Mitt Romney


Staff member
Adviser: Romney "shellshocked" by loss

They made three key miscalculations, in part because this race bucked historical trends:

1. They misread turnout. They expected it to be between 2004 and 2008 levels, with a plus-2 or plus-3 Democratic electorate, instead of plus-7 as it was in 2008. Their assumptions were wrong on both sides: The president's base turned out and Romney's did not. More African-Americans voted in Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina and Florida than in 2008. And fewer Republicans did: Romney got just over 2 million fewer votes than John McCain.
2. Independents. State polls showed Romney winning big among independents. Historically, any candidate polling that well among independents wins. But as it turned out, many of those independents were former Republicans who now self-identify as independents. The state polls weren't oversampling Democrats and undersampling Republicans - there just weren't as many Republicans this time because they were calling themselves independents.
3. Undecided voters. The perception is they always break for the challenger, since people know the incumbent and would have decided already if they were backing him. Romney was counting on that trend to continue. Instead, exit polls show Mr. Obama won among people who made up their minds on Election Day and in the few days before the election. So maybe Romney, after running for six years, was in the same position as the incumbent.


Staff member
I know you guys on the right are disappointed, but you righties are being very bad sports. Don't think tis is over. Obama's going to be working across the aisle but he'll spin the issues in public opinion as well. The country has changed and you would do well to figure that out.


Age quod agis
I know you guys on the right are disappointed, but you righties are being very bad sports. Don't think tis is over. Obama's going to be working across the aisle but he'll spin the issues in public opinion as well. The country has changed and you would do well to figure that out.

I love ya dearly but allow us to grieve among ourselves without throwing gas on the fire.


golden ticket member
No gas, dear. But the election process wasted alot of time and time no longer is on our side.

Time doesn't matter, because with all the time in the world, Obama can't figure it out !! He can play in the sandbox for 4 more years and we can hope we still have a country left. Then he's out of here!!


Staff member
Time doesn't matter, because with all the time in the world, Obama can't figure it out !! He can play in the sandbox for 4 more years and we can hope we still have a country left. Then he's out of here!!
That's what I'm talking about. It's time republicans figured out that Obama's slogan "Forward" is not just for the campaign. He isn't playing in a sandbox; he's a skilled politician who knows the ropes of governance as well as any. Negotiations about the debt ceiling and automatic tax increases are already in progress. Whether you think Obama is capable of moving to the center or not, he has the political capital to make people believe that where he is is the center. That is a choke hold on republican politicians. He has the luxury of letting us fall off the fiscal cliff and then placing tax cuts for 98% of the public in front of the congressional republicans and dare them to vote against them. Now is not the time to languish in emotion. "Forward" is happening now, with or without the republicans on board. Should they choose to obstruct further, they will truly face the voter's wrath in 2014.


golden ticket member
That's what I'm talking about. It's time republicans figured out that Obama's slogan "Forward" is not just for the campaign. He isn't playing in a sandbox; he's a skilled politician who knows the ropes of governance as well as any. Negotiations about the debt ceiling and automatic tax increases are already in progress. Whether you think Obama is capable of moving to the center or not, he has the political capital to make people believe that where he is is the center. That is a choke hold on republican politicians. He has the luxury of letting us fall off the fiscal cliff and then placing tax cuts for 98% of the public in front of the congressional republicans and dare them to vote against them. Now is not the time to languish in emotion. "Forward" is happening now, with or without the republicans on board. Should they choose to obstruct further, they will truly face the voter's wrath in 2014.
JOBS !!!! You don't talk about jobs.....just like your leader.
How about a "yes" to the pipeline?

How much is he going to cut spending?

Where's his budget (by law) ?

Why Burma and why now?

Why didn't he mention our drone was shot at in neutral airspace by those Iranians on Nov. 1st. We just find out about t today.

The Libya embassy attack is not going away!!!

Tell me about his success with the promises he made in Jersey (TS Sandy)

He's a 12, no, 24 time loser !! He is good at campaigning and he can win an election......bu he doesn't know how to move forward with the things that need to be done..

He scores an"friend" in my book!!


Staff member
JOBS !!!! You don't talk about jobs.....just like your leader.
How about a "yes" to the pipeline?

How much is he going to cut spending?

Where's his budget (by law) ?

Why Burma and why now?

Why didn't he mention our drone was shot at in neutral airspace by those Iranians on Nov. 1st. We just find out about t today.

The Libya embassy attack is not going away!!!

Tell me about his success with the promises he made in Jersey (TS Sandy)

He's a 12, no, 24 time loser !! He is good at campaigning and he can win an election......bu he doesn't know how to move forward with the things that need to be done..

He scores an"friend" in my book!!
You are stuck in the last 18 months.


Staff member
That tells me your guy is not going to do anything.
When you haven't got an answer, you just turn it on the the way, that's a life lesson, not an election cycle ploy!!
As you wish. Dig in and be rolled over. I doubt that elected republicans have the stomach for this battle.


