortunately, most of them were for Romney.”
“I can’t believe I’m saying this,” tweeted Bill Maher, “But Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.”

BFD. Usually, Bill Maher is the anti-Christ to you folks, and now he's your best buddy. Romney is still a loser who is going to lose again in November. Care to bet a 6-pack of Mormon beer (A&W) on it?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
BFD. Usually, Bill Maher is the anti-Christ to you folks, and now he's your best buddy. Romney is still a loser who is going to lose again in November. Care to bet a 6-pack of Mormon beer (A&W) on it?

Bill Maher is a POS, who I have absolutely no respect for.... Kind of reminds me of a couple of others I know! I consider Maher a fringe liberal hater. He wanted obama to come out swinging! So BM needed to fire him up so that he would come out punching the next time. Of course this is a characteristic that a fair minded person wants to see in their President.

If I decided to bet you that would mean that I care ... I don't care!


Strength through joy
From Mitt's own book , on page 251 of his book No Apology: The Case for American Greatness:
“During my campaign for governor, I decided to spend a day every few weeks doing the jobs of other people in Massachusetts. …
“One day I gathered trash as a garbage collector. I stood on that little platform at the back of the truck, holding on as the driver navigated his way through the narrow streets of Boston. As we pulled up to traffic lights, I noticed that the shoppers and businesspeople who were standing only a few feet from me didn’t even see me. It was as if I was invisible. Perhaps it was because a lot of us don’t think garbage men are worthy of notice; I disagree — anyone who works that hard deserves our respect. — I wasn’t a particularly good garbage collector: at one point, after filling the trough at the back of the truck, I pulled the wrong hydraulic lever. Instead of pushing the load into the truck, I dumped it onto the street. Maybe the suits didn’t notice me, but the guys at the construction site sure did…”



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Are you pointing out that Romney wouldn't make a good garbage man or that he left the trash in the street for the construction guys to deal with?


Strength through joy
In any of bhos' books does he mention working as a common man would ?
( trash collectors in Mass are union jobs )
Does he mention that he takes no pay for his government service ?

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
In any of bhos' books does he mention working as a common man would ?
( trash collectors in Mass are union jobs )
Does he mention that he takes no pay for his government service ?

Disclaimer - As for what I said below: I do not know how your statement above could be changed to get your point across. The way you stated it, gets your point across very well.

For some reason as soon as I read "working as a common man", I could really feel a distinction of class. It struck me that we all probably look at occupations and make a distinction as to where that work fits in on the class scale. I know I have done this to some degree myself. When I was a kid, my dad would tell me "Do you want to dig ditches your entire life?" As times changed, I caught myself telling my kids "Do you want to flip burgers the rest of your life"? Just recently I made a reference in one of my posts to "flipping burgers"!

I think that any job is an important job and should be given all due respect (I am not saying that the reference above was disrespectful).

My problem is with rich elitist who feel they are above the rest of us. I think you make a good point about Romney "working as a common man". The liberal left would have you believe that he is disconnected from the rest of us.... an extreme elitist. But, this is far from who he really is.

Thanks for making me look at this post introspectively to remind myself how important each and every person is and that contributing to society in any way possible is an extremely honorable thing to do and we should all be proud of our contributions.


In any of bhos' books does he mention working as a common man would ?
( trash collectors in Mass are union jobs )
Does he mention that he takes no pay for his government service ?

No. He talks about how bad the "white man" is

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I am not a big fan of the polls. I still think they sample too many Democrats and use an outdated model BUT even with that, Mitt has made a huge turn-around. It is apparent now that Obama held a lead with soft support, most voters now see a real alternative to BO. Thank God!


Strength through joy
At the same time Team Obama released a childish ad hitting Mitt Romney for daring to consider removing multimillionaire, one-percenter Big Bird from the federal government welfare rolls, the Romney campaign released a devastating graphic that shows that since his debate debacle, Barack Obama has mention[ed] Big Bird and Elmo 13 times but has not mentioned Libya or his plan to fix the economy even once.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
That Big Bird line sounded prepared. I think Mitt used it to break the ice. I cringed when I heard him say it. You don't go after PBS when the moderator is from PBS! YIKES! But because the Obama campaign is imploding and the debate was so lopsided and most importantly Americans who had made a judgement about Mitt based on sleazy Chicago style gutter ads, this has worked to Mitt's favor.

BO has talked about Big Bird all week in his campaign without talking about the economy. The people who are soft on his presidency are seeing this and will continue to move toward Romney.

The Chicago campaign is playing the blame game and pointing fingers within their own ranks. They are talking about a major shake up. I certainly hope not. They are doing a great job! Just ask any uber liberal on this thread, they will tell you so. I now happen to agree with them!!! Keep up the great work Axelrod.


Strength through joy
David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University Research Center, says his polling organization will no longer take anymore presidential polls in the states of North Carolina, Virginia and Florida.
“In places like North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, we’ve already painted those red. We’re not polling any of those states again. We’re focusing on the remaining states,” Paleologos announced on FOX News’ “O’Reilly Factor” on Tuesday.