Mitt Romney

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It has everything to do with Romney because the campaign began when his primary run for President started. This is a deliberate strategy to "mainstream" Mormonism. The LDS Church is very wealthy, and they spend their money where they can best represent the church and it's ideals. They spent millions fighting gay marriage in CA, more millions on basically purchasing The Boy Scouts, and many millions more on "I'm a Mormon".

Your faith is your business, but the rest of us like to keep informed on what Big Religion is up to these days. That would also include the Catholic Church as well as some of the Bible Belt mega-churches.

OK - Now I get it! Demonize and show bigotry against religion to protect gay rights. At least it explains the bigotry! I just couldn't quite understand the demonization of the Mormon Church.

The folks in the mainstream don't go out looking for ways to demonize gay rights, so there would be no understanding that "Bible Belt mega churches" as well as the Catholic Church and Mormon Church would be associated with those who want to protect gay rights and feel it necessary to hate and demonize those churches. But now I get it!

Don't you realize that does not bode well for those who advocate gay rights? It is kind of like that CFO videoing the poor Chick-Filet server with his hate rant. The kool-aid he was drinking turned out to be a poison pill that got him fired and humiliated and made the young lady into a saint.

I used to support the cause until I saw a gay activist in California violently take a crucifix away from a 75 + year old lady throw it to the ground, stomp on it and then get up in her face.

Gay activists should be proud of that accomplishment (sarcasm).

Fortunately - there are a lot of folks in the LGBT community that have condemned this hate and bigotry that seem to be OK with you.


Engorged Member
????? What was the unemployment rate in Mass back then --8% + --I think not !!

Romney "created" less than 4,000 jobs in his 4 years on the job. Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in job growth during his term. The GOP strategy is to not bring-up his governorship, for obvious reasons. He did a lousy job.


Well-Known Member
Romney "created" less than 4,000 jobs in his 4 years on the job. Massachusetts ranked 47th out of 50 states in job growth during his term. The GOP strategy is to not bring-up his governorship, for obvious reasons. He did a lousy job.

If the campaign comes down to jobs I think the Romney campaign will be very comfortable.


Well-Known Member
Romney likes to say that he didn't raise taxes during his governorship of MA.

This is correct.

What is also correct is that he increased a bunch of 'fees':

"...Upon entering office, Romney faced an immediate budget shortfall for the current fiscal year and a projected $3 billion deficit for the following year. To close the deficits, he asked the state legislature for emergency powers to make "9C authority" cuts to the fiscal year 2003 budget. (Massachusetts' fiscal year Y runs from July 1 of year Y-1 to June 30 of Y.) Romney cut spending and restructured state government.[SUP][8][/SUP] Romney, in concert with the legislature, doubled fees for court filings, professional regulations, marriage licenses and firearm licenses, increased fees for many other state licenses and services as well as creating new fees. In all 33 new fees were created and 57 fees were increased, including some that had not been adjusted in over a decade. Some of these were service fees, such as charging businesses more to put up signs. Opponents said the reliance on fees imposed a hardship on those who could least afford them.[SUP][9][/SUP] The state of Massachusetts thereby raised $501 million in new income in Romneys' first year, more than any other state in the nation (New York was second with $367 million). Nine other states raised fees and fines by more than $100 million.[SUP][10][/SUP][SUP][11][/SUP] Romney also increased a state gasoline special fee, dedicated towards cleanup of contamination around underground fuel storage tanks. An increase in two cents per gallon, generated about $60 million per year in additional revenue.[SUP][3][/SUP] This made for a total effective state gasoline tax of 23.5 cents per gallon,[SUP][3][/SUP] compared with the national average of 28.6 cents per gallon.[SUP][12][/SUP] "

Have at it, and while you're at it, square this with his campaign platform about taxes.

Good Luck.

States' rights indeed.


Well-Known Member
IF you read the fact check sites, Mass. was 50th when he took office and 28th when he left. Over the 4 year term it was ranked 47th but going from 50th to 28th shows gains and a positive trend.


Engorged Member
IF you read the fact check sites, Mass. was 50th when he took office and 28th when he left. Over the 4 year term it was ranked 47th but going from 50th to 28th shows gains and a positive trend.

I don't think a net 4,000 job increase would indicate a strong positive trend. Per, he still ranked 47th for the overall length of his term, but was improving. Bottom line: A failed governor.
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Well-Known Member
I don't think a net 4,000 job increase would indicate a strong positive trend. Bottom line: A failed governor.

A 4 percent unemployment rate is what most economists would call full employment. Can't improve much on that. I call that a successful governor and can't wait till he is President!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
A 4 percent unemployment rate is what most economists would call full employment. Can't improve much on that. I call that a successful governor and can't wait till he is President!



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
A 4 percent unemployment rate is what most economists would call full employment. Can't improve much on that. I call that a successful governor and can't wait till he is President!
I'm sure you are full aware that economists are predicting a 4% drop in the unemployment over the next four years rate no matter who becomes President?

Where are the tax returns?


Engorged Member
A 4 percent unemployment rate is what most economists would call full employment. Can't improve much on that. I call that a successful governor and can't wait till he is President!

You're going to be waiting a long time. Perhaps he can be Supreme Leader of Kolob, but he'll never be the POTUS. Too flawed, too much baggage, and too many lies.


Well-Known Member
Really? When Bush left office, our economy was losing 800,000 jobs per month. Obama has created "no jobs"? You are full of it.

Obama will be the first President in modern history to have fewer total people working at the end of his term than at the beginning of his term. That says alot about who is full of what.