Ohh you poor things, the liberal media is in OBAMA's pocket... and no one loves the GOP... not right wing radio that they bought up completely after bush deregulated the airwaves..
Not like FOX NEWS isnt the direct political arm of the GOP...
Not like the weekly standard, and other publications are purely GOP driven...
Yeah, you have it rough, making millionaires out of people like RUSH, ORIELLY, HANNITY, COULTURE, MORRIS, MEDVED, STIEN, and such as they suck out all your cash and feed you the hate that you need to fuel your hatred for the black guy.
I am confident that OBAMA will win re election, but not by very much...and you will have four 4 quattro more years to spend your hard earned cash on the same morons who ripped you off in the last 4 years.
Enjoy election night, its gonna be a heartbreaker for ya.