Mitt Romney


golden ticket member
cheap points ? Laughing !!!!

How many people do you think have MS as a pre-condition and can't get any health insurance at all ?
Would be nice to see the Romney's divorce, and Ann herself would fall into the non-insurable group !

disgusting !!!


Für Meno :)
You really are a jerk.

No the real jerks are the Romneys !
Going thru MS, cancer and other illnesses, but yet want to denie that same good healthcare they receive to others !
What's good for the gandar isn't good for the goose !

Michelle is rather a very health person, so is Obama, yet they want to fight to have everyone have access to healthcare.
While Romney promises to abolish Romneycare (obamacare), on Day 1.
If you ask me, there is something wrong in that picture !


Well-Known Member
I have a better idea---why don't you concern yourself with the Candian socialist healthcare system and let us Americans worry about our overpriced healthcare system--deal?


Staff member
cheap points ? Laughing !!!!

How many people do you think have MS as a pre-condition and can't get any health insurance at all ?
Would be nice to see the Romney's divorce, and Ann herself would fall into the non-insurable group !

Can't you go away to some Canada current events forum? I for one am sick of listening to you bash America and Americans. There must be something you can do on a Canadian website.


Age quod agis
No the real jerks are the Romneys !
Going thru MS, cancer and other illnesses, but yet want to denie that same good healthcare they receive to others !
What's good for the gandar isn't good for the goose !

Michelle is rather a very health person, so is Obama, yet they want to fight to have everyone have access to healthcare.
While Romney promises to abolish Romneycare (obamacare), on Day 1.
If you ask me, there is something wrong in that picture !

This was the line and you crossed it.

I have MS and I am healthy.
Very healthy.

Klein, you are not an American.
And no one in America is denied healthcare.


Well-Known Member
No the real jerks are the Romneys !
Going thru MS, cancer and other illnesses, but yet want to denie that same good healthcare they receive to others !
What's good for the gandar isn't good for the goose !

Michelle is rather a very health person, so is Obama, yet they want to fight to have everyone have access to healthcare.
While Romney promises to abolish Romneycare (obamacare), on Day 1.
If you ask me, there is something wrong in that picture !

You and no one else knows the health of the Obama's. They are real good at hiding other things, they would be equally good at hiding medical conditions.
This scares me as well:
Weekly Enewsletter: An Executive Order You Should Know About | Congresswoman Kay Granger


Staff member
If you are all done piling on klein, I think it would be beneficial to take up two central points. First, are people indeed denied healthcare? Before we say "no", maybe we should search the answer out. I think I recall people actually dying because some provider couldn't or wouldn't accept an insurance or the patient had no insurance. Secondly, if nobody is denied care (and even more so if they are) why are the outcomes not better for the amount of money spent? Or is it more fun just to keep piling on?


Age quod agis
I can tell you - because I work on directing those recently dx'd with MS to available resources including SSI disability.
No one with MS is denied care.

The biggest problem I have experienced in the role of MS avocate is LAZY people.
You go all out to help and a few people fail to follow up on MD appointments, filling out forms for discounted meds and SSI.

I have found that many people are not willing to help themselves.

And piling on.....

Klein's post was rude.
He crossed the line and wished bad things to happen to Ann Romney.

I wanted to post "wouldn't it be funny if you choked on a hotdog and died while other people watched and laughed."


Staff member
Yes. Klein was rude. I got that from the first person to point it out.
But I remember when it was "repeal and replace". Now I only hear "repeal". Are we to belive that the only thing wrong with healthcare is Obamacare an lazy people? Rude as it may be, klein may have a legitimate question. And if we are not asking the question here, it may as well come from north of the border. In AA we call it "putting principals before personalities."


golden ticket member
Yes. Klein was rude. I got that from the first person to point it out.
But I remember when it was "repeal and replace". Now I only hear "repeal". Are we to belive that the only thing wrong with healthcare is Obamacare an lazy people? Rude as it may be, klein may have a legitimate question. And if we are not asking the question here, it may as well come from north of the border. In AA we call it "putting principals before personalities."
It's repeal & replace.

Repeal is stressed because it has to be first. Everyone knows we need a reformed health care.

The cost of Obamacare is probably 3 or 4 times more than we were led to believe. It's 2200 or 2700 pages that no one's checked. Each week something is written about another something that was found inside that monstrosity. Why does it address and force health care on 100% of the population when it's only 10-13%? who are actually uninsured. Does taxpayer money go to fund abortions?

Lots of things need addressed.


golden ticket member
".......And if we are not asking the question here............."

The question should be.....what the hell is in that monster bill and why was he dirty dealing and trying to cram that thing down our throats and in such a hurry to do it ???