Mitt Romney

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Yea it was a facebook event, but it was family, sort of. I have never been called a friend'ing homphobic beatch before, because I said you shouldnt really vote on one issue, you should broaden your horizons a bit. Set me back on my heels a bit. One thing I know, you dont call me that if you know me well, and you would never ever say it in my presence. It was a discussion not an attack for Gods sake. Tolerance, yeah right.

They will only tolerate you if you agree with them. That's their way of tolerance.


golden ticket member
Via WaPo:
Republican Mitt Romney has edged ahead of President Obama in the new Washington Post-ABC News national tracking poll, with the challenger winning 50 percent of likely voters for the first time in the campaign.

As Romney hits 50, the president stands at 47 percent, his lowest tally in Post-ABC polling since before the national party conventions. A three-point edge gives Romney his first apparent advantage in the national popular vote, but it is not one that is statistically significant with a conventional level of 95 percent confidence.
Results from the tracking poll were first released Monday evening, and had Obama at 49 percent, and Romney at 48. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the results were flipped, with Romney at 49 and the president at 48. All of the results are among likely voters.

However, Romney does now boast a statistically — and substantively — important lead on the economy, which has long been the central issue of the race. When it comes to handling the nation’s struggling economy, 52 percent of likely voters say they trust Romney more, while 43 percent say they have more faith in the president.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Kinda bigoted comment.

No, not bigoted, just descriptive.



Strength through joy
Might want to wait for the election, champ.

Polls, campaign rhetoric, idiot-media aside, only one thing will decide this election, and that's the voters.

One way or another, the sun will still rise on Nov. 7th.

And begin the downfall on bhos political future.