Mitt Romney


Age quod agis
AN ILL person should NEVER be in the White House in a position of power.



Franklin D. Roosevelt was afflicted with polio and went on to become one of the most loved and effective presidents ever elected in the United States.
Paul Wellstone, Senator from Minnesota had MS.

Wait...I am female and ill...WTF do I know!!!

Allow me to quote Richard Pryor:
“ was as if God had all this **** left over from the other afflictions he created and decided to throw it all into one disease,” Pryor once said - but MS wouldn’t stop him. Oh no! “MS may have kicked my ass into the blackness, but I have too much to live for to give up on basking in the light again.”



Age quod agis
Since when is the position of "first lady" a position of power? A position of influence? Certainly! Power? No. The first lady can do as little and as much as she feels like doing. It is not an elective post.

By your logic the first kids' health status would be a deal breaker as well. And following that logic , Abraham Lincoln should have given up the presidency when his two sons were ill from typhoid fever.

Damn, I forgot about ABE.
Just think of that...the man died leaving those kids without a dad.


Strength through joy
Any one care to explain why this current flotus needs a staff of 26 ?
When most of the other flotus had at most a staff of one, except Hillary she needed 3.


golden ticket member
Any one care to explain why this current flotus needs a staff of 26 ?
When most of the other flotus had at most a staff of one, except Hillary she needed 3.

this is from '09.....

Does First Lady Michelle Obama have an "unprecedented" number of staffers?A: A spokeswoman for the first lady says that Michelle Obama currently has a staff of 24. That may indeed be the largest of any first lady, but Hillary Clinton, with 19 staffers, and Laura Bush with at least 18 and perhaps more, weren’t far behind.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Michelle has the same number as Laura.

Find another straw(wo)man.

Considering that Michelle actually does something, other than Prozac, it's pretty much a non issue.

When are you people going to figure out that all of our elected officials, at least in high offices, are politicians. Money and politics, your Supreme Court has wedded them for life.


Well-Known Member
Find another straw(wo)man.

I'll second that! But then that would require some thinking and it's not clear if the capability to do that has been achieved yet.

When are you people going to figure out that all of our elected officials, at least in high offices, are politicians. Money and politics, your Supreme Court has wedded them for life.

See the latter point in my comments above.

But then if the electorate were to think for once, neither a democrat or republican would get elected and that is not allowed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Did you see it?
Did you huh...did you?
A lesbian?
A black woman?
A wheelchair!!!

Barbara Jordan.
Rep. Barbara Jordan was the FIRST WOMAN and AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN to deliver a keynote speech at the 1976 Democratic National Convention.
Jordan won election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1972.

In 1973, Jordan was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

Tell me again about Anne Romney.....not quailfied?

Barbara Jordans political career lasted 5 years, until she was too ill to continue in politics. While considered for the supreme court, there would have been no way for her to have held the job due to her illness.

Indeed, a black woman in our congress and a lesbian as well, but NOT THE FIRST LADY. Nobody wants to see a first lady in a wheelchair.

The first lady is to be respected worldwide, not pitied.

Whos to say Ann Romney will not become wheelchair bound and forced to represent us sitting down? She has bigger things to worry about then the white house.




Strength through joy
Actually tos you have made a fine point, having a first lady wheelchair bound would garnish more votes towards the GOP.
Because the Dems could not attempt to use anything against her for fear of a major backlash.
Oh, what power she would hold over them.


Barbara Jordans political career lasted 5 years, until she was too ill to continue in politics. While considered for the supreme court, there would have been no way for her to have held the job due to her illness.

Indeed, a black woman in our congress and a lesbian as well, but NOT THE FIRST LADY. Nobody wants to see a first lady in a wheelchair.

The first lady is to be respected worldwide, not pitied.

Whos to say Ann Romney will not become wheelchair bound and forced to represent us sitting down? She has bigger things to worry about then the white house.



Okay, i can see clearly now that you are absolutely INSANE!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Okay, i can see clearly now that you are absolutely INSANE!

How is it insane to point out a serious problem? We currently have a first lady who plays basketball, excersizes, tours the nation visiting schools promoting getting outside and playing or doing physical sports, and now the GOP wants to put a woman who is sometimes relegated to a wheel chair into the white house?

Romney herself says sometimes she cant even SPEAK or THINK. Those are HER own words.

She states:
"""You know, what happens with me is that I start to almost lose my words. I almost can't think. I can't get my words out. I start to stumble a little bit and so those things were happening and I thought, 'Uh oh, big trouble.'"

Ann Romney's MS Highlights Unpredictable Disease - ABC News

YEAH, I agree, big trouble. This isnt the kind of person to lead the country from the position of the first lady. If she cant think or speak, what are they going to do with her? Hide her in the east room?

