Mitt Romney


Age quod agis
I am going to preface this by saying that I have no idea what you are going through nor am I trying to minimize it it any way but don't you think Obama would be as compassionate and supporting if it were Michelle who was diagnosed with MS?

The measure of a man is not what he does when the cameras are rolling but what he does when he has only his conscience to guide him.

I do admire Romney for his devotion to his wife and to his family; however, I see the same devotion in our current President.

One is no less of a man than the other.

The Obama girls are being raised in a household full of love and spiritual warmth and will contribute to our society.

Either man will have an uphill battle on their hands.

And with Mitt, I am speaking about an experience my husband has in common with Mitt.
My husband can't fix it nor can Mitt.
The common bond they share...Anne or I could wake up on Monday and our legs could decide not to work.

I watch her like a hawk. If she has the strength to endure the trail to the WH; I can continue work at UPS.

She is my role model and I am okay with saying I want Mitt in the WH.


Age quod agis
I didnt bring up MS, nor do I think someone with MS should be first lady... The cost of healthcare for her is NOT A PART OF TAX PLAN!



That is such BULLCRAP!!!
I brought up MS.


Your right. Anne should not be first lady because of MS.
In fact, all people with MS should just curl up and die because it is to expensive to treat an unpredictable condition.

I should quit my job because MS makes me unquailfied to be employed.

WTF....I shouldn't even have the right to vote because I am female.
Good Night

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
True Colors !!!!

The one who has multiple threads about the president where you mock everything from his race to his skin color? and a specific thread about the first lady where you mock her skin color, race, face, hair, clothes, diet, ASS and education?

But im the jerk because I comment about Ann Romneys MS?

Look, even in a photo finish, I think you have me covered.

AN ILL person should NEVER be in the White House in a position of power.


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golden ticket member
Monday, May 21, 2012 @ 11:53 am |
WaPo Hits a New Low, Keeps Digging: Attacks Romney For 155-Year-Old Mormon Militia Attack In Arkansas, “The First 9/11”…

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Seriously?? This maroon cant even spell his own name!

Funny how the real message slips out when you least expect it!!

MONEY.... the ONLY reason he is the GOP candidate!




Staff member
Monday, May 21, 2012 @ 11:53 am |
WaPo Hits a New Low, Keeps Digging: Attacks Romney For 155-Year-Old Mormon Militia Attack In Arkansas, “The First 9/11”…
I read the Washington Post every day on my lunch break and I read that article yesterday, it wasn't an attack on Romney at all. You really ought to quit spending all your time at Weasel Zippers that site is seriously distorted.


golden ticket member
I read the Washington Post every day on my lunch break and I read that article yesterday, it wasn't an attack on Romney at all. You really ought to quit spending all your time at Weasel Zippers that site is seriously distorted.
A bunch of Arkansans who hold Mormons as guilty of slaughtering their ancestors.....are liable to hold a Mormon, any Mormon, to blame for it. It's human nature ....
They definitely won't vote for the man because of their disdain for Mormons in general.

So it is about Romney and the fact he's a Mormon and they probably won't vote for ANY Mormon because of long held grudges..

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Does that included FDR ?

YES, and in fact, because of FDR, term limits was created for the POTUS.

Thanks for playing. The first lady should be a healthy, charismatic woman capable of traveling around the world representing our country. Weve already had to sick GOP women in the White House, Betty Ford and Pat Nixon. Both of these ladies were a disgrace to our country and we should never add a third.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A bunch of Arkansans who hold Mormons as guilty of slaughtering their ancestors.....are liable to hold a Mormon, any Mormon, to blame for it. It's human nature ....
They definitely won't vote for the man because of their disdain for Mormons in general.

So it is about Romney and the fact he's a Mormon and they probably won't vote for ANY Mormon because of long held grudges..

ROMNEYS religion is FAIR GAME in this religion. Unless he is willing to denounce all the past practices of his church and beliefs (like segregation) then I hope he gets PEPPERED in this election cycle.

Obamas religion was savaged by the GOP for over 4 years now and to say Romneys is off limits is laughable at best.




Staff member
A bunch of Arkansans who hold Mormons as guilty of slaughtering their ancestors.....are liable to hold a Mormon, any Mormon, to blame for it. It's human nature ....
They definitely won't vote for the man because of their disdain for Mormons in general.

So it is about Romney and the fact he's a Mormon and they probably won't vote for ANY Mormon because of long held grudges..
Mitt thanks you for being paranoid for him.


golden ticket member
I think there are alot more who don't.
How did we get from Redneck Arkansas to Albania??? Did the Kardashians have anything to do with it??
Well, indirectly, they did. When L Odom was let go from the Lakers, he had tossed around the idea of playing ball in Turkey. Khloe then reminded him of the genocide of Albanians by people of Turkey. So, history is learned on the Kardashian programs.

Well, whatever we were taking about, it's back to Romney....I'm voting for him!!