Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
Romney may have signed the Mass Health care bill , but he was not the person in charge of it.
The Mass State house should really be called the Democrats beginners school for future Federal Inmates.
That have total control over everything.
They submitted and passed that bill , and kept reminding Mitt that they always had more than enough voted to override his veto. So why not sign it and get some favors owed for other projects he had plan.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Can you also list all the links for bhos' broken promises ?
His out right lies ?
His refusal to allow reporters join in any of his golf outings ?
The list of all former girl friends, not just the composite one ?

Thats YOUR job, youve been doing it for 4 years, why stop now?



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Disclaimer... :its_all_good:
Any similarity between you and a human being is purely coincidental...

Its got to just lite your ash on fire to HEAR ROMNEY in his own words, eh? That your party could be dumb enough to nominate the GUY who couldnt BEAT MCCAIN who couldnt BEAT OBAMA.

Ya know, I feel sorry for you folks in this respect. You are ALL wasting your time rooting for Romney and some dumb enough to send money to the campaign, and behind the scenes, the establishment of the GOP is simply sacrificing ROMNEY in this years election cycle.

If you think about it, there were many more qualified candidates out there. Knowing that MASS Healthcare is IDENTICAL to the ACA , and that was going to be an achilles heel for ROMNEY, and knowing the ROMNEY has FLIPPED on every issue known to mankind, and further, in ROMNEYS own words stating that HIS MOTHER supports ABORTION, why do you think they "allowed" ROMNEY to win?

Seriously, in the debates, most of the jokers running against him had NO CHANCE of winning, but they ALL TOSSED ginormous amount of dirt onto ROMNEY in a losing effort, but was it? Was all that dirt tossing a part of the plan? ROMNEY got beat up for months in the debates until they were finally cancelled. ROMNEY was tired of getting creamed at each one, and the dirt was getting uglier at each stop. Why was this dirt necessary?

I have a belief.

You see, ROMNEY put up a good fight in 2008 with McCain, but lost. He spent alot of money. The establishment really doesnt like him because he is a moderate/liberal and he cannot be trusted to follow instructions from the fringe right wing who controls the party. Knowing that OBAMA will most likely win re election, then 2016 becomes the play. The establishment doesnt want ROMNEY to be a factor in 2016 and the best way to get him out of the way is to have him DESTROYED in 2012, spend all his money in a losing effort and suck out all the wind out of any hint of him running in 2016 when the GOP will put forward TRUE conservatives on the ticket.

You have to admit ( whether you like it or not ) ROMNEY is so full of problems he has no chance of winning. You guys all throw out everything upto the kitchen sink and YET, OBAMA still leads in every poll across this country. How can this be?

2012 will go down as the year the GOP killed MITT ROMNEY.

He will lose big in November and will disappear from the national scene. This is the plan.

Give it some thought Lifer. I know it sucks, but its a possibility. Why else would things be working out like they are?

In a debate, ROMNEY will get destroyed by his own words, actions and history. The GOP knows this.

Romney is now in a box and the top is about to be taped shut.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney considering a woman for VP, this led to a scathing remark from BILL KRISTOL, fox spews resident nazi:

William Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard, wrote Thursday that Romney's strategy "strikes me as a path to (narrow) defeat." The Wall Street Journal editorial page also criticized the campaign's "insular staff and strategy that are slowly squandering an historic opportunity."

At least he gets it.




golden ticket member
You kill a person.......the coroner takes away the're blaming the coroner?

How about the Obami-wan who encorages abortion like he does food stamps?