Mitt Romney


Strength through joy
Now tos, since you are soooo concerned with the Romney's household staff, why not look into Sen John Kerry's too. After all he has more money than Mitt { and he didn't work for any of it }.
Now just how many houses does kerry own ?
How many yachts ?
All fancy boats require daily upkeep , what is the number of his crew ?
And their yearly pay ?


Strength through joy
No, the question is for tos to answer.
What does kerry pay his staff , for all of his houses and boats ?
Does he pay at least min. wage ?


Strength through joy
Via White House Dossier:
The Obama campaign today introduced its shiny new Class Warfare Calculator, an online application that allows you to find out how Mitt Romney is a wealthy scoundrel who is cheating the tax system while you pay your fair share.
So you can resent him and those like him who were handed their wealth by The Man. Or someone.
In an email dispatched this afternoon, Obama 2012 operative Stephanie Cutter introduced the delightful new product, which lets you compare your tax rate to that of “millionaire” Mitt Romney, who is described as having paid a rate of 13.9 percent in 2010.


Staff member
Via White House Dossier:
The Obama campaign today introduced its shiny new Class Warfare Calculator, an online application that allows you to find out how Mitt Romney is a wealthy scoundrel who is cheating the tax system while you pay your fair share.
So you can resent him and those like him who were handed their wealth by The Man. Or someone.
In an email dispatched this afternoon, Obama 2012 operative Stephanie Cutter introduced the delightful new product, which lets you compare your tax rate to that of “millionaire” Mitt Romney, who is described as having paid a rate of 13.9 percent in 2010.
Your tax dollars at work.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You can't expect me to give any credence to a video that shows palm trees in the back ground? Those videos are edited to show what the videographer or network wants us to see. There is no context for the video with palm trees. It was probably an immigration rally in California again put in the video you showed to look like it was doctored by Fox. If you are selective on what video you show such as a few mothers with kids and say it was a peaceful rally.

As for the Glen Beck jail comment... The law is not fully enacted yet. Some one could end up in jail because of failing to comply with it. Making that statement does not make him a lier.

This is not a debate I choose to have. If you don't like Fox you will come up with a million of those videos. I can do the same for networks I don't trust. Who really knows who is right. My guess is that you don't trust any of them. That is where we differ. I do trust Fox to give me both sides of the story except for Hannity. His show just continues to hammer on the right wing point of view. I am not interested in getting one POV slammed down my throat.

This is similar to my opinion on BO. I don't trust him. As far as I am concerned, his allegiance is to the campaign and his base. He would not know how to the the right thing for America even if it was staring him right in the face. One example - Keystone

More is right - I watch Fox because that network aligns closest with my values.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Romney has been running for President for 6 years. I did not pay much attention to him back then but for the last few months, where has Ann been? She has been campaigning. When did that stop being considered hard and exhausting work? Even BO and Michelle are distancing themselves from the idiotic words of Hilary and the like... but the uber left wing loons are so blinded by this they don't know when to stop and they keep making excuses for what was said.

God forbid they should have to apologize for their position. After all they are not wrong... Ann is and we are! Sometimes you just have to feel sorry for people like this and leave it at that... Fortunately, they are only a tiny percentage of Americans.


Well-Known Member
You can't expect me to give any credence to a video that shows palm trees in the back ground? Those videos are edited to show what the videographer or network wants us to see. There is no context for the video with palm trees. It was probably an immigration rally in California again put in the video you showed to look like it was doctored by Fox. If you are selective on what video you show such as a few mothers with kids and say it was a peaceful rally.

As for the Glen Beck jail comment... The law is not fully enacted yet. Some one could end up in jail because of failing to comply with it. Making that statement does not make him a lier.

This is not a debate I choose to have. If you don't like Fox you will come up with a million of those videos. I can do the same for networks I don't trust. Who really knows who is right. My guess is that you don't trust any of them. That is where we differ. I do trust Fox to give me both sides of the story except for Hannity. His show just continues to hammer on the right wing point of view. I am not interested in getting one POV slammed down my throat.

This is similar to my opinion on BO. I don't trust him. As far as I am concerned, his allegiance is to the campaign and his base. He would not know how to the the right thing for America even if it was staring him right in the face. One example - Keystone

More is right - I watch Fox because that network aligns closest with my values.

I don't give much credence to any of the news networks so there you go. And the piece with Beck was not so much about Beck as it was to show O' Reilly was the one on Fox News that claimed that people would go to jail. And BTW, Bill was right to say because all gov't is force and if you don't comply with the least little demand they make, they threaten you with the cage.

As to Moreluck and yourself watching Fox as it most closely aligns with your values? I can say on that point, I would agree completely that Fox would best reflect the values of you 2 and I can see that. And I'll once again reiterate my initial point on giving no credence too!


Staff member
"Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine."

Great quote! Sorry I can't credit the author.


Well-Known Member
"Apparently, I'm supposed to be more angry about what Mitt Romney does with his money than what Barack Obama does with mine."

Great quote! Sorry I can't credit the author.

True, but the good news is that all things are equal. If Romney gets elected, in short order you'll be able to say the same of Romney and trust me, you'll be able too easily!


golden ticket member
True, but the good news is that all things are equal. If Romney gets elected, in short order you'll be able to say the same of Romney and trust me, you'll be able too easily!
Yeah, maybe, but some will pay down the deficit and some spending WILL be cut and some waste eliminated......where currently, it's anyhing goes for the great one !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, maybe, but some will pay down the deficit and some spending WILL be cut and some waste eliminated......where currently, it's anyhing goes for the great one !!

Since you are a Romney supporter, please post the details and specifics of how Romney will achieve these worthwhile ends. I would think this would be fairly easy for a Romney supporter!


golden ticket member
The fact that anyone might think cutting spending is part of the solution.....puts us way ahead of Obama and what he's been doing for almost 4 yrs.

No, I will not go toe to toe with you and spend half my time searching for facts......I'll just let my vote send my message. And we won't cancel each other out, cause I'll be votng and you won't.



Well-Known Member
The fact that anyone might think cutting spending is part of the solution.....puts us way ahead of Obama and what he's been doing for almost 4 yrs.

No, I will not go toe to toe with you and spend half my time searching for facts......I'll just let my vote send my message. And we won't cancel each other out, cause I'll be votng and you won't.


What I thought!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It is a great thought. People actually using the power of the vote. I love it.

On a positive note... the posters on this thread (and many others on BC) whether they are uber left wing - moderates or evangelical righties, have an opinion on current affairs and will probably vote come November.

On the flip side.... there is a large percentage of the population that does not know who is running for President, does not know who the leaders of the respective parties are and have no idea who their representatives in Congress are. There are also a percentage of people who do not even know when the civil war took place! You damn well better believe they know who Snookie is. These are the people that frighten me the most.


golden ticket member
I like being well-rounded, knowing who Snookie is and Teresa Guidice (knowing how to pronounce it too), the leader of the senate, house, Drita, Renee, Junior, Khloe and Malika. I also know all the capitals of the US.
I have more Trivia stored in my brain, it's bulging (no comments).

I like it when I can pull out a few facts and relieve the head pressure (no comments)

Like, how long do I have to be saddled with "Summerfallwinterspring is the Indian princess on Howdy Doodie"?

I'm hoping the folks that voted for Obama because they thought he was going to pay their mortage or car payment have come to the realization that it's not happening and that maybe the were lied to. Fool me once......