Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
You kill a person.......the coroner takes away the're blaming the coroner?

How about the Obami-wan who encorages abortion like he does food stamps?

On the one hand, it might raise questions about someone who claims a pro-life position but what needs to be considered is that Romney was pro-choice through the 1990's. In 1994' while running for US Senate, he was solidly pro choice, yet in 2002' Governor's race, he nuanced that position with the "while I personally oppose abortion, I defend the woman's right...."

In 2004' he went the distance and took a more solid Pro-life position that opposed abortion which also fit the social/religious conservative mantra on this issue. Now for me would be evidence that Romney held a knowingly business position in Stericycle after his public positional change was made in 2004'. Anything before that and he's got lots of wiggle room.

Now his position in Bain Capital may be a whole other matter indeed. And regardless, he's still an empty suit not unlike the one we have now running the show!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So Obama can evolve and no one else can.

Just admit moreluck, that he has FLIPPED on every issue known to politcal mankind. - Home

just listen to the clip and SEE and HEAR how many issues he has FLIPPED on.. listen to the conviction in his voice, listen to his rationale, then ask yourself, "is MITT worse than John Kerry "?

You cant win the white house switching sides on issues as many times as Romney has.

I feel for ya, you got a loser of a horse to root for in this race, but, money talks and B.S. walks.

You should have supported Santorum, at least hes consistent. He would still lose, but at least there arent a million clips of him doing the double talk.




Strength through joy
The term for the wind falling out of ones sails is called "in irons" .
Much like I wish for bhos and his administration come late January 2013.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Nah, he doesnt lose sleep, how can he, he's constantly drunk at crawford knowing he cant leave the country. He sleeps all day.


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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Nah, he doesnt lose sleep, how can he, he's constantly drunk at crawford knowing he cant leave the country. He sleeps all day.



July 7, 2012
Former President Bush and wife Laura visit Africa to promote initiative to fight cervical, breast cancer.

George W. Bush and Laura Bush wrapped up a week-long trip to Africa Friday, where they visited Zambia and Botswana promoting an initiative to fight cervical cancer and breast cancer in the countries.

As part of the charity initiative the Bushes helped open medical centers providing cancer screenings, visited sick children at an orphanage, and met with Peace Corps members, according to the George W. Bush Presidential Center.



Staff member

Former President George W. Bush (Credit: AP)

Every weekday at noon inside a North Dallas shopping mall, the 43rd president of the United States sits down at his usual table in the food court with two plates of magic fries, a jumbo Mello Yellow and a grande chimichanga with extra queso. “When he first started showin’ up at the mall, people would always come over and ask for his autograph or whatever,” said Daryl Vanderveen, a 19-year-old cashier at Sbarro Pizza. “But now that he’s here so much nobody even looks up from their lunch.”
Sources interviewed for this article said that Mr. Bush spends at least eight hours of each day at the Preston Hollow Shopping Center, a popular retail destination near his home in suburban Dallas. “Other than that chimichanga lunch he doesn’t really have a set routine,” said one source. “Sometimes he’ll hang around Lenscrafters trying on glasses or head over to Abercrombie & Fitch and watch the girls fold pants. Last week I saw him inside Pottery Barn sleeping in a leather recliner.”
But some mall employees are beginning to complain about the former president. “The other day I was taking a smoke break near the fountain and he just kept asking me stupid stuff like, ‘Guess how fast I could get a hot dog in the White House,’” said Amber Kaul, who works part-time at the T-Mobile kiosk. “So finally I’m like, ‘I dunno, ten minutes?’ And he’s all like ‘more like two minutes’ and then he snaps his fingers and gives me this cocky look like I’m supposed to care.” Donna Simpson, a barista at the mall Starbucks, said the former president is often a distraction from her work. “He sits down over there with a pencil and a piece of paper and supposedly starts working on his ‘Freedom Institute,’” said Ms. Simpson. “But after about five minutes he comes over, takes a seat at the counter and starts telling how there’s Milk Duds on Air Force One or how Dick Cheney has a glass eye. I’m like, ‘Dude, there’s about 50 people in line right now, go away!’”
Nestor Martinez, a 20-year-old mall security guard, confirmed that on at least two occasions he’s had to speak to the former president about his behavior. “We started getting complaints that he was hanging around the men’s room asking guys if they wanted to have their picture taken with him,” said Mr. Martinez. “When I told him to stop, he said, ‘Let’s go sort it out over a game of Donkey Kong.’ So after my shift we went over to the arcade and I beat him in a best of three. Then he got all pissy and said Donkey Kong sucks anyways.”
Two sources have confirmed that former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was recently enlisted by friends and former aides to speak to Mr. Bush about the situation. “She asked him point blank if it was true that he’d spent an entire afternoon doing nothing but riding up and down the escalators,” said the source. “The president got really defensive and refused to give Condi a straight answer.”
When the president left office nearly three years ago, it was announced that he would establish a “Freedom Institute” and work full-time toward promoting democracy and human rights throughout the world. But some close friends and former advisors admit privately that Mr. Bush has not made progress on either front. “He told me he was going to dedicate the rest of his life to confronting tyranny,” said one prominent GOP fundraiser. “I’m not sure how you do that by hanging around the mall challenging strangers to games of Ms. Pac-Man.”
In response to questions about the president’s schedule, a spokesman released the following statement. “The president continues to work towards advancing freedom around the world.”

More K.M. Breay.