Its not insane to point out the obvious.




golden ticket member
Barbara Jordans political career lasted 5 years, until she was too ill to continue in politics. While considered for the supreme court, there would have been no way for her to have held the job due to her illness.

Indeed, a black woman in our congress and a lesbian as well, but NOT THE FIRST LADY. Nobody wants to see a first lady in a wheelchair.

The first lady is to be respected worldwide, not pitied.

Whos to say Ann Romney will not become wheelchair bound and forced to represent us sitting down? She has bigger things to worry about then the white house.


My take on it is....YOU are the only person in America who would be 'put off' by a FLOTUS in a wheelchair.


Age quod agis
Barbara Jordans political career lasted 5 years, until she was too ill to continue in politics. While considered for the supreme court, there would have been no way for her to have held the job due to her illness.

Indeed, a black woman in our congress and a lesbian as well, but NOT THE FIRST LADY. Nobody wants to see a first lady in a wheelchair.

The first lady is to be respected worldwide, not pitied.

Whos to say Ann Romney will not become wheelchair bound and forced to represent us sitting down? She has bigger things to worry about then the white house.



First - No one but God knows if I will ever be in a wheelchair.
MS is not a guaranteed ticket to a wheelchair.

Two - So all those people in wheelchairs are to be pitied?
Get a grib!!

Three - Barbara Jordan - only five years?
Barbara Jordan's career was more than five years.Barbara C. Jordan Timeline

February 21, 1936 Born Barbara Charline Jordan in Houston Texas to Rev. Benjamin M. Jordan and Arlyne (Patten) Jordan

1956 Graduated magna cum laude from Texas Southern University

1959 Graduated from Boston University Law School

1959 Taught political science at Tuskegee Institute

Political Career Starts HERE:
1960 Worked on the Kennedy-Johnson campaign

1962, 1964 Ran unsuccessfully for election to the Texas House of Delegates

1966 Elected to the Texas Senate becoming the first African American state senator since 1883

March 21, 1967 Became the first Black elected official to preside over the Texas Senate.
She was the first Black state senator to chair a major committee, Labor and Management Relations, and the first freshman senator ever named to the Texas Legislative Council.

March 1972 Became the first African-American female to serve as president pro tem of the state senate

June 1972 Served for one day as acting governor of Texas

1972 Elected to the United States House of Representatives for Houston's 18th district, becoming the first black woman from a Southern state to serve in the House.

1974 Made the historic speech before the House Judiciary Committee supporting the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.

1976 Made the historic keynote address at the Democratic National Convention

1976 Sponsored legislation to broaden the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to cover Mexican Americans in Texas and other southwestern states and to extend its authority to those states where minorities had been denied the right to vote or had had their rights restricted by unfair registration practices, such as literacy tests.

1977 Sponsored the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, legislation that required banks to lend and make services available to underserved poor and minority communities.

1979 Retired from politics in 1979 and became a professor at the University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.

1992 She again was a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

1995 Chaired a congressional commission that advocated increased restriction of immigration and increased penalties on employers that violated US immigration regulations

1995 Awarded the prestigious United States Military Academy's Sylvanus Thayer Award.
January 17, 1996 Died



Do you pity me because I have MS?
Or do you think I should just pack it in an get on SSI?

Why haven't you addressed the Senator's MS or FDR's Polio?


I would like you to address Michelle Obama and tell her your feelings on MS. would not be pretty.
Look up her speech at the DNC.......


Age quod agis
Made it easy for you....
And I come here as a daughter, raised on the South Side of Chicago...


... by a father who was a blue-collar city worker and a mother who stayed at home with my brother and me. My mother's love has always been a sustaining force for our family. And one of my greatest joys is seeing her integrity, her compassion, her intelligence reflected in my daughters.

My dad was our rock. And although he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in his early 30s, he was our provider. He was our champion, our hero. But as he got sicker, it got harder for him to walk. It took him longer to get dressed in the morning.

You know, but if he was in pain, he never let on. He never stopped smiling and laughing, even while struggling to button his shirt, even while using two canes to get himself across the room to give my mom a kiss. He just woke up a little earlier, and he worked a little harder.

He and my mom poured everything they had into me and Craig. It was the greatest gift a child could receive -- never doubting for a single minute that you're loved and cherished, and have a place in this world.

And thanks to their faith and their hard work, we both were able to go to college, so I know firsthand from their lives and mine that the American dream endures.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
First - No one but God knows if I will ever be in a wheelchair.
MS is not a guaranteed ticket to a wheelchair.

Two - So all those people in wheelchairs are to be pitied?
Get a grib!!

