You are so right. This is a choice between a tarnished brand (the gop) and a weak economy (obama in charge). People are torn between voting for the party of the bad ideas that got us to this point, the party that deregulated us to death and let the wealthy get away with not paying their fair share vs the party IN THE WHITE HOUSE AT THE MOMENT who has tried to fix those things but not fast enough.Jones you are correct, if you look at this from a year or 2 ago with unemployment still high, THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN A LANDSLIDE. The elephant in the room (pun intended) is the republican brand itself. If the economy was humming and unemployment did come down to 6%, obama would have had the cake walk. Lets face it the american people still do not trust repubs to fix our problems EVEN IN SUCH A SLAMDUNK ECONOMY!! If they cannot win this election, with the demograghics changing as they are, they might not win another national election for a long time. This is their hail mary. And especially since economists are predicting 12 million jobs created and brighter skies ahead, whoever wins will get the credit. if obama wins, repubs are dead in the water for a long time. if romeny wins, repubs can say "see we were right..." and take credit. As for the polls,
Oct. 28: In Swing States, a Predictable Election? - Nate silver is the man to watch/read!!