Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
THANK YOU MITT for opening the door once again on womens issues! No matter how ROMNEYS campaign tries to unspin the damage, the converstion will once again switch from the economy to womens rights.

Look for this to hurt Romney in tonights VP debate.




golden ticket member
it'd work ........because lots of people think abortion when they look at Biden. Ryan is approaching this properly, as an underdog and he just needs to stay composed and not get testy.


Well-Known Member
Arre you so easily offended when Obama supporters are smeared as socialists?
Obama is a Socialist! This is not meant as a smear but is proven by his actions.----So if you support him, you support his policies----period!! You can tell us that Romney is a Capitalist and I doubt anyone would take that as a smear....:)


Staff member
Obama is a Socialist! This is not meant as a smear but is proven by his actions.----So if you support him, you support his policies----period!! You can tell us that Romney is a Capitalist and I doubt anyone would take that as a smear....:)

Well, upsgrunt? What do you think? The radicals on both sides seem quick with the idiocy. Is one ok and the other not? I'm sure Buddy is heartfelt in demonizing democrats. Do you throw in with that sentiment?


Well-Known Member
Obama is a Socialist! This is not meant as a smear but is proven by his actions.----So if you support him, you support his policies----period!! You can tell us that Romney is a Capitalist and I doubt anyone would take that as a smear....:)
Hungarian-born billionaire makes anti-socialism case in TV ad

It's one of the more personal ads of the 2012 campaign.

But no presidential campaign or super PAC is behind it. Rather, a new TV ad and Web video that warns
of the ills of socialism while urging America to vote Republican next month is financed by
Hungarian-born billionaire Thomas Peterffy.

Peterffy recalls his childhood under socialism in Hungary, and says, "The nation became poorer and
poorer. And that's what I see happening here." He warns that the United States, his adopted
country, is embarking on a "slippery slope."

He continues: "America's wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away
their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care
of the needy.

Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer -- but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest
in really working hard and creating jobs."

The ad does not mention President Obama or Mitt Romney once.

Read more: Hungarian-born billionaire makes anti-socialism case in TV ad | Fox News


Well-Known Member
Well, upsgrunt? What do you think? The radicals on both sides seem quick with the idiocy. Is one ok and the other not? I'm sure Buddy is heartfelt in demonizing democrats. Do you throw in with that sentiment?

I think racism is a degrading term for hateful people and that labeling a racist as "typical" Romney supporter is unfounded. Socialism is an economic term to describe a way of handling a country; it is not a degrading term, but rather a definitive term. And yes I believe that Obama leans that way. Have I ever posted that it is "typical" democrat supporter behavior- No, and I really see no comparison between the two.


Well-Known Member
Hungarian-born billionaire makes anti-socialism case in TV ad

It's one of the more personal ads of the 2012 campaign.

But no presidential campaign or super PAC is behind it. Rather, a new TV ad and Web video that warns
of the ills of socialism while urging America to vote Republican next month is financed by
Hungarian-born billionaire Thomas Peterffy.

Peterffy recalls his childhood under socialism in Hungary, and says, "The nation became poorer and
poorer. And that's what I see happening here." He warns that the United States, his adopted
country, is embarking on a "slippery slope."

He continues: "America's wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away
their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care
of the needy.

Yes, in socialism the rich will be poorer -- but the poor will also be poorer. People will lose interest
in really working hard and creating jobs."

The ad does not mention President Obama or Mitt Romney once.

Read more: Hungarian-born billionaire makes anti-socialism case in TV ad | Fox News
Thanks for opening our pineal gland by NOT mentioning the private FED. Yes, yes vote for republican/democrat it's gonna be so much better LOL
IMO the country is not even close to socialism maybe closer to ...(hehe that pyramid) Well I guess his income/power cap didn't make it into the Bilderberg group.


Well-Known Member
Socialism is not a degrading term? Right. That speaks volumes.
The truth hurts don't it bb. Of course the truth is not important to some.........You're in denial-----spreading the wealth, socialized healthcare and big government---He sure is working on it-----Yet you condone the hatred on your side by being complicit with another members obvious post of racism. NICE!


Staff member
The truth hurts don't it bb. Of course the truth is not important to some.........You're in denial-----spreading the wealth, socialized healthcare and big government---He sure is working on it-----Yet you condone the hatred on your side by being complicit with another members obvious post of racism. NICE!

Not at all. I just find it telling that a huge giveaway to insuance companies, extension of Bush tax cuts, and further tax cuts for the average American get called socialism and upsgrunt and others have the gall to be offended by TOS' crap.


Staff member

And it is expected that he would say that...does that make it right? Do you agree? If you point out others on one side but not on yours then...

I tried to get Over to figure it out a few months ago. I don't find TOS' posts all that impressive and rarely if ever read them. Not that he shouldn't post, but I find little of it to further any real debate. Maybe if I read them I'd see it differently, but his vitriol towards everything on the right is too much for me. I like Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Bob Gates, George H W Bush, and am intrigued by Rick Warren. I also think Eric Cantor is horrible and Boehner weak. William Cohen and David Gergen have been honorable servant to both parties. Bill Kristol and Ollie North, not so much. But still you'll have me pigeonholed as far left and that's fine. It is also wrong.


Staff member
If im wrong that your are far left, then i am sorry. But what do you think the reason is that i would think that you are far left?

Not sure. Probably because you buy into the spin that Obama is far left and while I don't support everything about him, I do detest the obstructionist politics of the republicans, voting against what they themselves have proposed in the past. I have said it many times. I'm a Clinton democrat...strange how Romney and Ryan have tried to reach that group.