That's what I'm talking about. It's time republicans figured out that Obama's slogan "Forward" is not just for the campaign. He isn't playing in a sandbox; he's a skilled politician who knows the ropes of governance as well as any. Negotiations about the debt ceiling and automatic tax increases are already in progress. Whether you think Obama is capable of moving to the center or not, he has the political capital to make people believe that where he is is the center. That is a choke hold on republican politicians. He has the luxury of letting us fall off the fiscal cliff and then placing tax cuts for 98% of the public in front of the congressional republicans and dare them to vote against them. Now is not the time to languish in emotion. "Forward" is happening now, with or without the republicans on board. Should they choose to obstruct further, they will truly face the voter's wrath in 2014.

Is that why half of the voters voted for Romney? 2014 will not be good for DEMS with no results yet again.


Well-Known Member

The election is over and President Obama is my President. But I am also weary of the last four years. I am tired of the class warfare and lack of leadership and real solutions.

Taxing people making over 250,000 will solve NOTHING. I am tired of hearing it.

Mr President --I want you and America to succeed.
Way too many people are out of work.

Work 24x7 --like you campained -
-1. Develop a plan
2. Develop a budget
3. Stop complaining --Propose new tax structure.
4. Corporate tax too high ? Do something.
5. Companies outsourcing--Punish them
6. Pipeline ?? nrg + jobs
7. Social sec plan--- hint ----raise age
8. Medicare plan --hint --raise age --people are living much longer.
9. Raising tax RATES on Millionaires without addressing loopholes is folly
10. Reduce tax rate by 5% on middle class along with no capital gains , div or interest tax.-The middle class will stimulate the economy --not trickle down --let workers keep and spend more of their money.:wink2:

Let me sum it up --Show some Leadership -stop delegating --FIX THIS ECONOMY !!!!!
Spend some time with us --Hollywood and jay z are doing fine !!!


Staff member

The election is over and President Obama is my President. But I am also weary of the last four years. I am tired of the class warfare and lack of leadership and real solutions.

Taxing people making over 250,000 will solve NOTHING. I am tired of hearing it.

Mr President --I want you and America to succeed.
Way too many people are out of work.

Work 24x7 --like you campained -
-1. Develop a plan
2. Develop a budget
3. Stop complaining --Propose new tax structure.
4. Corporate tax too high ? Do something.
5. Companies outsourcing--Punish them
6. Pipeline ?? nrg + jobs
7. Social sec plan--- hint ----raise age
8. Medicare plan --hint --raise age --people are living much longer.
9. Raising tax RATES on Millionaires without addressing loopholes is folly
10. Reduce tax rate by 5% on middle class along with no capital gains , div or interest tax.-The middle class will stimulate the economy --not trickle down --let workers keep and spend more of their money.:wink2:

Let me sum it up --Show some Leadership -stop delegating --FIX THIS ECONOMY !!!!!
Spend some time with us --Hollywood and jay z are doing fine !!!

Well now. I think we may get somewhere now. Maybe we can agree that we are tired of hearing all kinds of things and start working toward a common solution. I'm tired about hearing about birth certificates, student transcripts, job creators, class warfare, name calling (messiah, Nobama, ZerObama, Osama, etc.), repealing Obamacare, socialism, and just about anything having to do with Eric Cantor. Looking at your list I think there is alot of common ground that can be found and the president has committed to doing so. It is Boehner who will have problems bringing his caucus along, but I remain confident he can find 18. And let's not kid ourselves; This election spoke volumes and now it's time to get down to business.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Campaign Sources: The Romney Campaign was a Consultant Con Job | RedState
Looks like the Romney campaign has no shortage of people to blame. Romney was a victim of right wing political robber barons! How fitting is that!

Remember what I had said at the begining of the Romney run for the white house, right about the time he was buying the nomination. Romney wasnt suppose to win, instead, he was only suppose to lose and lose big.

The GOP knew they were going to lose the race anyways, and getting Romney out of the way for 2016 was the ONLY way to insure he didnt have the capacity or money to run in 2016.

Once he was beat up in 2012, his name would be mud in the political arena. There were tons of failures in the Romney campaign but whats even worse is the superpacs who made millions of dollars ripping off the GOP voters with false hopes of winning this election.

Pat Cadell, one of FOX NEWS frequent guests has accused Karl Rove of stuffing his pockets full of millions of dollars from Crossroads GPS and American Crossroads GPS....

The Right wing has been successful in the last 4 years on making millions selling books filled with the kind of hate speech that right wing supporters want to hear. Morris, Orielly, Ingraham, Beck, Moore and Crowley are just a few who made millions selling books during the first 4 years on those supporters who watch only fox news.

Hate speech sells, and if you can fill 200 pages calling Obama every name in the book, then you have a number one seller on your hands.

Romneys campaign was painful to watch, but what other outcome could he have possibly had? The GOP knew he was a flip flopping man without any conviction. They knew there was hours of video of him saying controversial things that would kill his chances at election.

So, Romney was the perfect sacrifice. They killed two birds with one stone and a couple of billion dollars.

