Mitt Romney


Staff member
Do you think this plays into exactly what the Obama campaign has been painting Romney as? The uber-successful businessman and the governmental "yes-boy" lackey ready to give him everything he wants. I should write for the Obama campaign.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
In congress serving his SEVENTH term.......he has more experience that Obama he knows what a budget is.

He looks very healthy. I guess having government health care for your entire adult life helps some. I have a feeling that the more voters find out about Ryan, the less they will like him. I have to hand it to Willard, he went all in. Perhaps a reasonable Republican party will rise from the ashes of the wreck that is about to happen.

Here is an objective look at Ryan's position:
Paul Ryan on the Issues

At least Ryan is passionate about his beliefs:
Audio Surfaces of Paul Ryan's Effusive Love of Ayn Rand - Politics - The Atlantic Wire


Well-Known Member
I like the VP debates better as they tend to be a bit more 'gloves off' will fun to watch these guys go after each other.

This just turned into an Obama vs. Ryan campaign.


Well-Known Member
Obama's problem is that beyond letting some of the Bush tax cuts expire he really doesn't have a comprehensive plan, or at least he hasn't spelled it out yet. One of the side benefits to Romney picking Ryan is that it will hopefully force Obama to put an actual plan out there to compete with Ryan's.

I sincerely hope you are right. Obama does have a debt plan, but he knows it won't be popular so it won't be exposed unless he is re-elected. If Paul Ryan's pick as VP forces his real plan out into the light the people will see only Romney is the right choice in November.

Debt is a long term problem that still would essentially fix itself if all of the tax cuts were allowed to expire.

You failed basic mathematics in school didn't you? There is simply no truth to this whatsoever but yet here you are spouting this false narrative anyway. Over the next 10 years we have $11 trillion in projected deficits which is a number that even the Bush tax cuts expiring won't be a dent into.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A 15.9 Trillion dollar debt?

11 trillion BUSH

3.2 trillion BUSH tax cut extension in 2010

1.9 trillion Obama saving the nation.
_______________________________ do the math.

15 trillion, CMON texan, americans know how the money was spent, how did you miss the boat?




golden ticket member
Are you implying that Obama didn't extend the Bush tax cuts hmself. ??....he didn't have to... he chose to. He was president when extending them. He was the guy in charge. He's been busy dodging his entire term. Accountablity is not in his vocabulary, but 'blame' is..

He could've cut spending and quit putting $$$ blindly into everything like a kid at FAO Shwartz.