Telling you how bad the IBT sucks? Pointing it out yes, pointing out the corruption that can be tracked from now back past the day of your birth. The numbers don't lie. The offer for some free lurication still is on the table fredless. Why do we point it out? Some of us don't like getting "it" without dinner and a movie first. Every question has been answered on this site. Just invest a little of your time and review the facts. It's just stirred every so often by a different set of IBT operatives. Perhap BA's that aren't in the shops doing their JOB!
This one vs. the other debate continues. Bottom line is this, there are thousands of reform minded teamsters out there, that on a daily basis are tryiing to educate our fellow UPS'ers as to the numerous issues regarding the corrupt leadership within the Teamsters. Unifying them all,to bring about reform, has been an uphill battle, just as your organizing effort to decertify these same unionized workers will be. In fact, your job will be much harder. The mere fact that the APWA can only present a case of writing on paper, postings on a website, or an answered phone call, will be a hard sell. We have a contract that pays well, holidays, vacations, personals, sick days, overtime rates, seniority rights, etc. etc. But like you said, some people will suck anything up, and just want to be used. So you'll manage to get some to feed from your troft of "Paper Tiger" promises. So BRAVO to you! Just remember this, for those that you don't manage to decertify, will remain Teamsters, and while you'd have everyone believe that the UPS will willingly negotiate this perfect contract, with the APWA's perfect representatives,
it's highly unlikely. In fact, it may even come down to the APWA having to strike for all these demands. Now tell me my friend, will you expect those same Teamsters that you have nothing good to say, to honor your picket lines? There is much, much more to all of this than you, or your representaives care to discuss. So, if you were all truly of a unoinized mind, you would realize the importance of having the support of other unions and their members, including us Teamsters.