Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I am considering it.
I have already paid taxes on my earnings and why should I pay more taxes?
I am not happy about the new rules they may enforce on my 401K.

Why should anyone be punished for being sucessful.
Why should I be punished for saving 25% of my earnings since I had a paper route?

Isnt the question then, "why do any of us pay taxes if we could all shelter our earnings overseas in tax shelters"?

If we could all hide our money, why cant we, and what would happen to our goverment if we all did that? Oh yeah, wait a minute, im not with stupid, we get deficits.




Strength through joy
So , hiding money in countries where you avoid paying USA taxes is "sound financial management"?

Wonder why the whole countries population doesnt do the same?


So according to you; money that has already been taxed ( ie, earned income ) being invested is tax cheating.


Strength through joy
Unreported income that is hidden overseas, is that what you're implying.

Is he also getting donations from foreign interests ?


golden ticket member
Your assuming it was taxed already. Therein lies the problem with your thinking.


Now you're a tax expert?? Money gets taxed when earned, it gets taxed many times....shoot, in Florida it use to get taxed just because it was held in your assets file.....or portfolio. I don't know if they ever stopped that practice, but it made it very unattractive to retirees....I think your portfolio was taxed 1% evry year.....ridiculous. Then you die and they tax it again!

I think it should be taxed when you earn it and then it's yours to do what you want with no more tax consequences.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
OH NO, NOT AGAIN! Tell me another GOP homosexual has been tossed from the campaign?? YUP.... indeed, its happened again to Mitt Romney.

He has spent months talking about anti gay this and anti gay that, even going as far as to say he will undue OBAMAs victory in overturning "dont ask dont tell". The entire GOP has been saying this for months and so has Romneys national security advisor, but today, after intense pressure from the extreme right wing of the party and ultra religious groups, Romneys national security advisor has quit the campaign.

EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives - Right Turn - The Washington Post

What a shocker. =)

This is the second campaign advisor to quit the team for being homosexual.

I find it striking that both Romney and Richard Grenell would talk about reversing the overturn of DONT ASK DONT TELL, even though Grenell is gay.

This just doesnt make sense to me. How do people feel connected to the GOP when they are GAY, even though the GOP is against them 100% ?

Why do GAY people want to live who they are not just to be with the GOP?

Either way, Romney ditching another homosexual from the team only shows the gay community that he is NOT the candidate for them.





golden ticket member
How do people who are prudent with their money and plan smartly ever get behind a Democrat ??? We all have questions.

How does the N.O.W. group ignore women being called outlandish names bcause they are Republican, but they flock to a Fluke??

I'd be willing to bet there are a few Dems. out there who are gay-haters. It's persoal, not partisan.


bella amicizia
How do people who are prudent with their money and plan smartly ever get behind a Democrat ??? We all have questions.

How does the N.O.W. group ignore women being called outlandish names bcause they are Republican, but they flock to a Fluke??

I'd be willing to bet there are a few Dems. out there who are gay-haters. It's persoal, not partisan.
SHE'S BACK!!! YEAH!!!!!!!:hugs:

There are many democrats that personally don't agree with the homosexual lifestyle.

I don't not consider these people in congress that use the term democrat are true democrats. They are way too liberal. The yahoo's(all of them) who are raping the american taxpayers and driving this country off the cliff all deserve a ticket on the Titanic.

Term limits/no campaign fundraising/ no pandering.


Strength through joy
I enjoy the "news" from the Dem Party about how cheap GOP members are , that they always want to take money away from poor people.
Yet when everyone 's tax returns are made public, it's the dems who toss nickles around like they were manhole covers .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How do people who are prudent with their money and plan smartly ever get behind a Democrat ??? We all have questions.

How does the N.O.W. group ignore women being called outlandish names bcause they are Republican, but they flock to a Fluke??

I'd be willing to bet there are a few Dems. out there who are gay-haters. It's persoal, not partisan.

Thats easy Moreluck, the truth is, the lies purported by the GOP that democrats are all lazy, unemployed moochers is just silly. Policemen, firemen, construction workers, UPSers, nurses, teachers and various other trade jobs are mostly democrats and they DONT TAKE A THING from goverment.

On the other hand, people who are farmers, big oil, military contractors or people like Michele Bachman TAKE PLENTY FROM THE FEDERAL GOVERMENT and they typically are supporting the GOP.

The distraction is to prevent you from understanding this fact and pointing you in the direction of the democrats.

Bait and switch. As a democrat, and a kid who grew up poor, I dont mind that some of my money goes to help the poor of this country. I know what its like to get help as a child. There will always be poor in this country, not everyone can be successful, not every race has an equal chance just yet, but we are trying to get there.

There is a lot of fixing yet to do. Heck, women werent even getting equal pay in this country until 3 years ago.

Social engineering (ghettos) may have kept minorities out of your White precious neighborhoods back in the day, and you may have enjoyed that, but today you pay the price for doing so. Now those same ghettos are packed with unemployed people who havent assimilated into society yet because there are no jobs in those neighborhoods and the goverment has to provide for them.


If minorities in this country werent "herded" into ghettos in the first place they wouldnt be a burden on society today. You get what you asked for.

The american public is smart enough to know that the GOP preaches hate and separation. Some of you do it on this board.

As a successful democrat, I realize that lending a hand to my brothers and sisters who are less fortunate makes me a better citizen, rather than trying to take food out of the mouth of those same individuals.




golden ticket member
Team Romney Rains on Obama’s Parade
+1 Mitt
Columbus, Ohio (CNN) — GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney welcomed President Barack Obama to the Buckeye State on Saturday by parking his campaign bus outside of the site where Obama will hold his first campaign rally of the 2012 campaign.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Team Romney Rains on Obama’s Parade

+1 Mitt
Columbus, Ohio (CNN) — GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney welcomed President Barack Obama to the Buckeye State on Saturday by parking his campaign bus outside of the site where Obama will hold his first campaign rally of the 2012 campaign.

According to your story, Romney parked the bus there?


Nice to see a vacant bus sitting there without any supporters to back it up.

