Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member


Staff member
Mr. Romney, it's saad that you miss the fact that saving early childhood education is part of saving this great nation. Is 14your years too long for your turnaround time table?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Mitt Romney set to win, maybe by a mile -

The Boston Herald didnt say this.... A RIGHT WING KOOK who writes a column for the herald said it..

Michael Graham is an American talk radio host, writer, and conservative political commentator. His daily talk show, The Natural Truth, airs on WTKK. He also appears on George Hooks The Right Hook on Mondays in Ireland on Newstalk.[SUP][1][/SUP] Graham is the author of several books and is a columnist for the Boston Herald.

This guy is a kook.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I think it's effects are overhyped, bias exists but everyone knows it which mitigates it's effects also I think the bias is more a reflection of people's preferences than a shaper of them, ie, people have a choice no one is forced to watch FOX or MSNBC they choose to watch the one which they think is most likely to tell them what they want to hear. You can always choose to watch neither, which is what I do. Blaming other people's choices on "media brainwashing" is just a way denying that anyone else can have a reasoned opinion that differs from your own.
If the republican party is struggling to win an election which by all rights should be a cakewalk for them, then either they are incapable of fielding a decent candidate or they need to take a look at their party platform and figure out what it is that so many people find unappealing about it. jmho.

I agree with your assessment that no one is forced to watch Fox or MSNBC but I do think that the media plays a major role in what people perceive as to what candidate should be the President. The President won't come on FOX to do interviews. He prefers the media outlets that will throw softball questions to him. How many people see Libya as an issue of misinformation?

The media is supposed to be the political watchdog of our system of government but during this administration they have decided to take a nap. An administration that realizes this, will go as far as they can without anyone watching.

It depends on what media outlet you listen too. Did you know that FaceBook is suppressing certain info that they deem is not in the best interest of the President? They are censoring certain pages.

All the mainstream media is in the pocket of BO so if you can't hear anything that takes a different point of view than BO, you will perceive him to be ok.

I am not sure that Romney made mistakes in the early going. BO bombed the airways with negative commercials, this is why the spike after the debates. All the money BO spent was negated by the first debate.

Most voters are not political wonks like the folks on this website. They are influenced by what they hear whether it is true or not.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
All the mainstream media is in the pocket of BO so if you can't hear anything that takes a different point of view than BO, you will perceive him to be ok.

Most voters are not political wonks like the folks on this website. They are influenced by what they hear whether it is true or not.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Ohh you poor things, the liberal media is in OBAMA's pocket... and no one loves the GOP... not right wing radio that they bought up completely after bush deregulated the airwaves..

Not like FOX NEWS isnt the direct political arm of the GOP...

Not like the weekly standard, and other publications are purely GOP driven...

Yeah, you have it rough, making millionaires out of people like RUSH, ORIELLY, HANNITY, COULTURE, MORRIS, MEDVED, STIEN, and such as they suck out all your cash and feed you the hate that you need to fuel your hatred for the black guy.

I am confident that OBAMA will win re election, but not by very much...and you will have four 4 quattro more years to spend your hard earned cash on the same morons who ripped you off in the last 4 years.

Enjoy election night, its gonna be a heartbreaker for ya.




Ohh you poor things, the liberal media is in OBAMA's pocket... and no one loves the GOP... not right wing radio that they bought up completely after bush deregulated the airwaves..

Not like FOX NEWS isnt the direct political arm of the GOP...

Not like the weekly standard, and other publications are purely GOP driven...

Yeah, you have it rough, making millionaires out of people like RUSH, ORIELLY, HANNITY, COULTURE, MORRIS, MEDVED, STIEN, and such as they suck out all your cash and feed you the hate that you need to fuel your hatred for the black guy.

I am confident that OBAMA will win re election, but not by very much...and you will have four 4 quattro more years to spend your hard earned cash on the same morons who ripped you off in the last 4 years.

Enjoy election night, its gonna be a heartbreaker for ya.



The last 4 years is right...Obama has ripped us off. And try not to be such a racist.


golden ticket member
The Boston Herald didnt say this.... A RIGHT WING KOOK who writes a column for the herald said it..

Michael Graham is an American talk radio host, writer, and conservative political commentator. His daily talk show, The Natural Truth, airs on WTKK. He also appears on George Hooks The Right Hook on Mondays in Ireland on Newstalk.[SUP][1][/SUP] Graham is the author of several books and is a columnist for the Boston Herald.

This guy is a kook.


All the sources that aren't yours....are kooks......yet you think Bill Maher is a god !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All the sources that aren't yours....are kooks......yet you think Bill Maher is a god !!

Not all sources, just the ones that YOU happen to post. Graham is a right wing extremist. You have a pattern of citing sources from the most extreme people in the GOP.

I dont think Bill Maher is a god, I think he is funny, yet informed and can argue a point with FACTS instead of blustery talking points like everyone you like to listen too.

Of all the extremist you listen too, I am surprised you dont quote Ann Coulture. That would round out your bullpen.




golden ticket member
Not all sources, just the ones that YOU happen to post. Graham is a right wing extremist. You have a pattern of citing sources from the most extreme people in the GOP.

I dont think Bill Maher is a god, I think he is funny, yet informed and can argue a point with FACTS instead of blustery talking points like everyone you like to listen too.

Of all the extremist you listen too, I am surprised you dont quote Ann Coulture. That would round out your bullpen.


We don't need to post Ann's columns.....we have weekly A.C. meetings with a little vino and we don't invite people like you because we are bigots and have discriminating tastes!!!
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