Mitt Romney


Staff member
One more week.......Einstein!

And, check out the date on this.......

Rasmussen Reports
Obama 48, Romney 50
Romney +2 (Mon. Oct. 29th)
Wouldn't want you to be "out of date".
And I will ask you the same question I have asked over and over. Ohio has been voting for a while now with 2 to 1
advantage for Obama. So if the poll shows "likely voters", then that leaves out those who have already voted. Now, do you think that a two point margin of those left to vote (which is statistically tied) is enough to overcome Obama's sizable lead?


golden ticket member
And I will ask you the same question I have asked over and over. Ohio has been voting for a while now with 2 to 1
advantage for Obama. So if the poll shows "likely voters", then that leaves out those who have already voted. Now, do you think that a two point margin of those left to vote (which is statistically tied) is enough to overcome Obama's sizable lead?
People who vote early were solid with their picks. The independents and undecided will almost all go to Romney. And here's a day old article....Oct 29th........old, I know,BUT.....

Rasmussen: Romney Takes Lead in Ohio, 50-48


Staff member
I don't know why you trust those polls. With all the thins voters in Ohio seem to trust Romney more about, shouldn't the margin be alot bigger than 2 points?


And I will ask you the same question I have asked over and over. Ohio has been voting for a while now with 2 to 1
advantage for Obama. So if the poll shows "likely voters", then that leaves out those who have already voted. Now, do you think that a two point margin of those left to vote (which is statistically tied) is enough to overcome Obama's sizable lead?

so what is the ratio on election day...could easily be 6-1 for Romney???


golden ticket member


Staff member
He gives 10% minimum to his church........the tax law states you can write off your charitable donations. If you don't give anything you can't write it off. You make it sound like he has done something illegal !!
If you don't like the rule, then do something to change it !!!

Millions !! Millions !! Do you give this much to charity? What a guy!!

Libs only like giving away other peoples money.

I don't understand why they complain about a good man giving to charity. Do you want him to stop giving to charity? You'd hurt the needy that way?


golden ticket member
I am impressed with the "take charge" job that Romney is doing. There's a concert and admission is canned goods or things ncessary for the comfort of the storm Batteries, blankets, clothes, etc.

Obama is busy blaming Mooch as the reason he's losing!!


Well-Known Member


The way Liberals think-- it is no wonder the economy is in the tank.

Do you think if you give one million dollars to charity --you save a million dollars in taxes ???? Wake up and smell the roses.

Also you , tos and Obama continue to complain about the PRESENT U.S. Tax Laws. Obama has done NOTHING to change them even when he easily could have his first two years in office.

What a guy !!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
One more week.......Einstein!

And, check out the date on this.......

OhioRasmussen ReportsObama 48, Romney 50Romney +2 (Mon. Oct. 29th)
Wouldn't want you to be "out of date".

You quoting Rasmussen is like me quoting CNN (if I were to do such a ridiculous thing):

It's meaningless.

Rasmussen leans (very directly) toward the right.

It would be like if I quoted MSNBC, which leans (very directly) toward the left.

Again, it's meaningless.

At this point, the only poll that matters is the one on Nov. 6th.