Mitt Romney

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

May 30, 2012

Townhall Alerts

Most political predictions are made... by biased pollsters, pundits, or prognosticators who are either rooting for Republicans or Democrats. I am neither. I am a former Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a well-known Vegas oddsmaker with one of the most accurate records of predicting political races. ...
But I’ll give Obama credit for one thing- he is living proof that familiarity breeds contempt.

I tried to give you some rep points but couldn't. I think you have done a great job with your analysis. It was a good read.

I believe in a lot of of the Libertarian POV but not all. The USA has evolved into a very complex country. I do not believe that one philosophy can fit all circumstances. IMO, power hungry, egocentric career politicians who only care about getting re-elected are our biggest internal enemy. We need to fix that and the damage they have caused if we are going to be great again. I just hope it is not to late. I am an eternal optimist who believes that there is enough good people who have diverse political opinions but realize it takes all of us to come up with something that will work to move us forward.

BUT sometimes just like those folks who are alcoholics or addicts, you have to hit bottom or basically realize that you are on a destructive path before you can pick yourself up again. The USA is on that course but I don't think enough people understand this yet. Hopefully the epiphany will come soon!!


Well-Known Member

And the answer : Five Executive orders day 1 are :
Red Tape
Domestic nrg
China sanctions
Empowerment --business and workers

And do you really think Mittens would sanction China?

Useless Campaign Rhetoric.

(Like Obama closing Guantanamo).



Strength through joy
[h=1]President Obama Has Private Meeting with Young Stars at Beverly Hilton[/h]With all the problems that need to be addressed , this is how he spends his time.
Always away from DC , you know that place where he is supposed to be working.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
President Obama Has Private Meeting with Young Stars at Beverly Hilton

With all the problems that need to be addressed , this is how he spends his time.
Always away from DC , you know that place where he is supposed to be working.

Is there some bill that the GOP passed in the house that cleared the senate thats waiting for his signature?? Oh yeah, NO.




Well-Known Member
And do you really think Mittens would sanction China?

Useless Campaign Rhetoric.

(Like Obama closing Guantanamo).


It's like Cypher in the Matrix eating that steak when he sez, and taking liberty with the original quote

You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After four years, you know what I realize? (Takes a bite of steak) Ignorance is bliss.


Well-Known Member
President Obama Has Private Meeting with Young Stars at Beverly Hilton

With all the problems that need to be addressed , this is how he spends his time.
Always away from DC , you know that place where he is supposed to be working.

This meeting makes sense. He knows the power of social media and if he can get these young people enthused about the upcoming election the hope is that this enthusiam will spread throughout other young people.


Staff member
Is there some bill that the GOP passed in the house that cleared the senate thats waiting for his signature?? Oh yeah, NO.



No, but he did tell us he was the one who could cross the aisle and gain consensus. I think he tried that for about his first week....
Epic Fail.

I think he should be in Washington doing things. He's the Leader of the Free World. Why isn't he leading???


golden ticket member
Maybe he's speaking to the young people and telling them the importance of a budget and living within your means!!


Strength through joy
Is there some bill that the GOP passed in the house that cleared the senate thats waiting for his signature?? Oh yeah, NO.



He could re-try to have his budget plan get at least one vote.
Or maybe he could finish up on that JOBS bill he promised what 2-3 years ago ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He could re-try to have his budget plan get at least one vote.
Or maybe he could finish up on that JOBS bill he promised what 2-3 years ago ?


please tell me the LAST bill passed by the congress that was passed by the senate and sent to the president for his signature. Go ahead, Ill wait.



UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
No, but he did tell us he was the one who could cross the aisle and gain consensus. I think he tried that for about his first week....
Epic Fail.

I think he should be in Washington doing things. He's the Leader of the Free World. Why isn't he leading???

Leading does not fit in with campaigning. It is like voting present! How can you get attacked if there is no record. His job is to bridge the divide not provide rhetoric causing the divide to widen. Force both sides to meet and come to terms. He needs to listen to what the American people are saying not respond to his blithering base. The blame game ain't working anymore. America wants results which Occupant of our White House cannot provide because he has no clue how to get people to work together who have different views of what is the best way to proceed. The Dems never talk about the lack of a budget from Harry Reed for the last 3 years. The occupier in chief does not understand that he represents all Americans even those who lean right and extreme right!


Strength through joy

please tell me the LAST bill passed by the congress that was passed by the senate and sent to the president for his signature. Go ahead, Ill wait.


So you think his only function is to sign bills ?
I miss LBJ.
He knew how to give a simple congressman a favor and let him submit a bill that could pass both houses without leaving any connect back to him.
Now that is something bhos never learned & never will know.


golden ticket member
Who is this new Mitt Romney guy and why do I like him so much?

Via Politico:
Mitt Romney on Tuesday went after President Barack Obama for being “really out of touch” with the economic realities facing Americans and blasted the Obama campaign’s slogan — “Forward” — as simply “absurd.”

“He’s had a number of very revealing comments that show just how far out of touch he is with what’s happening in the country. Yesterday, he said among other things, that he didn’t realize that Obamacare is having any impact on small business,” Romney said on “Fox & Friends.”

“And then of course his comments that the private sector is ‘doing fine’ at a time when instead you’ve seen growth of our economy below 2 percent for the first quarter, and you have about 15 percent of Americans out of work or stopped looking for work or underemployed,” the Republican presidential candidate added. “The president is really out of touch with what’s happening across America.”

Asked to comment on the Federal Reserve’s announcement Monday that American families’ median net worth fell dramatically — nearly 40 percent — between 2007 and 2010, Romney suggested that the Obama administration is doing little to help struggling Americans.

“The American people are having such a hard time. That’s why the idea of selecting as a campaign slogan ‘Forward’ is so absurd,” the former Massachusetts governor said. “The president needs to go out and talk to people. Not just do fundraisers, go out and talk to the people if the country and find out what’s happening.”


golden ticket member
Instead of trying to score cheap political points neither Ann Romney or her husband’s campaign would comment on the call.
Via Politico:

Robin Roberts, the Good Morning America co-host who announced yesterday that she had been diagnosed with MDS, spoke with Ann Romney last night.

“I had a lovely phone conversation with Ann Romney last night, who’s had her own health challenges,” Roberts said on this morning’s edition of GMA. “It really has been really comforting.”

Romney was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998 and, ten years later, with a non-invasive type of breast cancer. Roberts underwent her own treatment for breast cancer in 2007, which led to the current diagnosis of MDS, a rare blood and bone marrow disease for which Roberts will undergo chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.

The Romney campaign did not respond to a request for comment regarding the conversation.


Für Meno :)
cheap points ? Laughing !!!!

How many people do you think have MS as a pre-condition and can't get any health insurance at all ?
Would be nice to see the Romney's divorce, and Ann herself would fall into the non-insurable group !