I think we should do like Nancy Pelosi said...Pass the bill and read it later. The legislation is a stack of paper 4 feet tall! We will be discovering what is in it for the next 10 years! The consequences will slowly pile up until the government bureaucracy is so entrenched we won't be able to fix anything. JUST LIKE OUR TAX CODE! The adverse ripple effects of one small pebble thrown into a lake of complicated bureaucracy will continue to expand out until every American has their health affected because of this cancerous legislation.
Repeal and start over and make it simple - put doctors in charge in fixing the system - not healthcare or insurance companies and certainly not the government.
OMG.... I was waiting for someone to repeat this falsehood. Man, how people are manipulated is astounding. Of course she didnt say that, but convincing you of that would probably be a vertical climb because of your constant hearing it on right wing outlets.
Right wing outlets have used snipits of statements to create a falsehood then use it on the GOP faithful until they themselves repeat it. This is one of those statements.
Look how this right wing think tank cuts this video to make it sound like Nancy said such a thing as a STAND ALONE SENTENCE.
"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"
What Pelosi said was in a broader context, and that sentence you posted is only a partial quote intended to confuse YOU.
Heres what she said " "It's going to be very, very exciting," Pelosi said, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."
Does this sound like what you posted? Of course not. But its what YOU believe she said as Islandfox does, because thats what youve heard.
What was she saying? Clearly, she is saying, that congress would have to pass the bill, for YOU the voter to know whats in it ( the written law ) outside the SPIN of the GOP or talking heads that were at the time misleading the public as to the contents of the health care reform bill.
She was clearly sending a shot across the bow of FOX SPEWS and the GOP members of the house who were on a daily basis exaggerating the health care reform bill to the negative, and a level headed person would be able to determine away from the SPIN by reading the actual bill once it was passed and no changes could be made to it.
Secondly, you say to put doctors in charge of fixing the problem? Are you serious?
Who do you think broke it in the first place? Ever hear the term, putting the fox in the hen house?
The reality is simple, insurance companies have been screwing americans for two decades. Insurance companies used professionals and doctors on committees to sit in a room and go through patients records in order to find reasons to DISQUALIFY coverage for MILLIONS of americans and these committees testified in front of congress and admitted this.
You might find it more interesting to learn about healthcare reform on your own, rather than just listening to a political party distort it for you and you accept it because you dont know any better.