Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
This letter to the editor was in the Cleveland Plain Dealer waiting for Obama's arrival............I like the fact that Mitt acknowledged and removed Obama's "blaming Bush excuse.....

Via the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
Dear Mr. President,

Welcome to Ohio. I have a simple question for you: Where are the jobs?
As we enter the fourth year of your term, unemployment is over 8 percent and has been for your entire term. Nearly 23 million men and women are unemployed, underemployed or are no longer even looking for work. In the face of such challenges, many Americans have simply given up hope.

I recognize, of course, as do all Americans, that you inherited an economic crisis. But you’ve now had three years to turn things around. The record of those three years is clear. Your policies have failed, not only in Ohio, but across the nation.

The results are a continuing tragedy for millions upon millions of people. Everywhere I go, I meet Americans who are tired of being tired, and many of those who are fortunate enough to have a job are working harder for less. This is not the way it is supposed to be in America. This is not the way it needs to be.

Mr. President, forgive me for being blunt, but when it comes to economic affairs, you’re out of your depth. Unlike you, I am not a career politician. Unlike you, I’ve spent more than two decades working in the private sector, starting new businesses and turning around failing ones. Undoing the damage you’ve done will be a daunting challenge. But I’ve learned a thing or two about how government policies can kill private investment and stifle job creation and I have a plan to get government out of the way.

Mr. President, while campaigning for the presidency nearly four years ago, you declared that you were “absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.”

Mr. President, the American people are tired of the grandiose promises. And they are even more tired of the paltry results.

Mr. President, your promises now ring hollow. If you have brought new ideas to Ohio for creating jobs, why have you waited three years to unveil them? Have you suddenly had a revelation, or is it because 2012 is an election year? Whatever the case, what you are offering Ohio now is too little, too late.

What Ohio needs — what the country needs — is not four more years of economic mismanagement and failed leadership. It needs a fundamental change in direction that, by returning the country to the principles of limited government and free enterprise, would unleash the potential of the American people.
I have a path forward to accomplish that. I have spent much of my life in business, turning around troubled enterprises. I can do the same for the most troubled of all enterprises: our federal government.

Our taxes are too high, and our government is too big. I will cut individual tax rates by 20 percent across the board to jump-start job creation, grow the economy and help Americans keep more of their hard-earned dollars. I will reform a corporate tax system that drives American jobs overseas. I will slash the needless regulations that crimp our energy supply and inhibit so many different kinds of businesses. In the year I was born, unemployment was 3.9 percent. When I turned 21, it was 3.6 percent. We can do so much better than we have been doing.

But we need proper leadership.

So once again, Mr. President, welcome to Ohio, and welcome to the campaign. We need a great debate about how best to get our country working again. We can’t afford four more years of failure. I believe in unleashing America’s potential. That is what my own campaign for the presidency is all about.

Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh look, a link! It's a Mitt link. Not the same as a cuff link. Maye this will get the "Punk Link-Master" off my arse!!

Romney slowly but surely racking up GOP convention delegates | Fox News

Does the GOP have a choice? They have the worse candidate since Bob Dole Running for the Presidency.. All polls comparing to Romney to Dole show Romney with LESS FAVORABLILITY than DOLE had, and DOLE got blown out.

Back then, DOLE and his campaign talked about "coalition" of supporters, and the rallying of GOP voters, and yet, he got wiped out by Clinton.

Today, Romney is in a worse place than Dole was, and yet we here the same nonsense about "coalitions" and "rallying behind" the GOP candidate.

Its all over but the crying in 2012. Stay tuned.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You know what they say about being fooled twice. Don't be a sucker, the choice is clear!! Obama doesn't have a clue and that means that you don't either if you vote for him. :)

Do you think wall street agrees with you? How about the domestic auto industry? What about our banking system? What about all the IPO's launched under Obama and made record profits?

Whos the sucker again?




golden ticket member
CBS ..........(CBS News) WASHINGTON -

A new Politico-George Washington University poll shows Mitt Romney leading President Obama by one point, 48 to 47 percent.
In that poll, independent voters prefered Romney by a ten-point margin.
Over the weekend, meanwhile, the president formally started campaigning for another four years in office.

