Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
So, Mitt is deciding what he wants to do now that elections are over......for sure he will play a big part in his church and helping peole. He may return to the business side of things, perhaps consulting. Maybe he and Ann will just travel and in the down times, enjoy the kids and grandkids.

If you want comments about Romney, I will be glad to post them.


golden ticket member
Who wouldn't cry after putting so much time and energy into this project for so long? (and people with cancers and m.s. don't have much energy to spare)


Well-Known Member
I guess its not surprising the majority of the people keeping this thread alive are those who voted so gleefully for tyranny over liberty. I hope you understand that suffering is a good teacher, and unfortunately the suffering that you all asked for will be forced upon us all along with the future generations who have been let down all for material things like free cell phones and condoms. Perhaps the ideals this country stood for are no longer the ones the people stand for, and I for one find that sad. I hold hope that 2014 and 2016 will be better and brighter years for this country, but my fear is that by then the damage has been done and it will be too late to undo. One term of Jimmy Carter got us Ronald Reagan, and perhaps 2 terms of Obama will bring us an equally superior conservative who can make this country great again. If that's even possible...


Staff member


Well-Known Member

I realize you think you are being cute by making light of the situation like this, but I won't make light of our country heading to hell in a hand basket. Maybe when you're paying double today's gas prices you will wake up. Or when your electric and or gas bill increases by similar margins and people can't afford to heat or light up their homes you will think differently. Or perhaps it will take our currency collapsing when this national debt finally reaches its logical conclusion. Either way, this won't end well for our country and the fact that you think I am mad simply because my guy didn't win tells me you are completely clueless about what is coming our way or your hate for this nation is so great that you simply don't care.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I realize you think you are being cute by making light of the situation like this, but I won't make light of our country heading to hell in a hand basket. Maybe when you're paying double today's gas prices you will wake up. Or when your electric and or gas bill increases by similar margins and people can't afford to heat or light up their homes you will think differently. Or perhaps it will take our currency collapsing when this national debt finally reaches its logical conclusion. Either way, this won't end well for our country and the fact that you think I am mad simply because my guy didn't win tells me you are completely clueless about what is coming our way or your hate for this nation is so great that you simply don't care.




Active Member
Flash Willard Romney to take over United Parcel Service to work his Bain magic on the company...How would you feel if this was to happen??