Mitt Romney

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


Strength through joy
Talk about being misinformed .
Four years ago Romney had nothing to do with Bain.
{ According to the latest sources Bain is supporting bhos , so the sign should really state fired by bhos. }


Well-Known Member
Normally I would say to ask TOS about it.
But TOS just can't seem to handle any thing true.

OK, you have anything else?

A link, to an article, or anything...

I'm still doubtful...convince me.

I find it hard to believe that Bain Capital would endorse Obama.

That math just doesn't compute.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
GEE, Romneys running mate PRAISED AYN RAND over the years and even forced his office staff to read her work, then he goes on the campaign trail and praises Ronald Reagan.... one problem with that.... AYN RAND HATED RONALD REAGAN.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney was interviewed by David Gregory (host of Meet the Press) over the weekend in Boston. DG kept trying to get MR to give specifics on his plan to replace Obamacare and to reduce the number of tax deductions available to the wealthy. MR insisted on responding with generalities. I don't think anyone wants or expects him to give every detail about his proposals but it would be nice to hear some of the specifics.


Well-Known Member
Mitt Romney was interviewed by David Gregory (host of Meet the Press) over the weekend in Boston. DG kept trying to get MR to give specifics on his plan to replace Obamacare and to reduce the number of tax deductions available to the wealthy. MR insisted on responding with generalities. I don't think anyone wants or expects him to give every detail about his proposals but it would be nice to hear some of the specifics.

Sort of like his take on his tax returns. Who says he is not consistent??

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Sort of like his take on his tax returns. Who says he is not consistent??

Unfortunately the campaign is a war. Why would anyone in their right mind want to give you information that you could twist and turn and lie about in commercials and speeches. I think it is great that Romney has a backbone and is not turning over any information to a extremely hostile media and left wing bias.

Give me a break!

I don't associate the Democratic Party with moderates anymore. It is run by extremists uber liberals. What a shame for moderate Democrats.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately the campaign is a war. Why would anyone in their right mind want to give you information that you could twist and turn and lie about in commercials and speeches. I think it is great that Romney has a backbone and is not turning over any information to a extremely hostile media and left wing bias.

Give me a break!

I don't associate the Democratic Party with moderates anymore. It is run by extremists uber liberals. What a shame for moderate Democrats.
Actually the dem party is a bunch of moderates. You make me laugh:"Extremists uber liberals"??Its lead by two uber moderates: Clinton and Obama.

But your repub party is NOT a party of extremists?? LOL!! Goldwater would be considered a liberal by today's teapartied repub party. If the repubs dont win this election, the demographics of this country will make the repub party a minority party for a long time. Maybe thats why they have been so extreme in their rhetoric about Obama and the dems. Think about it: they have spent hundreds of millions to convince the american people how horrible obama is and call him every name in the book and he is still about 50% popular. It actually says way more about how unpopular the repubs are and their stale old ideas. With the economy still slow and not a lot of jobs being created, YOUR PARTY CANNOT TAKE THIS GUY DOWN WITH HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN ADS BEING SPENT!! This doenst mean obama is so strong. It just revels how weak the repub brand has become these days!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Grover Norquist (and his 'no-taxes' pledge) any Republican incumbent who even tries to compromise on taxes will be railroaded right out office.

Kind of hard to be moderate in that environment.


Well-Known Member
Since he has released his 2010 and 2011 tax returns plus 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, and 2007 state financial disclosures soit would be more like Obama and his college transcripts.
What about his federal tax returns for 2002-2009?? The man is running on TAXES as his big issue. He has an obligation to come clean. We deserve to know how he has manipulated those pesky LOOPHOLES that he wants to get rid of. He should learn from Nixon: its the cover up!!
And how does romney's tax returns equate to obama's college grades?? Apples and oranges!!


Well-Known Member
What about his federal tax returns for 2002-2009?? The man is running on TAXES as his big issue. He has an obligation to come clean. We deserve to know how he has manipulated those pesky LOOPHOLES that he wants to get rid of. He should learn from Nixon: its the cover up!!
And how does romney's tax returns equate to obama's college grades?? Apples and oranges!!

Obama and his supporters claim how smart he is so using your same goofy logic shouldn't you also be demanding his college transcripts from years back. The truth is that you guys couldn't find anything wrong with Romney's tax returns so you are trying to fabricate some issue to keep attention off your flawed candidate. It really seems like you don't like him because he played the game better than you while he followed the rules. The two most interesting things in the two candidates tax returns were how generous Romney was with his money vs how stingy Obama was with his contrasted that with how wildly Obama spent our money.

Why the coverup? Where are Obama's college transcripts?