Mitt Romney


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I agree, he did inherit his father's money, but he gave it all left out that part!!

Obama is the already the one that's been overuling the constitution and walking around congr.

Harry Reid said Obama could talk in a fake accent when he go call him a racist.

I don't have time for all your nonsense!

That is not true. The only nonsense I see is coming from your constant repeating of lies.


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Romney and Ryan will immediately work on a tax overhaul and regulation reform to get the millions of American jobs and back to work.

Obama -elected four years ago with a terrible economy --chose to use all political strength and capital to push through Obamacare that a vast majority of American's disagree with.

No work or attention to tax reform and job creation.

Has a "Jobs Committee" that he has not met with since January.
As He stated --I am the President --but rather than showing us how he will create jobs --by working on HIS job --he does nothing but campaign, raise money and tell us how Romney is out of touch !!! ????:wink2:

How many times has Congress taken up his Jobs Bill? How much time have they spent uselessly voting to repeal the PPACA?


golden ticket member
That is not true. The only nonsense I see is coming from your constant repeating of lies.
Romney answered, "Well, he didn’t have as much as I think some people anticipated. And I did get a check from my dad when he passed away. I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad. But I turned and gave that away to charity. In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor. ... And that’s where his inheritance ended up."According to a short history of the George W. Romney Institute of Public Management at BYU, the family provided an endowment in 1998, within a few years of George Romney's death.

“I did get a check from my dad when he passed away,” Mr. Romney told Brian Lamb during the interview. “I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad.

“But I turned and gave that away to charity,” Mr. Romney said. “In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor, the George W. Romney School of Public Management.”
He continued: “And as an institute of public management, it helps young people learn about government and about serving in public service. And that’s where his inheritance ended up.”


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Romney answered, "Well, he didn’t have as much as I think some people anticipated. And I did get a check from my dad when he passed away. I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad. But I turned and gave that away to charity. In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor. ... And that’s where his inheritance ended up."According to a short history of the George W. Romney Institute of Public Management at BYU, the family provided an endowment in 1998, within a few years of George Romney's death.


“I did get a check from my dad when he passed away,” Mr. Romney told Brian Lamb during the interview. “I shouldn’t say a check, but I did inherit some funds from my dad.

“But I turned and gave that away to charity,” Mr. Romney said. “In this case I gave it to a school which Brigham Young University established in his honor, the George W. Romney School of Public Management.”
He continued: “And as an institute of public management, it helps young people learn about government and about serving in public service. And that’s where his inheritance ended up.”

Mitt's own words:
"What I got from my parents when they passed away I gave away to charity and to my kids." It's called generation skipping, and done for tax reasons. He was already wealthy when his parents passed away.
He certainly had gotten plenty of money from his parents before they passed away, as well. This has been confirmed by the struggling Anne Romney.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
All that time you did on that post... How many people who read it changed their minds about who they were going to vote for? [/INDENT]

Exactly the same number that moreluck convinced. Mine was a cut and paste, took all of 30 seconds, just like dear moreluck's.


golden ticket member
Mitt's own words:
"What I got from my parents when they passed away I gave away to charity and to my kids." It's called generation skipping, and done for tax reasons. He was already wealthy when his parents passed away.
He certainly had gotten plenty of money from his parents before they passed away, as well. This has been confirmed by the struggling Anne Romney.
Your jealousy is overwhelming!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Mitt's own words:
"What I got from my parents when they passed away I gave away to charity and to my kids." It's called generation skipping, and done for tax reasons. He was already wealthy when his parents passed away.
He certainly had gotten plenty of money from his parents before they passed away, as well. This has been confirmed by the struggling Anne Romney.

So how do you explain Jack Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy? Why aren't they demons for having inherited money. Money that was made illegally through irish whiskey bootlegging father Joe the bootlegger.

