Mitt Romney


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So, remind me about Obama's military service...................was he a gov. in control of national guard?

O's business experience ?
O,s governor experience?
O's payroll experience?
O's drug experience.....check!!

Did he dodge the draft?
Put 1000's of people out of work?
Buy influence with his daddy's reputation?
Plunder pension funds?
Tie his dog to the roof of his has and hose the crap off when he scared it out of the dog?
Wear magic underwear?
Assault a classmate with the help of others (couldn't do it by himself) and cut his hair because he thought he was gay?

The list goes on and on and on

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS is gonna be so pissed to hear about this !!!

This doesnt upset me in the least. Opinions from two boneheads like ART LAFFER and STEVEN MOORE is a joke at best.

LAFFER, the man behind the disaster that was REAGANS fiscal policy (3.47 trillion of debt) is no one to take seriously. LAFFER, who is another FOX SPEWS talking head paid to come onto the air and spew distorted facts about Reagan and his record, will say just just about anything to pin back the ears of the faithful. He knows little about balancing a budget, or controlling deficits. Back in 1981 he thought that deficits were no big deal and he proved it with a RECORD 3.7 trillion dollars and adjusted for inflation that total today would be close to 11 trillion. Same as BUSH. What a surprise.

As for that idiot STEVEN MOORE, another maroon out of the newscorps ranks placed into the senior role at the Wall Street journal after that criminal Rupert Murdoch bought the paper will come onto the airwaves of every right wing show ( both radio and television) and spew his nonsense on the economy.

Moore, avoids ANY liberal news channel as he knows he will get OWNED like he did when he dared to go onto BILL MAHERS show. MAHER tore him apart piece by piece, as does every right wing nut who dare appear with the same old tired talking points.

But, for the faithful, these two clowns speak their language and thats all that matters. Who cares if facts get in the way, he says what you want to hear and its all good.

Watch STEVEN MOOE getting owned in an environment ( unlike fox) where he has to answer questions versus just coming on air and spewing talking points for 10 minutes.
Stephen Moore Gets His Ass Handed to Him on Health Care Reform on Real Time | Video Cafe

Again, MOORE and REAGANS budget director get thier ashes handed to them on BILL MAHER.
Bill Maher: Rachel Maddow Bitch-Slaps GOP Economist Steve Moore (VIDEO) | Veracity Stew

These two morons are the LAST people in the world who should be giving economic advice to the nation.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Again, STEVEN MOORE appears with his FOX TALKING POINTS and cant answer the questions

Bill Maher v Stephen Moore - Who Created The Deficit Obama or Bush? (February 17th 2012) - YouTube




Staff member
Was that illegal ? People are allowed to claim gambling losses (against wins) too and it is LEGAL!!!

Kerry screwed around to save money on taxes where he docked his canoe.
Rangel didn't even pay taxes and got caught.
Don't forget nearly everyone OBAMA nominated for his cabinet was a tax cheat.