Three - Barbara Jordan - only five years?
Barbara Jordan's career was more than five years.Barbara C. Jordan Timeline

February 21, 1936 Born Barbara Charline Jordan in Houston Texas to Rev. Benjamin M. Jordan and Arlyne (Patten) Jordan

1956 Graduated magna cum laude from Texas Southern University

1959 Graduated from Boston University Law School

1959 Taught political science at Tuskegee Institute

Political Career Starts HERE:
1960 Worked on the Kennedy-Johnson campaign

1962, 1964 Ran unsuccessfully for election to the Texas House of Delegates

1966 Elected to the Texas Senate becoming the first African American state senator since 1883

March 21, 1967 Became the first Black elected official to preside over the Texas Senate.
She was the first Black state senator to chair a major committee, Labor and Management Relations, and the first freshman senator ever named to the Texas Legislative Council.

March 1972 Became the first African-American female to serve as president pro tem of the state senate

June 1972 Served for one day as acting governor of Texas

1972 Elected to the United States House of Representatives for Houston's 18th district, becoming the first black woman from a Southern state to serve in the House.

1974 Made the historic speech before the House Judiciary Committee supporting the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.

1976 Made the historic keynote address at the Democratic National Convention

1976 Sponsored legislation to broaden the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to cover Mexican Americans in Texas and other southwestern states and to extend its authority to those states where minorities had been denied the right to vote or had had their rights restricted by unfair registration practices, such as literacy tests.

1977 Sponsored the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, legislation that required banks to lend and make services available to underserved poor and minority communities.

1979 Retired from politics in 1979 and became a professor at the University of Texas at Austin Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs.

1992 She again was a keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention.

1995 Chaired a congressional commission that advocated increased restriction of immigration and increased penalties on employers that violated US immigration regulations

1995 Awarded the prestigious United States Military Academy's Sylvanus Thayer Award.
January 17, 1996 Died



Do you pity me because I have MS?
Or do you think I should just pack it in an get on SSI?

Why haven't you addressed the Senator's MS or FDR's Polio?


I would like you to address Michelle Obama and tell her your feelings on MS. would not be pretty.
Look up her speech at the DNC.......


no disrespect intended towards you personally. You ask me questions, I respond but I am place in que and my answers do not appear for a couple of days. I realize this gives the appearance that I wont address what is discussed, but its out of my control at this point.

My comments on MS are DIRECTLY aimed at ANN ROMNEY and ANN ROMNEY only. I posted (still waiting for it to appear) where Mrs ROMNEY herself indicates that SHE is relagated to a wheelchair at times and thats where that comes from.

I do not know of your situation or place you in a similiar circumstance.

My larger point is NOT that people in wheelchairs are lesser people, in fact I support all persons with disabilities, however, with respect to the President and First lady, this country should never be put into a situation where we have to see an "ill" first lady in a wheelchair unable to speak, think or move, as ANN ROMNEY indicates she experiences.

I posted her own words (still waiting for it to appear) as my source and it has nothing to do with you or other persons with disabilities.

In plain talk, I am suggesting that it would be embarrassing to have a first lady who would have to be HIDDEN while in one of these states where she couldnt speak, think or walk. Thats where the word "pity" comes from.

Her "condition" at times disables her, and would severly limit any contribution she could make as a first lady.

I know its tough talk, and nobody likes to hear such, but its the simple truth.



Wednesday 5/23/12 305PM-submitted.


golden ticket member

no disrespect intended towards you personally. You ask me questions, I respond but I am place in que and my answers do not appear for a couple of days. I realize this gives the appearance that I wont address what is discussed, but its out of my control at this point.

My comments on MS are DIRECTLY aimed at ANN ROMNEY and ANN ROMNEY only. I posted (still waiting for it to appear) where Mrs ROMNEY herself indicates that SHE is relagated to a wheelchair at times and thats where that comes from.

I do not know of your situation or place you in a similiar circumstance.

My larger point is NOT that people in wheelchairs are lesser people, in fact I support all persons with disabilities, however, with respect to the President and First lady, this country should never be put into a situation where we have to see an "ill" first lady in a wheelchair unable to speak, think or move, as ANN ROMNEY indicates she experiences.

I posted her own words (still waiting for it to appear) as my source and it has nothing to do with you or other persons with disabilities.

In plain talk, I am suggesting that it would be embarrassing to have a first lady who would have to be HIDDEN while in one of these states where she couldnt speak, think or walk. Thats where the word "pity" comes from.

Her "condition" at times disables her, and would severly limit any contribution she could make as a first lady.

I know its tough talk, and nobody likes to hear such, but its the simple truth.



Wednesday 5/23/12 305PM-submitted.
The respose being delayed is no still stinks.

I guess if Mooch falls down the steps and is relegated to a wheelchair......what? Do we take her out and shoot her. She surely can't be first lady anymore......that would make America look weak you hear how stupid that all sounds ???

Steven Hawking must be a total pile of ---- in your mind!!!