Unofficially, the president's re-election campaign has been under way for several months.
If you look at his speeches to large audiences in swing states, they look and sound a lot like campaign rallies.

But over the weekend, he made it official - and if you live in one of the key states he needs to carry, you're starting to see campaign ads like this: "We're coming back because America's greatness comes from a strong middle class. Because you don't quit, and neither does he."

The Obama campaign was out Monday morning with its most significant ad buy yet, in 9 states, touting the administration's accomplishments during the president's first term.
Full coverage: Election 2012

It came as Mr. Obama officially launched his campaign in two key states, Ohio and Virginia.
"We are still fired up! We are still ready to go!" he told backers at one rally.
The president hit Republican rival Mitt Romney on a number of fronts.

On women, he said, "We don't need another political fight about ending a woman's right to choose, or getting rid of Planned Parenthood."

On Romney's view of big corporations: "I don't care how many ways you try to explain it: Corporations aren't people. People are people."

And he showed off his new campaign motto: "Forward."

"The question that will actually make a difference in your life and in the lives of your children," the president said, "is not just about how we're doing today. It's about how we'll be doing tomorrow."

The Romney campaign hit back, accusing the president of moving the goal posts for success to a second term, and arguing that Americans aren't better off now than they were four years ago.
Despite a brutal primary battle, polls show Romney will be competitive in the 11 battleground states where this campaign will be fought.

And former Romney rival Newt Gingrich said on the CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday that Republicans are now united on the core issue of the election.

"The choice," Gingrich said, "is the most radical president in American history and a failed president at the economy and somebody who has a solid record on jobs and who, in fact, on basic principles, is a conservative."

"Conservative" is one of the tags Mr. Obama will try to pin on Romney, recycling Romney's attempts to appeal to tea party voters during the Republican primaries.

Meanwhile, the president may have a little work to do to boost enthusiasm among his own supporters: Even though there were 14,000 people at one of those rallies over the weekend, there were still 4,000 empty seats.


Well-Known Member
Do you think wall street agrees with you? How about the domestic auto industry? What about our banking system? What about all the IPO's launched under Obama and made record profits? Whos the sucker again? Peace TOS
C'mon're making this too easy! This one thing I'm going to mention trumps all others.....$$$ obama, the 5 Trillion dollar man$$$--Again, Your man obama has spent more in a little over 3 years on the job then GW spent his entire 8 years!! Get it! You lose in November because you’ve spent us into oblivion and undermined America’s future!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
C'mon're making this too easy! This one thing I'm going to mention trumps all others.....$$$ obama, the 5 Trillion dollar man$$$--Again, Your man obama has spent more in a little over 3 years on the job then GW spent his entire 8 years!! Get it! You lose in November because you’ve spent us into oblivion and undermined America’s future!!


Moreluck will disagree with you on that one and agree with me. While this is nothing more than right wing rhetoric, its easy for a person to repeat this stuff when they are devoid of information on the country's debt.

Note: MORELUCK herself posted a chart showing BUSH leaving 10.7 trillion dollars in debt ( a fact ) when he left office, and as of today, Obama has spent 5.8 trillion to save the economy.

Now, unless you have failed math, 10.7 trillion is larger than 5.8 trillion.

Every right wing talking head on fox or right wing radio distorts the truth and repeats that distortion over and over until it becomes true...(to a guy like you) then you run with the ball.

Too bad you didnt see the flag on the play and the yardage doesnt count.




golden ticket member
Do you think wall street agrees with you? How about the domestic auto industry? What about our banking system? What about all the IPO's launched under Obama and made record profits?

Whos the sucker again?


Oh yeah, I heard Psychic Friends Network went public.....exiting news!


