Mitt Romney


Für Meno :)
Yes I am serious.
Go to an ER sometime.

And I am not going to discuss this with you.

However, when you do need help, drop me a PM.

Yup, go to an ER, and just ask for some basic healthcare, like a routine check-up.
Or is that not considered healthcare there ?


Für Meno :)
It's repeal & replace.

Repeal is stressed because it has to be first. Everyone knows we need a reformed health care.

The cost of Obamacare is probably 3 or 4 times more than we were led to believe. It's 2200 or 2700 pages that no one's checked. Each week something is written about another something that was found inside that monstrosity. Why does it address and force health care on 100% of the population when it's only 10-13%? who are actually uninsured.
Lots of things need addressed.

Please provide proof of that !
Try 25-30 % !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Yup, go to an ER, and just ask for some basic healthcare, like a routine check-up.
Or is that not considered healthcare there ?

That's why our healthcare needs checks and balance- because people go to the er with runny nose; mostly people without insurance because they cannot be refused.
The e does stand for emergency, not enter for free checkups.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yup, go to an ER, and just ask for some basic healthcare, like a routine check-up.
Or is that not considered healthcare there ?

If you are uninsured and you to go to the ER for emergency treatment the facility is required to provide you with stabilizing treatment before transferring you to another facility. They cannot turn you away simply because you are unable to pay.


Staff member
If you are uninsured and you to go to the ER for emergency treatment the facility is required to provide you with stabilizing treatment before transferring you to another facility. They cannot turn you away simply because you are unable to pay.
I think there are instances where "stabilizing treatment" is a grey area that gets fudged toward the fiscal side of the equation.


Staff member
It's repeal & replace.

Repeal is stressed because it has to be first. Everyone knows we need a reformed health care.

The cost of Obamacare is probably 3 or 4 times more than we were led to believe. It's 2200 or 2700 pages that no one's checked. Each week something is written about another something that was found inside that monstrosity. Why does it address and force health care on 100% of the population when it's only 10-13%? who are actually uninsured. Does taxpayer money go to fund abortions?

Lots of things need addressed.
Yes. And since this is the "Mitt Romney" thread, what has he said about these issues?


golden ticket member
Romney vows to repeal Obamacare and return the healthcare question primarily back to the states, who can then implement their own policies and programs. At the same time, he will promote pro-market principles in health care at the federal level and empower states to offer better programs.

“Now just yesterday, the president said something else that shows just how much out of touch he is," Romney said at a rally in Orlando. "He said he didn’t understand that Obamacare was hurting small business, doesn’t understand that Obamacare impacts small business." Romney cited a Chamber of Commerce study that showed 75 percent of small-business owners said Obamacare's regulations would prevent them from hiring more workers.

I feel that Mitt at least understands the impact of the present Obamacare on businesses and Obama has no clue. Obamacare goged Medicae to help pay for some of it.

Sounds like the states will address the details........but repeal comes first, so that's the focus.. I also think the focus should be on the uninsured.....not the entire population.


Staff member
And how is it hurting small business? Personally, I think alot of businesses are secretly cool with it and are waiting to be able to drop coverage for employees. Imagine the size of that pro-business incentive!


golden ticket member
And how is it hurting small business? Personally, I think alot of businesses are secretly cool with it and are waiting to be able to drop coverage for employees. Imagine the size of that pro-business incentive!
You need to interview the small business owners....I am not one.

I'm pretty sure it's not about waiting to drop coverage, but deciding not to hire at all!!


Strength through joy
I think there are instances where "stabilizing treatment" is a grey area that gets fudged toward the fiscal side of the equation.

Talk to the current flotus, that hospital job she had was to remove non-paying clients to other treatment centers.


Staff member
Talk to the current flotus, that hospital job she had was to remove non-paying clients to other treatment centers.

Exactly. And that's why if "repeal" gets airtime, "replace" had better get at least as much. Or should we just pretend all is fine?


Staff member
You need to interview the small business owners....I am not one.

I'm pretty sure it's not about waiting to drop coverage, but deciding not to hire at all!!

I am one. What do you think that insurance costs companies? Wanna stimulate business? Let them drop coverage, pay a relatively small fine and watch the profits explode.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Exactly. And that's why if "repeal" gets airtime, "replace" had better get at least as much. Or should we just pretend all is fine?

I think we should do like Nancy Pelosi said...Pass the bill and read it later. The legislation is a stack of paper 4 feet tall! We will be discovering what is in it for the next 10 years! The consequences will slowly pile up until the government bureaucracy is so entrenched we won't be able to fix anything. JUST LIKE OUR TAX CODE! The adverse ripple effects of one small pebble thrown into a lake of complicated bureaucracy will continue to expand out until every American has their health affected because of this cancerous legislation.

Repeal and start over and make it simple - put doctors in charge in fixing the system - not healthcare or insurance companies and certainly not the government.


Staff member
Funny thing is is that they NEVER read the bills before passed. Lobbyist for and against and aides to members of congress do all that wrangling. Start over? Probably not. They've been starting over for decades on this and getting nowhere. "Repeal and replace" is really "repeal and stall".

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I think we should do like Nancy Pelosi said...Pass the bill and read it later. The legislation is a stack of paper 4 feet tall! We will be discovering what is in it for the next 10 years! The consequences will slowly pile up until the government bureaucracy is so entrenched we won't be able to fix anything. JUST LIKE OUR TAX CODE! The adverse ripple effects of one small pebble thrown into a lake of complicated bureaucracy will continue to expand out until every American has their health affected because of this cancerous legislation.

Repeal and start over and make it simple - put doctors in charge in fixing the system - not healthcare or insurance companies and certainly not the government.

OMG.... I was waiting for someone to repeat this falsehood. Man, how people are manipulated is astounding. Of course she didnt say that, but convincing you of that would probably be a vertical climb because of your constant hearing it on right wing outlets.

Right wing outlets have used snipits of statements to create a falsehood then use it on the GOP faithful until they themselves repeat it. This is one of those statements.

Look how this right wing think tank cuts this video to make it sound like Nancy said such a thing as a STAND ALONE SENTENCE.

"We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it"

What Pelosi said was in a broader context, and that sentence you posted is only a partial quote intended to confuse YOU.

Heres what she said " "It's going to be very, very exciting," Pelosi said, telling the local elected officials assembled that Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."

Does this sound like what you posted? Of course not. But its what YOU believe she said as Islandfox does, because thats what youve heard.

What was she saying? Clearly, she is saying, that congress would have to pass the bill, for YOU the voter to know whats in it ( the written law ) outside the SPIN of the GOP or talking heads that were at the time misleading the public as to the contents of the health care reform bill.

She was clearly sending a shot across the bow of FOX SPEWS and the GOP members of the house who were on a daily basis exaggerating the health care reform bill to the negative, and a level headed person would be able to determine away from the SPIN by reading the actual bill once it was passed and no changes could be made to it.

Secondly, you say to put doctors in charge of fixing the problem? Are you serious?

Who do you think broke it in the first place? Ever hear the term, putting the fox in the hen house?

The reality is simple, insurance companies have been screwing americans for two decades. Insurance companies used professionals and doctors on committees to sit in a room and go through patients records in order to find reasons to DISQUALIFY coverage for MILLIONS of americans and these committees testified in front of congress and admitted this.

You might find it more interesting to learn about healthcare reform on your own, rather than just listening to a political party distort it for you and you accept it because you dont know any better.

