I see two problems with your fantasy.
1. Liberals, by their very nature, would be too scared to use said firepower
2. Nearly everyone who knows how to use the remaining cache of weapons would most likely be on the Arizona side of the border.
Its pretty safe to say you would still get your ass kicked.
Think about what lifer said, if the states secede from the United States, then YOU LEAVE EVERYTHING BEHIND. Do you believe that the US goverment would let its military go with the secessors?
And please, stop with the liberals are weak thingy already, this president has killed more terrorists than ANY republican in history. Also, dont forget that the most used weapon today ( THE DRONE ) was created by BILL CLINTON.
Having a bunch of senior citizens in arizona with guns is laughable at best when looking at it from a perspective of a fighting force.
Heres an intimidating bunch out of tucson..
What i find amazing about this seceding talk, is the immediate call for violence by people like Lifer. What is really the goal of seceding from the united states?Is it the great race war that white people are looking for? Is it a last gasp to remain a white country? Is it that the handwriting is on the wall that minorities are going to dominate the country in less than 50 years so a "great war" has to be fought because the white people have all the guns and believe they have an advantage?
What a joke. I wonder what you people who support such a concept think a new country would create? Will you kick out illegals? Will you kick out blacks? Will you kick out hispanics? Gays? Asians? Will you kick out the two party system and create a new country of ONE PARTY one IDEAL? Will there be only ONE religion? Will all other religions like Muslims be executed or shipped out?
Will ANY opposition to the new goverment be forced to leave the new states? Why wont just ONE of you explain what a new country would look like, and who would be included in it and who would be excluded.
Cmon, you people who think this stuff really need to step away from the television and just live your lives. Make your own life better, and stop worrying about everything else.