Nice Job connecting the dots! Leave it to the uber nut jobs out there to call that analogy "STUPID" and think that the cancer ad is not STUPID as well. There is no credibility at all in obama's campaign. The deputy campaign manager tried to paint Romney as a felon and now she is saying she didn't know anything about this man & his wife. SHE IS A COMPLETE LIER. There is proof she did know! To have a shred of his credibility back, barry needs to fire her and denounce the ad.
The Office of POTUS has been severely tarnished due to this Chicago politician.
Whaa whaa whaa.... you guys are sounding like a bunch of little girls ( and that would be insulting to little girls ) You and the others keep saying the OBAMA CAMPAIGN ran the ad, when in fact it did not.
YOU and your friends Karl Rove and the Koch brothers wanted SUPERPACS and everything that came along with it. Well, you got your wish, here they are. No longer does a president have to put his signature of approval on the ads nor do the candidates. Early in the GOP primaries, you got a glimpse of what the superpacs were going to do and they HELPED ROMNEY squeak out the nomination.
The ad that just ran and is going to run in swing states is a superpac ad out of the control of the president or his campaign. KARL ROVES superpacs are also running untruthful ads and ROMNEY wont condemn those either.
The Superpacs will ruin out election process and the blame for that rest squarely on the shoulders of Karl Rove and his Koch Brother financiers. Under McCain Feingold, these types of ads would NEVER appear on television for one simple reason: The candidate would have had to APPROVE them on tape first.
Today, any superpac can say or show anything they want without approval, so dont look for the president to apologize anytime soon.
The ad is in no way UNTRUTHFUL. IS it right? Well, thats another story. But lets examine the ad.
First, you have to accept that ROMNEY LIED about the timeframe when he left BAIN capitol. Romney stated that he left in 1999 and had no control of BAIN, but SEC records CLEARLY show that he stayed in control of BAIN until late 2001 going into 2002 as CEO, President and MANAGER OF OPERATIONS.
The Romney campaign tried to make an excuse over the descrepancy by saying that ROMNEY "RETROACTIVELY" retired from BAIN in 2002 and that "RETROACTIVE" retirement was to take effect back in 1999. That claim is flat out RIDICULOUS.
Officially, ROMNEY was in charge of BAIN when the steel plant closed despite what FOX SPEWS TELLS YOU.
""", which disputed the truthfulness of the
Post report and accepted that Romney left the firm in 1999,
wrote that were that not the case, Romney "would be guilty of a federal felony by certifying on federal financial disclosure forms that he left active management of Bain Capital in February 1999."
The SEC filings listed in the
Globe article were first flagged
in a letter the Obama campaign sent to, which nevertheless concluded that Romney never returned to active management in the company after 1999, instead shifting his focus to the 2002 Winter Olympics. But in separate SEC filings from 2000 and 2001,
Romney listed his "principal occupation" as "Managing Director of Bain Capital, Inc.," and a 2003 state financial disclosure form said he owned 100 percent of the firm in 2002."""
Mitt Romney's Bain Capital Exit Date Called Into Question By Filings
So with this in mind, lets keep it real LIFER. The Romney Campaign can say what it wants, but the SEC has the proof that Romney was in charge of BAIN when jobs were outsourced and this particular steel plant was closed.
Secondly, the ad does not say ROMNEY caused the cancer, it only highlights how BAINS actions "CHANGED LIVES"... once they both lost their insurance, they were unable to get coverage because his wife had PRE EXISTING conditions and no insurance would cover her. There was no Affordable Health care coverage back then.
In the ad, the man clearly states that his wife may have known she was sick, but didnt tell him because she knew they couldnt afford it, and when she got seriously ill, they went to the hospital and she was diagnosed.
Now, what is represented is clear, he lost his job and his insurance, his wife got sick, they couldnt afford or get new coverage because of pre exisiting conditions and his wife died. Had the plant NOT CLOSED, he would have insurance that would have probably saved her life, and he would have income to help pay uncovered costs.
This is what the ad says.
The level of exaggerations that FOX SPEWS, RUSH LIMBAUGH, SEAN HANNITY and others are making are laughable at best. Especially Sean Hannity, who keeps claiming the OBAMA administration is accusing Romney of murder.
This is the level of ignorance that the GOP has to sell those gulible enough to listen to it.
You havent seen anything yet from the superpacs. Just wait, the GOP superpacs will be running horrible ads of their own and ROMNEY will not denounce those as well.
As they say, ""be careful what you wish for, you just might get it"", and with respect to Karl Roves superpacs, YOU GOT IT BABY!