Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
So you agree he was a felon tax cheat that took advantage of a one time amnesty offer?

Undervaluing assets is how Romney ended up with $150 million in his 401k/IRA.

A man of principle, indeed. Notice how quickly he changes positions? Did you see his speech at VMI a few weeks before this last debate?

So how does it feel to be grasping at straws while your candidate flounders? These are the signs of a desperate campaign if I ever saw one.


Staff member
You do not know the meaning of amnesty?

I'll give you a hint, it's what Reagan gave to undocumented immigrants to make them legal citizens.
Goodness gracious, why has no-one told me about this. That is sure an impressive source you used (TMZ, oh my god....)!
Are you alright???


Strength through joy

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Oh I wish the election had been today. Romney would likely win. Obama and his backers in the mainstream media have two weeks, or maybe I should say two MORE weeks to lie and mislead the fence riders and ignorant undecided voters out there. Today Obama told a crowd at a rally that "he does what he says he will do". LOL! I instantly recalled where he was called out by Univision for not keeping his promise to tackle immigration reform during his first year as President. Not to mention doing nothing at all.


Staff member
Oh I wish the election had been today. Romney would likely win. Obama and his backers in the mainstream media have two weeks, or maybe I should say two MORE weeks to lie and mislead the fence riders and ignorant undecided voters out there. Today Obama told a crowd at a rally that "he does what he says he will do". LOL! I instantly recalled where he was called out by Univision for not keeping his promise to tackle immigration reform during his first year as President. Not to mention doing nothing at all.
Eh, you might want to check some electoral maps. Every no tossup map I've seen has Obama currently ahead. It's Romney who needs a couple more weeks to try and make up ground in the swing states.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Eh, you might want to check some electoral maps. Every no tossup map I've seen has Obama currently ahead. It's Romney who needs a couple more weeks to try and make up ground in the swing states.

Gallup baby! Electoral maps do scare me though.There are plenty of polls but Gallup is historically the most accurate and plenty of others have a Romney ahead as we'll. Plenty of tossups.


Staff member
Gallup baby! Electoral maps do scare me though.There are plenty of polls but Gallup is historically the most accurate and plenty of others have a Romney ahead as we'll. Plenty of tossups.
Gallup is a national poll though, remember Gore actually won the popular vote. It doesn't help Romney if he picks up a few more points in Texas or Georgia because he's gonna win those states anyway, he needs to move the needle in Ohio and Virginia.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Gallup is a national poll though, remember Gore actually won the popular vote. It doesn't help Romney if he picks up a few more points in Texas or Georgia because he's gonna win those states anyway, he needs to move the needle in Ohio and Virginia.

2000 was actually the last election Gallup was wrong on. I'm thinking the coal workers supporting Romney combined with allot of democrats dropping off the rolls in Ohio will push Romney ahead there.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
2000 was actually the last election Gallup was wrong on. I'm thinking the coal workers supporting Romney combined with allot of democrats dropping off the rolls in Ohio will push Romney ahead there.
From what I see alll over the area, this is the case. Miners, were generally democrat. Killing the industry has made no friends for Obama, and yes I too will be glad when its over. I will always survive, but I have lost enough friends by not being a democrat vote.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
From what I see alll over the area, this is the case. Miners, were generally democrat. Killing the industry has made no friends for Obama, and yes I too will be glad when its over. I will always survive, but I have lost enough friends by not being a democrat vote.

Ha ha! Back when I still had a facebook account I lost quite a few "friends" that way. Then I saw an article about a study that shows democrats (primarily liberals) are more likely to defriend someone on a social network. It totally made sense to me. Kinda proves that emotion plays a role in their beliefs. Particularly the liberal democrats. None of my more moderate democrat friends seem to behave that way. I wish there were more like them out there. Especially in Washington. Sooooo much easier to work with.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Yea it was a facebook event, but it was family, sort of. I have never been called a friend'ing homphobic beatch before, because I said you shouldnt really vote on one issue, you should broaden your horizons a bit. Set me back on my heels a bit. One thing I know, you dont call me that if you know me well, and you would never ever say it in my presence. It was a discussion not an attack for Gods sake. Tolerance, yeah right.


Yea it was a facebook event, but it was family, sort of. I have never been called a friend'ing homphobic beatch before, because I said you shouldnt really vote on one issue, you should broaden your horizons a bit. Set me back on my heels a bit. One thing I know, you dont call me that if you know me well, and you would never ever say it in my presence. It was a discussion not an attack for Gods sake. Tolerance, yeah right.

My sister in law is gay and is voting on one issue...but I asked her what had Obama done for her and she couldnt answer me. I told she shouldnt be so foolish and think that Obama really likes gays, beings that it took him almost 4 years to flip flop on the ironic he said that right before a reelection.