Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You seem to think the Romneys have a tax code all their own. Taxes and deductions are the same for everyone !! It all depends on your income.

If you made the amount of money the Romneys do, you'd have the same deductions. I looked and there was no page in the IRS code marked "Romneys only"!!

Jealousy will eat you alive!

thanks for pointing out the advantages of the top 1% vs the rest of us moreluck. You do a good job of pointing out how unfair the tax code really is.

If it was fair, I would be able to deduct the same monies spent on our horses as do the romneys, but then again, you would think thats UNFAIR because you support the 1% at a sacrifice to yourself and the rest of the nation.




golden ticket member
thanks for pointing out the advantages of the top 1% vs the rest of us moreluck. You do a good job of pointing out how unfair the tax code really is.

If it was fair, I would be able to deduct the same monies spent on our horses as do the romneys, but then again, you would think thats UNFAIR because you support the 1% at a sacrifice to yourself and the rest of the nation.


But,you CAN do the deductions, you just have to make a bunch of millions a year. You are part of the world's 1% !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Please explain again how Warren Buffet , who is worth Billions, pays almost not taxes ?

ask moreluck, she seems to believe that if you make a kajillion dollars then you get special deductions that the rest of us cannot participate in unless we make a kajillion dollars. Again, protecting the top 1% and screwing the rest of us.




Staff member

Mitt Romney said Tuesday that if the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down Obamacare, President Barack Obama will have “wasted” the first three and a half years of his term on “something that does not help the American people.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Mr Romney. The ONE thing Obamas presidency has accomplished is forcing this health care thing down the throats of Americans who do not want it.

Without that, all Obamas presidency will be remembered for is his golfing and fundraising.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
november 2012- the day after the election. All quiet at the Romney headquarters.

OBAMA WINS BIG IN DC ! ! ! ! ! ! !





Well-Known Member
Congrats to Mitt Romney and the GOP. Now that RomneyCare is upheld and vindicated (I know the partiarchy narrative "Blame or Credit Obama") but let's give credit where credit is due so Romney and the GOP can actually and finally run on Romney's record.

And before anyone goes on a rant that this healthcare thingy is communism, just explain after the SCOTUS announcement that Hospital stocks are higher? How can Motley Fool several days ago see good investments ahead of a positive court ruling? Sorry, but this is all capitalism and it always has been.

Personally, I'm very happy with the SCOTUS ruling but not for reasons the partiarchy types would like!

Republicans can no longer use the Supreme Court appointment power in their case for electing their guy president. (Not that the argument was good before.)

Sheldon Richman, editor The Freeman and The Freeman Online

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member

We can all make assumptions as to how this decision affects all Americans. But I have already seen changes in my local doctors office. Capitalism at its best. If you want to continue to be a patient, you need to pay an extra $200 this year. This local healthcare provider is a quality operation. What happens in the future? What happens if I can't afford it anymore? There is no doctor I know that isn't highly concerned about the future. My personal conversations with doctors - some say they will probably leave the profession. Others say the only alternative is to go work for hospitals and they are unwilling to do that. When the doctors are upset... it affect us ...the patients! The doctors let us know if it is workable or not. My contact with doctors tells me that they don't think it will work and they don't want the government telling them what to do.

Change needs to happen and I hope that today's decision brings Americans together united in a magnitude we have not seen before, to rise against the tyranny of this current administration.
To me the argument on RomneyCare means nothing. Massachusetts did what it felt it needed to do. Whether it is good or bad policy, it is the citizens of Massachusetts to determine.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
An additional $10 million from the casino guy!!

and your happy about that??

That makes a total of 35 million he has donated, and he has pledged to donate up to 100 million and you think this guy doesnt have something up his sleeve? This :censored2:BAG is named Sheldon Adelson, he's a jewish casino owner who is supporting two ginormous things.

First, he would like to see the USA go to war with IRAN. His seed money is going to the GOP in hopes of starting a war with IRAN. WHY? Simple. This "As*s Clown wants to open casinos in Jordan and Syria in vacation spots, but as long as IRAN backs both of those countries, he CANT.

NEWT was hawkish enough for Adelson to give him 25 million dollars and NEWT was saying all the right things for Adelson.