Your hypocrisy is typical of the uber liberal extreme left wing. Unless you are ready to denounce the Kennedys for their illegal fortune that was inherited. Are you ready to denounce them?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So how do you explain Jack Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy and Teddy Kennedy? Why aren't they demons for having inherited money. Money that was made illegally through irish whiskey bootlegging father Joe the bootlegger.

Your hypocrisy is typical of the uber liberal extreme left wing. Unless you are ready to denounce the Kennedys for their illegal fortune that was inherited. Are you ready to denounce them?

Name calling does not make you right, Rick. In fact it makes you look a bit silly. I didn't denounce anyone for their wealth, just pointed out a lack of verisimilitude.

All I would hope for is honesty from Romney, not careful parsing of words. It would be gratifying to hear him say that he is who is today because of the opportunities that were afforded to him through the hard work of his parents. He didn't do it on his own. He went to the best schools, led a privileged life, and never had to worry about money a day of his life.

His father was an honest man, Willard, not so much.

I have nothing against inherited money, I hope my children inherit some.


golden ticket member
Name calling does not make you right, Rick. In fact it makes you look a bit silly. I didn't denounce anyone for their wealth, just pointed out a lack of verisimilitude.

All I would hope for is honesty from Romney, not careful parsing of words. It would be gratifying to hear him say that he is who is today because of the opportunities that were afforded to him through the hard work of his parents. He didn't do it on his own. He went to the best schools, led a privileged life, and never had to worry about money a day of his life.

His father was an honest man, Willard, not so much.

I have nothing against inherited money, I hope my children inherit some.

When the kids have to pay 55% tax on inheritance....they might be able to have dinner at Olive Garden in your honor!!

So,if you call someone a "Kennedy" it's name calling?????


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
When the kids have to pay 55% tax on inheritance....they might be able to have dinner at Olive Garden in your honor!!

So,if you call someone a "Kennedy" it's name calling?????

uber liberal extreme left wing would be the name calling, sweetie. I should be so lucky as to be part of the Kennedy family.

As far as the 55%, if you have over a million dollars to leave to your child(ren) and don't make arrangements, to minimize that, you are a bigger fool than even I thought.

Honesty from a presidential candidate is all I hope for. I don't see that in Willard Romney.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Generation skipping as mentioned earlier has to actually skip the generation in the inheritance process. A father can't give money he inherited to his kids and not pay tax on it.

If you have money, the best way to insure no tax to your dependents is to take that money and pay for life insurance as a hedge on the tax or just outright. Life insurance is not taxed.


Well-Known Member
There are ways to protect your assets and ensure that your kids don't lose 55% to the govt. which do not involve gifting. I am talking about putting your assets in their name.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Generation skipping as mentioned earlier has to actually skip the generation in the inheritance process. A father can't give money he inherited to his kids and not pay tax on it.

If you have money, the best way to insure no tax to your dependents is to take that money and pay for life insurance as a hedge on the tax or just outright. Life insurance is not taxed.

Which is why Goerge's money skipped a generation. Of course, we'll never know for sure unless Willard releases his taxes, like his father did. "One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show, and what mattered in personal finance was how a man conducted himself over the long haul.” who said that?


Engorged Member
Which is why Goerge's money skipped a generation. Of course, we'll never know for sure unless Willard releases his taxes, like his father did. "One year could be a fluke, perhaps done for show, and what mattered in personal finance was how a man conducted himself over the long haul.” who said that?

Here's one for you. George (Romney) was apparently born in Mexico, where his father (Miles) fled to avoid persecution and/or prosecution for polygamy. I thought you had to be born in the USA to run for President, and George was running in 1968. And, sorry, but Hawaii is part of the US.


Strength through joy
I really enjoy someone comparing Mitt to Fat Boy Kennedy.
Killing & maiming women is the family's motto.
Why Joe K , SR had his own daughter given a labotomy to attempt to control her "free" spirit ways.


Strength through joy
Also one should recall how Ted K was able to have his mother's will probated in Florida , a state where his mother had not lived for 15 years.
Thus not having to pay the higher Massachusetts' taxes.