Mueller report


Well-Known Member
This is by far the worst defense commonly presented. It’s beyond stupid and borders on treason. We should defend our sovereignty, that’s not controversial, unless you hate America.
You're right, we SHOULD defend our sovereignty. Our immigration laws, our porous borders make a mockery out of our sovereignty.


Engorged Member
Most of his campaign inner circle charged with anything were tripped up with lying, process crimes. Nothing to do with Russian collusion. Just Mueller playing hardball in hopes he could get dirt on Trump. For someone as evil as you make Trump out to be apparently there's nothing there impeachable. Amazing how you rant about Trump but don't want to see Hillary brought to justice. Call Trump a crook all you want, she and Bill got filthy rich while she was in office. Now that's crooked.

Oh, so you've read the report. Do you and Mueller talk frequently? All supposition on your part. Here's a reality check for you...Hillary isn't President!! Nor is Bill. They are NON-FACTORS at this point. If you'd like to litigate the past, go ahead, but both of the Clintons are in the clear. But at this point, it's academic anyway.

Trump is actively harming our democracy, and not impeaching him has more to with politics than justice. Pelosi knows impeaching Trump would both inflame and solidify his base, and give FOX more red meat to bait it's gullible viewership.

I love how all of you still deflect to Hillary when anything is said about Trump, because that's all you've got...a straw woman bogeyman that is a convenient place to place Trump dirt.

Trump said all sorts of crazy crap this last week, all of which you just dismiss.


Well-Known Member
Oh, so you've read the report. Do you and Mueller talk frequently? All supposition on your part. Here's a reality check for you...Hillary isn't President!! Nor is Bill. They are NON-FACTORS at this point. If you'd like to litigate the past, go ahead, but both of the Clintons are in the clear. But at this point, it's academic anyway.

Trump is actively harming our democracy, and not impeaching him has more to with politics than justice. Pelosi knows impeaching Trump would both inflame and solidify his base, and give FOX more red meat to bait it's gullible viewership.

I love how all of you still deflect to Hillary when anything is said about Trump, because that's all you've got...a straw woman bogeyman that is a convenient place to place Trump dirt.

Trump said all sorts of crazy crap this last week, all of which you just dismiss.
I point out Hillary because it shows what hypocrites you are. She was caught red handed, was openly covered for, and yet you still voted for her! All you care about is your power. If you gave a damn about the country you would have never nominated her. And you're too partisan to ever admit it. I voted for someone else in the primary, but would vote for Trump again and again over the train wreck you guys nominated.


Well-Known Member
We should all wait for the results of the Mueller Report to be released before we talk about what's in it.

Anyone talking about what's in the Mueller Report (on either side) is talking smack.

You just don't know, do you?


nowhere special
We should all wait for the results of the Mueller Report to be released before we talk about what's in it.

Anyone talking about what's in the Mueller Report (on either side) is talking smack.

You just don't know, do you?

As well as all the people screaming for the report to be released .. which is already going to be released anyway.


Engorged Member
I point out Hillary because it shows what hypocrites you are. She was caught red handed, was openly covered for, and yet you still voted for her! All you care about is your power. If you gave a damn about the country you would have never nominated her. And you're too partisan to ever admit it. I voted for someone else in the primary, but would vote for Trump again and again over the train wreck you guys nominated.

Laughable, on all levels. It's interesting that Mitch McConnell, who is the real leader of your party, is all about the power for Republicans. From Garland to all of the judicial appointments, Mitch is sticking conservatives into every hole he can find. Please remind me what Hillary was caught "red-handed" for? The emails? Wow! That's pretty puny compared to Trump. Comey's announcement about the emails was a true gift to Trump, so how can you say she was covered for? If that was the case, Comey would have waited until after the election.

Trump is your man for sure, a strong Christian who lives life just as Jesus intended.