Mitt Romney



Its just a simple matter of mathematics slick...

More minority babies than whites in U.S.: Census Bureau - Chicago Tribune

Census: Fewer white babies being born – In America - Blogs

If there are LESS white people being born in comparision to minority babies, what do you think the future of america will look like??

When youre cutting my grass, make sure to edge the curb.



Will government housing have a curb? "SLICK" is that some sort of racist comment? You forget that "white" america keeps those minorities in prisons to control minorities kill themselves enough to help control population growth.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Will government housing have a curb? "SLICK" is that some sort of racist comment? You forget that "white" america keeps those minorities in prisons to control minorities kill themselves enough to help control population growth.

Hopefully this was an attempt at humor, and not your real personal beliefs. Its hard to tell. There really isnt a big difference.

You know, the guy last friday at the Romney rally had more sack than the rest of you combined. At least he was able to air his personal views without trying to stay around the edges of racism.

He made it clear with his shirt at the rally, and those in attendance who didnt throw him out or ask him to take it off shows the acceptance of the sentiment.


Says it all, and he had the sack to air it, while the rest of you play around with silly talk.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The Romney campaign has denounced what Buzzfeed aptly described as a “mindblowingly offensive” shirt that says, “Put the White Back in the White House” beneath a Romney-Ryan logo.---- Romney Campaign Denounces Racist ‘Put the White Back in the White House’ Shirt at Rally | ----------Typical Romney response!!---

Answer this then, "why would the supporters at the event tolerate such a shirt and allow him to stand there like one of the others"?

The campaign denouncing it after the man walked that crowd for an hour without interuption means nothing. Only AFTER it became an issue was the campaign "forced" to say something.

Like I said before however, at least that guy had the sack to say what he means and didnt pretend to have "other" issues with the president.

You should try some honesty as well. Let your feelings go. Stand up with this guy or denounce all right wing hatred.




Well-Known Member
Its just a simple matter of mathematics slick...

More minority babies than whites in U.S.: Census Bureau - Chicago Tribune

Census: Fewer white babies being born – In America - Blogs

If there are LESS white people being born in comparision to minority babies, what do you think the future of america will look like??

When youre cutting my grass, make sure to edge the curb.



Why does the the thought of a white person doing such labor for you or another minority bring such joy to you?
Is this your dream power trip?
If it is me, I will do my best; like I do at everything else


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Why did Pat Robertson scrub his web site of links calling Mormonism a cult?

It used to say this:

A cult is any group which teaches doctrines or beliefs that deviate from the biblical message of the Christian faith. It is very important that we recognize cults and avoid any involvement with them. Cults often teach some Christian truth mixed with error, which may be difficult to detect.

There are some features common to most cults:

• They do not adhere solely to the sixty-six books of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. They add their "special revelations" to the Bible and view them as equally authoritative.

• They do not accept that our relationship to Jesus Christ is a reality "by grace through faith" alone, but promote instead a salvation by works.

• They do not give Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, full recognition as the second Person of the Trinity, composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Some of these groups are Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists, Scientologists, and others.

Now it says this:

Our apologies, but the article you requested doesn't exist.

Did he have a revelation? Or did he get a donation?


Engorged Member
Why did Pat Robertson scrub his web site of links calling Mormonism a cult?

It used to say this:

A cult is any group which teaches doctrines or beliefs that deviate from the biblical message of the Christian faith. It is very important that we recognize cults and avoid any involvement with them. Cults often teach some Christian truth mixed with error, which may be difficult to detect.

There are some features common to most cults:

• They do not adhere solely to the sixty-six books of the Bible as the inspired Word of God. They add their "special revelations" to the Bible and view them as equally authoritative.

• They do not accept that our relationship to Jesus Christ is a reality "by grace through faith" alone, but promote instead a salvation by works.

• They do not give Jesus Christ, the divine Son of God, full recognition as the second Person of the Trinity, composed of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Some of these groups are Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, the Unification Church, Unitarians, Spiritists, Scientologists, and others.

Now it says this:

Our apologies, but the article you requested doesn't exist.

Did he have a revelation? Or did he get a donation?

I've been pointing-out the Christian Right's apparent willingness to overlook the cult aspects of Mormonism for months...and getting slammed. The reality is that The Far Right is willing to overlook Romneys' religion because they have to, and they're willing to be total sellout liars in the Diamond King Robertson.

The Prince of Kolob is a cult member, plain and simple, and you Righties want him in The White House simply because he is White. That's sad.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
In all fairness, it was the all knowing Billy Graham who called it a cult, and even preached about it. Maybe god changed her mind.


Answer this then, "why would the supporters at the event tolerate such a shirt and allow him to stand there like one of the others"?

The campaign denouncing it after the man walked that crowd for an hour without interuption means nothing. Only AFTER it became an issue was the campaign "forced" to say something.

Like I said before however, at least that guy had the sack to say what he means and didnt pretend to have "other" issues with the president.

You should try some honesty as well. Let your feelings go. Stand up with this guy or denounce all right wing hatred.



They didnt agree with it, but I guess they believe in the constitution and freedom of expression and speech...but you wouldnt know anything about that.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of looney atheist along with nutty libertarianism

Who's upholding peace, love and "Thou Shall Not Murder" now? WWJWD? Hmmmmm!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Answer this then, "why would the supporters at the event tolerate such a shirt and allow him to stand there like one of the others"?

The campaign denouncing it after the man walked that crowd for an hour without interuption means nothing. Only AFTER it became an issue was the campaign "forced" to say something.

Like I said before however, at least that guy had the sack to say what he means and didnt pretend to have "other" issues with the president.

You should try some honesty as well. Let your feelings go. Stand up with this guy or denounce all right wing hatred.



You should be able to answer that question better than anybody - one hater to another !

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

Give me a website address where we can get details of the Democratically held Senate's budget for the last 3+ years?

While you are at it, throw in the website address that identifies all the tax plans that got us to 5% unemployment.... OH! That's right, that has not been fixed in almost 4 years and there is no plan to fix it... just more spending and taxation!