Mitt Romney


Well-Known Member
Let's see how the debates go.....that'll be the turnng point for somebody.

An ambassador gets killed and the President goes to Vegas to party. It's possible today was his Jimmy Carter moment although damage control has started. You can tell by reading some of the posts by the extreme leftists on here that they are worried by how they immediately went on the attack like caged rats.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
What I know is that Mitt Romney is an idiot. His responses to Egypt and Libya are icing on the cake. You are done in 2012. Game over.
You could be right only time will tell. But I think you are wrong. Yes that trip to Cairo Obama took did lots of good. His speeches didnt make the haters love us, did it? No one, nothing can make them like us. That is why we need to hunt them and kill us just like "he did with Osama"


Well-Known Member
You could be right only time will tell. But I think you are wrong. Yes that trip to Cairo Obama took did lots of good. His speeches didnt make the haters love us, did it? No one, nothing can make them like us. That is why we need to hunt them and kill us just like "he did with Osama"

On the obama speech in cairo, maybe those brave revolutionaries got inspired by his words of freedom and democracy??


Strength through joy
Romney proved what an absolute idiot he is with his moronic response to the Middle East attacks. Even Republicans who normally say nothing about Romney's gaffes were incredulous that he stuck his foot in his mouth...again. Here's a newsflash for you on the Right. Captain Magic Underpants is a candidate, not an actual political leader. Therefore, he needs to keep his mouth shut about sensitive foreign policy issues about which he knows very little. He has no connections with government agancies who actually know what happened.

Romney tried to capitalize on the tragic attack in Libya and it's made him more of a buffoon than he was already. If anything, "fair-minded centrists" will be running away from Romney like he's got rabies. God, what a freaking idiot you have for a candidate. I'm sorry for you.

May I remind you of a statement Biden made some 4 yrs ago , about how bhos would be tested within days of taking office , much like what is happening now.
Mitt was right in his response .
Our embassy is an extension of our country & bhos was really slow in his response , saying the same old stuff .
The problem which you fail to realize is that a leader who is bold is highly respected within the muslim world , unlike our current leader who does nothing & continues to be seen as a joke .
What were those attackers shouting , oh ya, WE ARE ALL Osama Bin Laden .


Well-Known Member
Yes the "empty chair" President went to Vegas to party.

Not quite, not going to party. LINK

"Obama, visibly weary and seeming to struggle to display the usual energy and sharpness of his campaign appearances, opened with a description of the “tough day that we’ve had today.” With a crowd of more than 8,000 at a Las Vegas convention center still screaming and cheering, Obama, wearing no jacket and his sleeves rolled up, held up his hands and paid tribute to the dead, who he said “were working to advance the interests and the values that we hold dear as Americans."

“It’s a reminder that the freedoms we enjoy, sometimes even the freedoms we take for granted, they’re only sustained because there are people like those who were killed who are willing to stand up for those freedoms, who were willing to fight for those freedoms, in some cases to lay down their lives for those freedoms,” the president said. “So tonight, let’s think of them and thank them...”

Is he campaigning? No Doubt.

Is he 'partying'? Doubtful.


Strength through joy
Yes this is his 10th trip to Vegas.
And giving speeches without his jacket and having his sleeves rolled up , is now his official outfit . He is trying to show himself as a middle class working stiff.


Well-Known Member
Yes this is his 10th trip to Vegas.
And giving speeches without his jacket and having his sleeves rolled up , is now his official outfit . He is trying to show himself as a middle class working stiff.
Yes, something romney could never pull off. But he is stiff though!!


Well-Known Member
Not quite, not going to party. LINK

"Obama, visibly weary and seeming to struggle to display the usual energy and sharpness of his campaign appearances, opened with a description of the “tough day that we’ve had today.” With a crowd of more than 8,000 at a Las Vegas convention center still screaming and cheering, Obama, wearing no jacket and his sleeves rolled up, held up his hands and paid tribute to the dead, who he said “were working to advance the interests and the values that we hold dear as Americans."

“It’s a reminder that the freedoms we enjoy, sometimes even the freedoms we take for granted, they’re only sustained because there are people like those who were killed who are willing to stand up for those freedoms, who were willing to fight for those freedoms, in some cases to lay down their lives for those freedoms,” the president said. “So tonight, let’s think of them and thank them...”

Is he campaigning? No Doubt.

Is he 'partying'? Doubtful.

You think wining and dining with wealthy people isn't partying? That's certainly one way to view it. He seems to be doing his best to prove Eastwood correct though.

I never claimed he didn't make a speech or two along the way. Link Seems he even had to clear his schedule today.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Romney party boat
Romney Party Yacht "Cracker Bay" Flies Cayman Islands Flag, page 1


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
It came out that BO misses 50% of his daily briefings. He has not been in one since Sept 5th. His convention all but declared that the war was over with the terrorists. Guess what, the extremist muslims just spit in America's face on 9/11/12. They declared war again on America by assassinating one of our most admired Ambassadors.

Where was the outrage from the occupier of the White House?

Thanks Governor Romney for standing up for fair-minded Americans and calling out the occupier of the White House. Candidate Obama stepped all over Bush's policies from 2007 on. He didn't care at all about the consequences.

Get off your hypocritical horse you uber liberals racist bigoted loons.

The uber-liberal left wing media like some of the loons here, are more outraged by Romney's comments than the actual murder/assassination of 4 Americans. How disgusting does it get....


Well-Known Member
To add to the above a real leader does not just "read" reports.
Briefings are held so that the leader can ask direct follow-up questions to keep all on their toes--just reading reports does not cut it.


Strength through joy
Correct me if I'm wrong .
But doesn't Mitt as a candidate for president receive the same daily briefings that bhos gets ?
So how can bhos claim that he is wrong about these incidents and is not properly informed ?
Maybe it's because Mitt actually listens to the experts while bhos only scolds them, but only when he actually goes to these meetings.
After all he continues to claim to be always the smartest person in any room , and that he alone knows more about any given subject than anyone else.