Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
In a TOS world all the Saints are Democrats and all the Sinners are Republicans.

I would just guess that Independents are athesists or idiots !!:happy-very:


Strength through joy
Nice array of drug addicts, alcoholics and porn stars....

NICE, thanks for sharing!



[h=1]Jeffco ‘Democrat Of The Year’ Convicted Of Felony Theft[/h]
JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4)- The woman named “Democrat of The Year” this year by the Jefferson County Democratic Party has been convicted of felony theft by a Jefferson County jury for stealing from a developmentally disabled 71-year-old woman.
“The jury did right,” said Cindy Maxwell, an advocate for the victim.
On Thursday, a jury convicted 66-year-old Estelle Carson of felony identify theft and felony theft from an at risk adult for stealing checks from the woman and using them to pay her own cable, cell phone and internet bills.
The victim is partially blind, developmentally disabled, has cerebral palsy and is confined to a wheelchair. She is on a fixed income of $596 per month according to the Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office.


golden ticket member
Listened to part of Romney's speech in Pensacola.....the people at Obama rallies shout "4 more years" was nice to hear the people here shouting "ten more days!!"

Had to flip off it to watch Pioneer Woman on the cooking channel.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Probably just a bunch of druggies and drunks.......TOS says all Romney endorsers are losers!!......I guess pimp with a limp is OK, though

The REAL LOSERS in the Romney CAMPAIGN is the CAMPAIGN itself!! I always use the term "happy talk" and thats all the Romney team has to offer america.

Along with FOX, RUSH, HANNITY and the other right wing drones of AM Radio, they keep talking about the HUGE CROWDS that Romney draws!!

RUSH and HANNITY repeat over and over and over and over for three hours the extent of the massive crowds at Romney events, and then FOX doubles down on the story by showing pictures of the crowds! Right Wing newspapers carry the photos as PROOF that Romney has large crowds..!

But guess what????????????



At first glance you may not see anything unusual... just a bunch a white people watching a maroon talk about nothing....The picture was posted onto the Romney campaign webpage and sent out to the media.

But after careful examination..yup, you guessed it, its PHOTOSHOPPED!

Clearly, this is a sign of desperation for the Romney campaign. I am laughing my ash off!! My friends in Nevada are mad that this photo was altered and its all the buzz in town.

Romneys campaign has resorted to the Sean Hannity school of fake photos..!

LOOK OUT BELOW ... here comes MITTENS integrity!!

Peace...OBAMA 2012!!!!


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll




Oh Doctor: Romney Instagram Etch-a-Sketches Campaign Photo — BagNews

Go ahead C9ers... let the good times roll and explain this away!!





so what does that have to do with Romney beating Obama? All I see is a photo that you photoshopped and posted.


Well-Known Member
And why have most of your posts taken on trash verbage about "a bunch of white people listening to moronic Romney", or "whites will be mowing my lawn"?


The Nim
And why have most of your posts taken on trash verbage about "a bunch of white people listening to moronic Romney", or "whites will be mowing my lawn"?

Yup, a lot more bigoted than he usually shows.

I'm not easily offended, it's almost impossible in an online setting, but I have also noticed the tone has gone much more bigoted lately.

On a different note, here in Florida early voting started on Saturday, so I went down a little after 10 am after running my normal errands and there was easily a couple hundred people waiting in line outside the location, and voting started at 8 am. I'll be doing it another day as I didn't want to spend my entire afternoon in line as opposed to sleeping, but I'm quite surprised at the turnout. I don't have a clue what the ratio of Obama or Romney was but it's good to see a solid turnout.
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bella amicizia
I'm not easily offended, it's almost impossible in an online setting, but I have also noticed the tone has gone much more bigoted lately.

On a different note, here in Florida early voting started on Saturday, so I went down a little after 10 am after running my normal errands and there was easily a couple hundred people waiting in line outside the location, and voting started at 8 am. I'll be doing it another day as I didn't want to spend my entire afternoon in line as opposed to sleeping, but I'm quite surprised at the turnout. I don't have a clue what the ratio of Obama or Romney was but it's good to see a solid turnout.
there's a line? Wow. I have never waited to vote. Of course, here it opens at 6am and I am there at 6:05.