Mitt Romney



Some see private enterprise as a predatory target to be shot, others as a cow to be milked, but few are those who see it as a sturdy horse pulling the wagon. Winston Churchill


Well-Known Member
Socialism is not a degrading term? Right. That speaks volumes.

What is another term for socialism that is not degrading? It wasn't meant by me to be degrading, and I feel that is a one word definition. My beef is the "typical Romney supporter" BS. I respect your point of view and don't understand why you would defend TOS and denounce him at the same time.


What is another term for socialism that is not degrading? It wasn't meant by me to be degrading, and I feel that is a one word definition. My beef is the "typical Romney supporter" BS. I respect your point of view and don't understand why you would defend TOS and denounce him at the same time.

We need TOS up here...where else can we get updates of Comedy Central?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
That's a wrong statement, and you know it.
I don't agree with the picture, but you can't use the word typical.

OK, how about ATYPICAL?

Either way, are you guys offended by this guys shirt? Or, do you relate to it soo closely, you dont like being associated in public by it?

I see that those of you on the "right" didnt condemn the shirt, and rather, decided to deflect around the subject by calling democrats names.

You were the only one to say (at least) that you dont agree with it, but no one else did.

I think that alone speaks volumes.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here's another wonderful "ATYPICAL" Romney supporter at a rally ...


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I think racism is a degrading term for hateful people and that labeling a racist as "typical" Romney supporter is unfounded. Socialism is an economic term to describe a way of handling a country; it is not a degrading term, but rather a definitive term. And yes I believe that Obama leans that way. Have I ever posted that it is "typical" democrat supporter behavior- No, and I really see no comparison between the two.

Please don't let this bother you. That picture which could be doctored came from one of the biggest racist haters on this thread. I go back to the comment that particular poster made... HISPANICS will be taking over white America in just a few years and the old white men will be in the minority. If that isn't a racist comment, I don't know what is! :-0

Some of my best friends are Hispanic! We have the same family values.

It is the haters out there that we all have to be mindful of.

Don't give that racist hater the power. He feeds on the negative energy. I know I am one to talk... He brings out the worst in me! Oh well!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I don't have pictures, I just have a few quotes from some of The Other Side's posts in the Immigration thread.

I will let you decide who the real hater and racist is.....


3-03-12 Post 401

Being hispanic, I would have no trouble on the border. I speak the language and dont feel threatened at all. Maybe if I was rednecked, I would have to worry, but fortunately, my people came from this land long before any of you.



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Post 552 on 6-17-12
You have to pick a side ISLAND, either you want uncontrolled births that ultimately drive YOU into the minority race, or YOU jump on the contraception method and limit the amount of births to races you dont particularly like.

Someday, you will indeed by a minority, just as MORELUCK is in CALIFORNIA.

Hispanics are now the majority of the state, and someday , I could only hope as a minority, a white kid will be cutting my lawn.



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Post 657 7-27-12 Immigration

Your generation isnt the future, my daughters is. IN this country, there are millions of White People who cant speak english. Ive been to Tenneesee, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky and Texas. Sometimes, I couldnt figure how what the heck was being said, but they all thought they were speaking english.



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Staff member
There is a n entire thread dedicated to birthers and their nonsense attempting to delegitimitze the duly elected president.


golden ticket member
People need to know.......Planned Parenthood without gov't funding will still be around......supporting themselves (like Big Bird will be). They make tons of money yearly...use it to fund yourselves.

How dare Mitt Romney not want to piss away taxpayer dollars on aborting unborn children, he’s a monster!
“As you’re making your decision … maybe you’re wondering what to believe about Mitt Romney.”
“Well, when it comes to protecting your access to birth control … and the basic women’s health care services Planned Parenthood provides … one thing we must remember, is this:”
Mitt Romney:
“I’ll cut off funding to Planned Parenthood.”
“He’ll cut it off. Cut us off.”
Mitt Romney: “Planned Parenthood. We’re going to get rid of that.”
“Women need to know … the real Mitt Romney.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Please don't let this bother you. That picture which could be doctored came from one of the biggest racist haters on this thread. I go back to the comment that particular poster made... HISPANICS will be taking over white America in just a few years and the old white men will be in the minority. If that isn't a racist comment, I don't know what is! :-0

Some of my best friends are Hispanic! We have the same family values.

It is the haters out there that we all have to be mindful of.

Don't give that racist hater the power. He feeds on the negative energy. I know I am one to talk... He brings out the worst in me! Oh well!

Its good that you have mexican (hispanic) friends, you may be cutting ""their"" lawn someday.




Junior Member
No matter what someone says someone is going to think its racist even if its a joke between people who dont think that way, I know Ive heard someone make that comment when some people were joking around.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Its good that you have mexican (hispanic) friends, you may be cutting ""their"" lawn someday.



Thanks for making my point at how racist you are. Your small mind thinks that there is a stereo type on landscapers or gardeners. There are other cultures that do this type of work including white people.

BTW, I admire and hold in high regard those who get out are there and take the initiative to find a niché for themselves. I have actually told my own sons to get out there and make money by cutting lawns.

Your fringe uber liberal small mindedness sees this as demeaning work. I see it as an opportunity to create the "American Dream"!

We are very different people...