Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
Give me a website address where we can get details of the Democratically held Senate's budget for the last 3+ years?

While you are at it, throw in the website address that identifies all the tax plans that got us to 5% unemployment.... OH! That's right, that has not been fixed in almost 4 years and there is no plan to fix it... just more spending and taxation!

Maybe tonight during the debate, Obama is going to aggessively tell us what his plan is. I saw the movie 2016 today. I know what the next 4 years will bring........I voted correctly!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe tonight during the debate, Obama is going to aggessively tell us what his plan is. I saw the movie 2016 today. I know what the next 4 years will bring........I voted correctly!!!


I saw franken wienie with the kids, now I know what a Romney administration would look like.




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Give me a website address where we can get details of the Democratically held Senate's budget for the last 3+ years?
PolitiFact | Romney says Obama failed to pass a budget

While you are at it, throw in the website address that identifies all the tax plans that got us to 5% unemployment.... OH! That's right, that has not been fixed in almost 4 years and there is no plan to fix it... just more spending and taxation!
Issues - Taxes — Barack Obama
Freakonomics Obama’s Jobs Bill: A Reasonable Plan


Dont forget that not one DEM voted for Obamas proposed budget. It got shot down by his own senate.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dick Morris a former advisor to Clinton on Obama.

DICK MORRIS... the fox news hero and his qualifications and those who would believe what he says..!!

Sherry Rowlands....a $200.00 an hour prostitute whom Morris had a continuous affair snorting cocaine and paying for it with campaign funds... The Hooker, Line and Sinker

This is a guy you want to call your own??...

Look at his choice in prostitutes...

and yet you take his political advice and buy his books?? WHO IS THE SUCKER?




bella amicizia
DICK MORRIS... the fox news hero and his qualifications and those who would believe what he says..!!

Sherry Rowlands....a $200.00 an hour prostitute whom Morris had a continuous affair snorting cocaine and paying for it with campaign funds... The Hooker, Line and Sinker

This is a guy you want to call your own??...

Look at his choice in prostitutes...

and yet you take his political advice and buy his books?? WHO IS THE SUCKER?


Wasn't he doing lines on her back?


golden ticket member
I like Morris........I don't care about his personal life. There are times he and I agree and I will post his talks. No one has to watch his lunch alerts if they don't want to. So watching the one for today where he says who won the debate is your choice to watch ornot......Dont say "consider the source" because I did menton it ahead of time. If you hate his guts, then you'd be considered stupid to watch it.


Staff member
I like Morris........I don't care about his personal life. There are times he and I agree and I will post his talks. No one has to watch his lunch alerts if they don't want to. So watching the one for today where he says who won the debate is your choice to watch ornot......Dont say "consider the source" because I did menton it ahead of time. If you hate his guts, then you'd be considered stupid to watch it.
See if you can tighten that fence down a bit more...

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
DICK MORRIS... the fox news hero and his qualifications and those who would believe what he says..!!

Sherry Rowlands....a $200.00 an hour prostitute whom Morris had a continuous affair snorting cocaine and paying for it with campaign funds... The Hooker, Line and Sinker

This is a guy you want to call your own??...

Look at his choice in prostitutes...

and yet you take his political advice and buy his books?? WHO IS THE SUCKER?



I guess wHen you wAllow in The guttEr, it is haRd to see past the roaches and you just can't help yourself.

How soon we forget about God's gift to the Democratic Party - Bill Clinton ! Some are so quick to throw stones! I guess with the comment above that you will publicly condemn Bill Clinton for demeaning the Office of the President for his immoral escapades? Right. One could go so far as to say that he compromised the security of the United States> What say you Mr. kool-aid? Here is another opportunity to see if you have any real stones. Stand up like a man and condemn Bill. My guess is that the crickets are chirping once again and we will see nothing but raisins.
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golden ticket member
Is the movie worth going to see?
No, it's not worth more than the $1.29 I paid to rent it. I love Redbox, you are never really disappointed.
All it tells about is the plan for the next 4's not any plan that Obama can talk about because no one would vote for him. I don't like the plan, so I voted for Romney!!

This D.souza guy is a brilliant guy and studied Obama. It's amazing that Obama would honor a father he only saw once !!
The plan is what his father woul do,but he died too young.

It's about colonialism
and how it was hated by his father. That' s why Obama is dismanteling this country!!


Well-Known Member
DICK MORRIS... the fox news hero and his qualifications and those who would believe what he says..!! Sherry Rowlands....a $200.00 an hour prostitute whom Morris had a continuous affair snorting cocaine and paying for it with campaign funds... Look at his choice in prostitutes... and yet you take his political advice and buy his books?? WHO IS THE SUCKER? Peace TOS
Wow, I read this and thought you were talking about horndog Clinton!! :)