Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Without the story to support it, look again at the picture alone. This represents the divide between ourselves and our "rulers" better than anything I've seen of late. You could insert Obama or any other elected Washington parasite and the effect would still be true.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Personally I wouldn't call it a "rejection" when the popular vote was only 50.3% for Obama. I'd hardly declare that a referendum. There's also no way you could say Romney was "trounced" when Romney won 24 of the 50 states. Romney lost, I won't argue that, but there's no way anyone can say this was a huge statement by the nation, it was very divided.

And a special statement for the "midnight rider"

I am conservative, I won't deny it, but I also don't parade around like what I think is the best thing in existence and anyone that doesn't agree is a lesser being that deserves to be ridiculed.

A Democrat (and relative) on FB said that this was a "landslide" victory for BO. I equate that kind of nonsense talk the same as the word "referendum"!

The term "Landslide" is (generally) used for determining the popular vote. It means that there is a resounding mandate of the people. This was the closest win of an incumbent president since Bill Clinton BUT Bill had Ross Perot to contend with! 49.2% to Dole at 40.7%, Perot 8.4%. GW Bush won over Kerry in 2004 by 50.7% to 48.3% ... Would you consider that a landslide??? "Landslides" are considered when there is about a 20 point spread or over 60%. In the electoral college, a landslide is Reagan's 525 to Mondale's 13 or Nixon's 520 to McGovern's 17.

This was NO MANDATE of the people and the president better move to the center because the House of Representatives will block legislation through the will of the voters in their respective districts. This is not a threat, it is a fact. 48% of the nation does not want higher taxes and more spending!!

Fortunately, we have the House of Representatives and when you look at the map, red covers 2/3 of the country by district. Right and Center leaning voters will continue to to control the House because the Democratic Party is leaning so far to the left that they will not be able to convert those districts.

If BO does not move to the center .... see what 2014 brings the kool-aid kids!


Well-Known Member
A Democrat (and relative) on FB said that this was a "landslide" victory for BO. I equate that kind of nonsense talk the same as the word "referendum"!

The term "Landslide" is (generally) used for determining the popular vote. It means that there is a resounding mandate of the people. This was the closest win of an incumbent president since Bill Clinton BUT Bill had Ross Perot to contend with! 49.2% to Dole at 40.7%, Perot 8.4%. GW Bush won over Kerry in 2004 by 50.7% to 48.3% ... Would you consider that a landslide??? "Landslides" are considered when there is about a 20 point spread or over 60%. In the electoral college, a landslide is Reagan's 525 to Mondale's 13 or Nixon's 520 to McGovern's 17.

This was NO MANDATE of the people and the president better move to the center because the House of Representatives will block legislation through the will of the voters in their respective districts. This is not a threat, it is a fact. 48% of the nation does not want higher taxes and more spending!!

Fortunately, we have the House of Representatives and when you look at the map, red covers 2/3 of the country by district. Right and Center leaning voters will continue to to control the House because the Democratic Party is leaning so far to the left that they will not be able to convert those districts.

If BO does not move to the center .... see what 2014 brings the kool-aid kids!

From an electoral votes POV one could say landslide but from an actual human vote point of view, 3/4's of the American population who by law are eligible to vote did not vote for Obama so point that real world fact out and let it sink in.

And the same would have been true had Romney won the election. Fact is, it's about true for every election over the last 30 to 40 years.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
From an electoral votes POV one could say landslide but from an actual human vote point of view, 3/4's of the American population who by law are eligible to vote did not vote for Obama so point that real world fact out and let it sink in.

And the same would have been true had Romney won the election. Fact is, it's about true for every election over the last 30 to 40 years.

I gave examples of an electoral college landslide and 300 and something compared to 200 and something is not a landslide or a mandate. Not when you have states that have 55 votes! You can get over 100 with just 3 or 4 states.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
This was as close to a landslide as a divided nation can get.

I guess a divided nation is the key to your statement. It is extremely hard to declare a landslide when 2% separates a divided nation.

The poster on FB said that that 2% was a landslide also.... Oh well! If BO feels the same way, nothing is going to change. I hope that he realizes that if he wants to ensure a legacy term, he will have to come to the middle.


Staff member
I guess a divided nation is the key to your statement. It is extremely hard to declare a landslide when 2% separates a divided nation.

The poster on FB said that that 2% was a landslide also.... Oh well! If BO feels the same way, nothing is going to change. I hope that he realizes that if he wants to ensure a legacy term, he will have to come to the middle.
Look at the last several elections. When's the last time a true "landslide" occurred? Whether you want to call it a referendum on Obama or a choice election, Obama won handily and fairly impressively in the battleground states.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Do you still want to see his tax returns ?
Most definitely, if he is planning on being in the public eye, using his character as an endorsement.

If he wants to work on his car elevator and dressage horse for the foreseeable future, and stay off the public stage, there is no longer a need.

Thanks for playing.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney has been invited to the White House for a meeting with the President. It has been rumored that he will be offered a Cabinet position, possibly Secretary of Business. I think this is a good move by the President and will show that he is serious when he says that he wants to work with those on both sides of the aisle.


golden ticket member
Working both sides of the aisle.....should mean leaving civilians alone. Obama can play with the elected people already in his sandbox. He needs to get along with them first!!
Next thing we know he'll be offering ambassadorships to Beyonce and Sprngsteen.


Staff member
Mitt Romney has been invited to the White House for a meeting with the President. It has been rumored that he will be offered a Cabinet position, possibly Secretary of Business. I think this is a good move by the President and will show that he is serious when he says that he wants to work with those on both sides of the aisle.
Is that another invented position by Obama?
I think it would be dumb for Romney to accept it. How can he help business after saying he would abolish ObamaCare on Day One, calling it a job killer? What's he gonna say? "Gee Mr President, first thing we have to do to save business is kill Obamacare". "OK Mitt, I'll get right on that".
You're right,it would SHOW that Obama was serious about crossing the aisle. All it is, is show!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its time to R.I.P. this thread!




UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
POS ...just leave and don't come back! Nobody wants your 2¢ worth anyway. There is a button called "Unsubscribe" PLEASE use it! Thank you!

Your lame duck POS is in for a rough 4 years! BUT ...There is a thread that will get a lot of hits.... It is called "Obamanation".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
POS ...just leave and don't come back! Nobody wants your 2¢ worth anyway. There is a button called "Unsubscribe" PLEASE use it! Thank you!

Your lame duck POS is in for a rough 4 years! BUT ...There is a thread that will get a lot of hits.... It is called "Obamanation".

Ahh, another unhappy customer. Sorry the GOP rhetoric couldnt get the job done for ya, but heck, i say, double down on the talking points as you head for 2016! It should be another DNC victory!



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Well willard can go on vacation now..he is going to visit his money......

It is a well deserved vacation! What a shame that those on the left are so jealous of people who have made money. More power to him and because it is his, he should be able to do anything he wants with it.

I wonder how many lefties it would take to equal the amount of money that Mitt gives to charity.

If there is one place that he will beat the lame duck it is at the gates of Heaven. God bless him and his family!