He wants to BUY the US MILITARY for his OWN personal gain. This :censored2: owns casinos around the world, and he would like to create resorts closer to Israel in neighboring countries, but he needs the US military to clean out the opposition first.

He wants us to invade SYRIA and take out Assad, he wants us to destabilize Jordan and replace that goverment with a sympathetic western goverment. He wants the US military to take military action against the palestinians so the israelis can have "clean hands".


ADELSON was instrumental in manipulating GOP congressman to kill bills that "he" did not like, for instance:

""During the Suen trial Bill Weidner, the president of Adelson's Las Vegas Sands company, testified about a telephone conversation between Adelson and his friend then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R) about a bill proposed by Representative Tom Lantos (D) that would have prevented the U.S. Olympic Committee from voting in favor of the Chinese bid to host the 2008 Summer Olympics. A few hours later, DeLay called back and told Adelson he could tell the mayor of Beijing "this bill will never see the light of day". The resolution did not pass. Adelson testified in court that the demise of the resolution "...resulted from the press of other legislation, (not from) a deliberate move by DeLay to help his benefactor.[SUP][7][/SUP]""

Another wonderful fallout from CITIZENS UNITED.

Thanks alot GOP and Karl Rove for screwing up our electoral process.




golden ticket member
Citizen: I don't want that stupid medical coverage!

Gov't: Then here's your $700 tax and if you don't pay it, it'll get bigger!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Citizen: I don't want that stupid medical coverage!

Gov't: Then here's your $700 tax and if you don't pay it, it'll get bigger!!

Ya, thats how it works...

YOU.... "tell me what to think"

FOX .... "health insurance is bad for you"

YOU.... "run to brown cafe and type that"




golden ticket member
Newsman: But, Mr. Lew, it's a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew : No it' not!

Newsman: The Supreme Court ruled that it's a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew : No it's not!

Newsman: Chief Jusice Roberts named it a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew: No it's not !


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Newsman: But, Mr. Lew, it's a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew : No it' not!

Newsman: The Supreme Court ruled that it's a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew : No it's not!

Newsman: Chief Jusice Roberts named it a tax.

White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew: No it's not !


Why dont you explaing for us all, the difference between a TAX a FINE and a PENALTY, the manner in which they could be collected, and then contrast that to ROMNEY CARE in mass.

Im going to bet you havent the first clue.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
An open letter to Mitt Romney
January 14, 2012
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, colloquially referred to as the “Mormon Church”, or sometimes just “the Church”. Although I am no longer active in the Church, many members of my family are, and I believe it is often a force for good in the world and I want it to be fairly represented by those who are well known to be “faithful” members of the Church in public life.
Mr. Romney, you are one of its most prominent members, and you profess to believe in its teachings. I met you when you were the Stake President in Boston, when you were responsible as a local spiritual leader for hundreds of the Church’s members. You interviewed many of my friends for spiritual worthiness before they could serve as missionaries for the Church.
I cannot reconcile your recent campaign rhetoric with the Church’s teachings on honesty and your own professed belief in the Church. “But he’s a politician; they’re all hypocrites and they all lie,” some might say. Even if that is true, it neither excuses your behavior nor absolves you of your responsibility to represent the Church well to people who do not know it or its members well.
Frankly, Mr. Romney, your lies are setting a bad example. Moreover, they have eroded the trust you earned as my Stake President and the governor of Massachusetts, and they endanger your campaign among moderates.
I urge you to reconsider and pray about your campaign decisions. Seek the Lord’s wisdom on the question of honesty. I suspect that even President Monson himself might find time to talk to you about this important, urgent question. It is not only your campaign that depends on it, but also how millions of people around the world will perceive Mormons. Your prominence now means that your behavior reflects on the Church, its culture, and its members.
I believe that we are a people for whom honesty, transparency, and integrity are more important than monetary or political gain. One of our articles of faith states, “I believe in being honest [and] true…”
Mr. Romney, you have a stark choice to make. You must either abandon your pretense of believing in the LDS Church’s teachings and continue to operate your campaign with the status quo of deceptive speech, or you must change your campaign and stop the lies. It is not only the American people who will judge you, but also, according to your professed beliefs, the almighty God.
I offer you my heartfelt counsel in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Romney Lies