Well-Known Member
BUDDY, Moreluck will disagree with you on that one and agree with me. While this is nothing more than right wing rhetoric, its easy for a person to repeat this stuff when they are devoid of information on the country's debt. Note: MORELUCK herself posted a chart showing BUSH leaving 10.7 trillion dollars in debt ( a fact ) when he left office, and as of today, Obama has spent 5.8 trillion to save the economy. Now, unless you have failed math, 10.7 trillion is larger than 5.8 trillion. Every right wing talking head on fox or right wing radio distorts the truth and repeats that distortion over and over until it becomes true...(to a guy like you) then you run with the ball. Too bad you didnt see the flag on the play and the yardage doesnt count. Peace TOS
Right wing rhetoric professed on CBS News?--- National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush---(CBS NEWS)---- The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office. The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day. The National Debt also now exceeds 100% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services.--
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Right wing rhetoric professed on CBS News?--- National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush---(CBS NEWS)---- The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency. The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office. The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day. The National Debt also now exceeds 100% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, the total value of goods and services.--

Maybe you missed the part in RED. I highlighted it for you. Maybe I should send ya a pointed hat later.




golden ticket member

Moreluck will disagree with you on that one and agree with me. While this is nothing more than right wing rhetoric, its easy for a person to repeat this stuff when they are devoid of information on the country's debt.

Note: MORELUCK herself posted a chart showing BUSH leaving 10.7 trillion dollars in debt ( a fact ) when he left office, and as of today, Obama has spent 5.8 trillion to save the economy.

Now, unless you have failed math, 10.7 trillion is larger than 5.8 trillion.

Every right wing talking head on fox or right wing radio distorts the truth and repeats that distortion over and over until it becomes true...(to a guy like you) then you run with the ball.

Too bad you didnt see the flag on the play and the yardage doesnt count.



I don't see it like you do..........................your guy added $5 or 6T himself to that deficit making him the biggest spender of all the presidents. Obama has spent 5.8 to save us???? How come 5.8 was added to the deficit??? He's going barakwards!!! Remember, he said he would cut it in half.....liar !!

Naional debt as a % of Gross National Product was 85% when George W. Bush left office...your guy put it over 100%!!

$10.7 T. is all the presidents combined.....what kind of a shell game are you running?

So no, I don't agree with you.......



Well-Known Member
Maybe you missed the part in RED. I highlighted it for you. Maybe I should send ya a pointed hat later. Peace TOS
To put that into perspective, when President George W. Bush took office, our national debt was $5.768 trillion. By the time Bush left office, it had nearly doubled, to $10.626 trillion. So Bush's record on deficit spending was not good at all: During his presidency, the national debt rose by an average of $607 billion a year. How does that compare to Obama? During Obama's presidency to date, the national debt has risen by an average of $1.723 trillion a year — or by a jaw-dropping $1.116 trillion more, per year, than it rose even under Bush.

How do Bush and Obama compare on closer inspection? Just about like they do on an initial glance. According to the White House's Office of Management and Budget, during his eight fiscal years, Bush ran up a total of $3.283 trillion in deficit spending (p. 22). In his first two fiscal years, Obama will run up a total of $2.826 trillion in deficit spending ($1.294 trillion in 2010, an estimated $1.267 trillion in 2011 (p. 23), and the $265 billion in "stimulus" money that was spent in 2009). Thus, Bush ran up an average of $410 billion in deficit spending per year, while Obama is running up an average of $1.413 trillion in deficit spending per year — or $1.003 trillion a year more than Bush.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't see it like you do..........................your guy added $5 or 6T himself to that deficit making him the biggest spender of all the presidents. Obama has spent 5.8 to save us???? How come 5.8 was added to the deficit??? He's going barakwards!!! Remember, he said he would cut it in half.....liar !!

Naional debt as a % of Gross National Product was 85% when George W. Bush left office...your guy put it over 100%!!

$10.7 T. is all the presidents combined.....what kind of a shell game are you running?

So no, I don't agree with you.......


I realize that forgetting 8 years of american "hell" is easy to do when you want to deny reality. But maybe you miss that BUSH started his presidency with a SURPLUS and at his first inauguration speech, he told AMERICA that the SURPLUS wasnt goverment money and it was the peoples money and tax relief is on the way!

He was right. He immediately passed a tax plan reducing the taxes for the richest americans and PUNCHED a hole in the deficit to the tune of 10.7 trillion dollars.

As for agreeing with me, YOU YOURSELF posted a chart showing all the bush spending from his first day to his last day. That totaled 11 trillion including the first 2 quarters of 2009 which are still attributed to him.

You have no choice but to agree with me. Your own post makes my point.

You can believe whatever hocus pocus you want to believe... reality still disagrees with you.

BUDDY is also a part of the "parroting" of mis information, like you are.

