Mitt Romney

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Yeah, you have it rough, making millionaires out of people like RUSH, ORIELLY, HANNITY, COULTURE, MORRIS, MEDVED, STIEN, and such as they suck out all your cash and feed you the hate that you need to fuel your hatred for the black guy.




golden ticket member
I don't understand where you get your "inside info" that any of us sends money to these politicians.
I don't send money to any of them. It's easier for them to squeeze the rich & famous.....gullible geese !!


Well-Known Member

This video is for those of you who think there is no difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. This highlights how Mitt Romney is taking the high road to the Presidency while Obama is on the low and dirty road. I have never voted for revenge, its always been for love of country.



This video is for those of you who think there is no difference between Mitt Romney and Barack Obama. This highlights how Mitt Romney is taking the high road to the Presidency while Obama is on the low and dirty road. I have never voted for revenge, its always been for love of country.

Romney will be taking that street called Penn Ave. also.


after all the other republican candidates(loosers) he's the only one left. remember the others? why did they all finally drop or were dropped out. Look at each and find why. Who the hell backed these people! Republicans have had a history of picking/backing the wrong people. look at 08 candidates. all loosers. Huckabee, fox network talk show host. Sara Palin, fishing and moose hunting in Alaska. McCain(honorable man i believe) said about people who earmark bills(i'll make them famous) earmarked bills go on to this day. haven't heard from him on any.Bush, three month's before the collapse, i would say financial collapse but it was actually a national disaster in all areas, he said our economy was strong. idiot! Chainey, war criminal in many countries, made u.s. less safe. Shot his friend in the head and did not report it for how long? joke. 911, financial collapse, unjust war in the wrong country. all on the republican watch.They had the white house and congress. Gore, nobel peace prize. Obama, nobel peace prize. Remember Ryan's healthcare plan. Republican's all backed it until the public read it. stupid. that was dropped and faded away too. does not matter who or what it is you back hype not substance.


golden ticket member
Barney Fwank also said something was strong............financially!!!!

Oh yeah, what is what's his name's plan again ??? His budget?


Für Meno :)
Romney who ?

Opps, sorry, that's not until Tuesday evening ! ;)

And yes, I'll bet on that, too ! (how about a whole month) ?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I believe 80 to 90% of our homes are electrified with coal, from the generation plants along the Ohio river which I live within 22 miles of. we were told because of the plant closings, and the mine shutdowns our electrical rates will necessarily skyrocket. (where did I hear that before?) The PJM auctions which sell energy for 2015 said our rates would go up by 345%. 1347815824426.jpg145 (2)obama no job zone.jpg
145 (2)obama no job zone.jpg

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I believe 80 to 90% of our homes are electrified with coal, from the generation plants along the Ohio river which I live within 22 miles of. we were told because of the plant closings, and the mine shutdowns our electrical rates will necessarily skyrocket. (where did I hear that before?) The PJM auctions which sell energy for 2015 said our rates would go up by 345%. View attachment 7821View attachment 7822

You better look into solar like those of us here in california with BRAINS...

You will have power left over and can sell it BACK to the electric company! Sooner or later you will come around. Poisoning your children and family with coal couldnt last forever, and neither will they once severe asthma takes over their lives.




Well-Known Member
I believe 80 to 90% of our homes are electrified with coal, from the generation plants along the Ohio river which I live within 22 miles of. we were told because of the plant closings, and the mine shutdowns our electrical rates will necessarily skyrocket. (where did I hear that before?) The PJM auctions which sell energy for 2015 said our rates would go up by 345%. View attachment 7821View attachment 7822

Your rate going up that much seems to fly in the face of current info.

Natural gas prices were near 10-year lows this winter, leading the generators in some states (such as Ohio and Pennsylvania) to increase their dispatch of natural gas-fired plants. Newer vintage natural gas-fired units operate at higher efficiency than older, fossil-fired units, which increases the competitiveness of natural gas relative to coal.

US Coal's Share of Total Net Generation Continues To Decline


I believe 80 to 90% of our homes are electrified with coal, from the generation plants along the Ohio river which I live within 22 miles of. we were told because of the plant closings, and the mine shutdowns our electrical rates will necessarily skyrocket. (where did I hear that before?) The PJM auctions which sell energy for 2015 said our rates would go up by 345%. View attachment 7821View attachment 7822

Thanks for the live there so you should know...Im sure most of the people in Ohio know that too.


Staff member
That is why I think Ohio will go for Romney. My unscientific survey shows I traveled over 130 miles around the area, saw 3 Obama signs.
Just to illustrate the extent of the unscientific nature of ths survey, Ohio has 44,828 sqare miles.